ulian Assange is free. But the truth is not.
The US needed to deal.
The extradition hearings in the UK were not necessarily going its way—at least there was doubt. It seemed that Assange might remain in Belmarsh while Biden’s numbers continued to plummet. The Democrats were of course afraid that Trump would make a firm promise to pardon Assange-- and they would look bad,
And what if Julian died? Belmarsh is not been good for his health.
So a plea deal that Assange could accept, since the charges were reduced to a single infringement of the ancient and hoary WWI era espionage act, which basically amounted to mishandling classified information— receiving and publishing confidential materials— something that half the government of the US does all the time.
Why were the New York Times and Washington Post not also charged-- since they also received and published these materials?
Because the government cannot indict itself. Nor its people.
Nor the informational institutions and organizations that it uses to manipulate the the world's perception of reality and what is happening . The Mainstream Media are extensions of the so-called "deep state"
This is an attack on truth. Which means an attack on truth tellers and the alternative media -- all those who dissent or seek to tell you what is really happening – which means releasing information the US government does not want to see disseminated.
I don't know how many times I heard media people, including those of the Tokyo press club, say, "Well Assange was not a real journalist".
I would usually reply :"Maybe not-- he tells the truth. You guys get paid to lie." And I would smile. And leave.
Journalists are still saying this stuff!
That was Tokyo of course. Where journalistic hacks go to die.
Back in Canada it is no better. You thought Canucks were better? LOL.
Julian Assange is a fraud who called himself a journalist and a whistle-blower while greatly hindering and inconveniencing the cause of journalism and making life much harder for actual whistle-blowers. He is a tool of dictators whose greatest offence, for which he has not been charged, was to help Russian president Vladimir Putin throw the 2016 U.S. election. Doug Saunders. Toronto Globe and Mail.
Saunders is an award winning Canadian “journalist”, apparently allergic to fact.
The plea bargain certifies that the Mainstream Media are free— just as they always have been. Free to lie.
Julian Assange now faces new challenges. He needs to get his health back. He needs to restore his family life. He knows if he goes back to work – doing what he did before— they will likely come after him-- again.
He's done his part . 14 years in some form of incarceration, the last five years in mostly solitary confinement and one of the world's most brutal prisons.
Now it's up to us to stand up for the truth, and to support truth tellers wherever they are.
Oh, and boycott the Globe and Mail.
Take a moment and say “thank you” in your heart to Julian Assange. He was first and best.
Ichi is for truth
I asked Ichi what he thought of the American and Canadian governments….specifically Biden and Trudeau …
Ichi has strong opinions. Although here this is a BIG Ichi yawn!
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"Maybe not-- he tells the truth. You guys get paid to lie." And I would smile. And leave.
Bravo! Such a beautiful response to those bootlicking, so-called "journalists." Kissing backsides of those in power does not make one a respectable journalist. Telling the truth and making sure the public is informed does. It's up to all us now to keep spreading the truth and shutting down the wars as Julian Assange taught us to. Power to the people!
You pointed something very important out. Julian was still extradited to a US court in the Pacific. He may not have been on US soil but he was within the Empire of the Hegemon. Even home in Australia he's within the Empire.
Yesterday's article was great too.
Great photo of Ishi.