To all those who commented on the last post—thank you so much!
I think you covered all the bases, as far as analytical forensics—that is, all the possibilities of interpretation, for this most interesting video encounter with Trump, which is both very “characteristic” of him – and also very uncharacteristic.
Almost everyone has remarked on the Trump’s lack of care for “facts” —not just in this case with regard to Russia and the Ukraine – but in general. That unconcern goes back to before the 2016 election, with his rants about Obama’s birth certificate and other popular buffoonery. Trump does not lie. Neither does he tell the truth.
Sometimes I think he is Japanese!
His recent debate with the empty-headed Kamala Harris also showcased his tendency to latch onto any emotive nonsense that would support his immediate needs.
So, whether it is Mexicans eating your Chihuahua (it’s the name, y’know) or the Russians losing a million KIA (his figure for the Ukrainians – 700,000— is likely correct), , details are irrelevant. The Russian economy in “tatters” dying for lack of Starbucks o the “facts” – despite moving from strength to strength. Who cares about minor contradictions!
Moron or Genius?
Accordingly, some just put the Donald down as a moron, who just believes his friends, not that he really has any.
Others think that no one could be that stupid-- that he has some kind of rational purpose – that he is saying this stuff for a reason.
From my point of view, both camps are right. He is a moron—sometimes, well, mostly. And, yes, he is rational also– keeping in mind that everyone has their own logic – and personal logic does not necessarily mean “right” or “effective” or “realistic” or any of those things.
In psychology, the percentage of communication that is actually verbal is hotly debated since 1967 studies indicating that only 7% is verbal. 21st Century psychologists who get paid for writing or talking don’t like that— so there are lots of new studies to keep their cashflow intact.
When you look at the studies, however, a lot of what we call “communication” depends on contexts, situations, and interpretation — and, of course, “communication” can be as easily used for deception as anything else. Hitler was a GREAT “communicator!”
It is a matter of position and perception.
Watch the video again.
Perception comes first
What do you see? Remember: “I see, therefore I think, therefore I am”?
In art, you must look at the whole picture. And to really understand a painting you must see how your eyes are guided-- keeping in mind that most painters don’t consciously determine the geometry of perception. Context is everything.
In art, the painter is trying to achieve emotional impact. It is usually hit and miss. But he instinctively creates a visual context which guides perception to ends, which he may not understand himself.
People seeking to persuade or otherwise influence others must do the same thing, guide your unconscious perceptions of them - mostly intuitively on their part . “Communication” has its own geometry.
Consider “context “ here the frame for the picture, and the background. In this case, Trump is not making a speech.
Trump the Conversationalist
Trump is not talking to the camera directly, as you can see— although I am sure he is aware of the cameras. Rather, he is responding unscripted off-camera to a reporter asking questions, while also trying to sign documents, talking ever so “normally”.
He answers conversationally —one to one – not directly one to many— or so it seems. Since he is also talking one-to-many – to the collective constituency—the crowd— behind the questioner. You don’t see those people — but they are there.
Did he plan this? I think not. He was unprepared. Tariffs on Russian goods— oh, the uranium that the US buys from Russia to keep it power plants running.
These comments are obviously not going to improve the Donald’s negotiating position with Putin who has pointedly avoided responding.
But Trump needed to reply to the questions — because the US and its new President have no bargaining power. . What kind of response could he make to look like he was in control. He is not very good at thinking on his feet.
The Washington Creed
What you got was a reiteration of the Official Narrative, which is to the US, what the Creed is to Christianity—something that is not thought-- but believed, I guess he was hoping the Russians weren’t listening,.
That brings us to motivation.
Trump, like you and I, wants to be liked, if not loved, above all things. But what is likeable about Trump other than money? What is special about Trump – other than wealth?
Perhaps, he is not really stupid- -just not smart. And too lazy to learn. Forest Trump?
That said, he always wants to play the “nice guy”, buddy-buddy with Great Men – or at least exceptional men, hoping I guess some of their aura will rub off and stick to him.
But for local audiences he has to show he has cojones — so he threatens sanctioning the Russians — – sorry not “sanctioning—tariffying.
In any case, while talking to the reporter, as if he was “one of the guys”, he was expressing this lack of a coherent plan. He promised to end the war in Ukraine – but, of course, according to Creed and Doctrine that must be on American terms – to American advantage – which therefore means Russian disadvantage.—which means a total loss
His ceasefire in Gaza is not really a ceasefire. And when it fails — the US fails too.
Terrifying or Tariffying
Tariffying the world, means boosting BRICS and accelerating US economic decline.
Trump has promised too many things as politicians do. Basically, “change you can believe in”. (And how did that go!?)
Peace in the Middle East—a ceasefire that will fail and has not stopped Israelis from slaughtering Palestinians in the West Bank, followed by the appointment of a Christian Zionist as ambassador. Peace in the Ukraine? As Mao said, political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, And the Russians have the gun. The Americans have one too — but no bullets.
The best Trump will be able to do is force Zelensky to support his, Trump’s peace “deal” which he know Putin will reject. Then, he lays the blame on Putin – and on Biden, and attempts economic attacks-- which so far have contributed more than anything else to the huge success of the Russian economy.
But he still wants to be loved.
Trump doesn’t have cognitive issues because of age - -he’s had them from birth.
Young Ichi
Chappy is coming along well. For the first time today, he purred. A very soft, quiet timid purr but a purr all the same. In some ways, he remindd me of Young Ichi .
Buy Ichi and Chappy coffee. And me, too! Click HERE (or on Ichi’s picture)
I really do not take in this 'verbosity' Julian.
Trump is a narcissitic personality.....we all know this. Amoral if this better suits everyone.
What he 'says and does' are 2 different things.
The MOST irrelevant man in the Universe......a man who loves revenge/a man-child who has never had to do anything for himself surrounded by bootlickers and acolytes. Have you ever seen Trump in a situation where he doesn't know what to do? Have you ever seen Trump being attacked. NO. This is kept off the Mainstream Media.
Please: Trump is just a catalyst for all the ills in the USA
USA is imploding and this "man-child' will finish you off.
BEWARE South America.
Yay Chappy🥰 The most interesting thing about Trump is when he speaks the truth. 99% of the time he lies but every now and again he touches reality.