Librarian living in Oceania. Progressing and Conserving, but not a freaking Centrist. Undoing a lifetime of Western lies about our alleged 'enemies' and 'allies'. Loather of Zionism and Nazism, big fan of multipolarity.
Deciduous ideologist, periodically shedding withered intellectual foliage. Neurotically curious. Artistically inclined. Searching for the light at the end of what seems like a tunnel.
Am I just looking at the wrong side?
Is it even a tunnel?
Can you handle the truth? I am an explorer of Truth. From a perspective of "Harm No One" that is all of the law that Jesus taught. More complications means more manipulation. I explain the themes of control so you see the patterns through my podcast and..
Learn what you're not told by Western media about the policies of the Global Majority led by Russia and China, plus occasional Reader Services items containing valuable reference materials usually consisting of primary documents and/or links to them.