It was never a particularly bright idea to target Russian radar systems for the simple reason that when the Russians are unable to identify anything up in ''their'' air space then that's also the moment when a nuclear response becomes far more likely.
Thanks for writing the article, have you considered buying a expresso machine?
I've got one that's based on the old Italian model with the swan neck - it can be used over a small fire.
Stocking up on the stuff is not a bad idea, my family lived in Nazi occupied Europe during the 2nd ww, items like food and coffee were hard to get during those dark days however the way things are looking right now the warmongers are trying hard to kickstart another WW which will lead to shortages.
Thanks Julian another great article. It is all getting a bit tedious though as the Western media without a clue, set up some ridiculous Russian targets then excoriate them for not achieving them.
The narrative is all that they have. If Vladimir Putin could walk on water, they would be yelling and screaming about his inability to swim.
To refer to an entity as the US is no longer relevant to reality - it no longer exists - except in name only. It is - as is Europe - simply an instrument of DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS)
What used to be called Western Civilization is now totally controlled and ruled by DSOS - as perfectly illustrated by our elected officials, government bureaucracies, corporations, institutions, etcetc - and that includes churchianity. Quite an accomplishment if I say so - but it couldn't have occurred without our cooperation and perhaps even encouragement - - stupid is as stupid does.
As a commenter recently said - "the next presidential election is 1-between the military industrial complex vs. the military industrial complex and 2- what's best for Israel vs. what's best for Israel
So take your pick!
In 70AD - God acted....after centuries of patience and mercy.
Overall after 2000 years, civilization advanced in fits and spurts....until we got comfortable......and that is ending as we speak. Ukraine, Gaza are literally the evidence of the coming demise of DSOS - the servants of Satan are devious, cunning and obviously evil - but they're also limited in their reach - which is becoming evident even to the uninitiated in world affairs
My only instruction is to the church - DO YOUR JOB!
I'm glad it was enjoyable. I had to totally rewrite this a couple of times-- with so many things changing so fast. And things that moved on today too with the attack on Crimea!
Julian trying to follow your information. Have a question, The US military must have some great strategists or have they been weeded out? Why all these strategic errors?
That's a very good question. I read papers on strategy by the military, published for the military, and not generally read by the general public. There are actually some very good papers -- but they seem to be by people no higher than the rank of Col! That seems to be the rank at which the wheat is separated from the chaff. The chaff goes on to promotion, as (Col.) John Boyd noted. Beyond that rank – it's all about promotion – and therefore self-promotion – which means politics-- which means bowing to the military-industrial complex!
Ichi has been a great comfort – especially recently. I don't have that many friends other than the ones I make on Substack. But for some reason recently a lot of the friends I do have have come down with cancer. So the last weekend I spent a lot of time trying to help -- not that I can do much other than show that I care. It's depressing. And of course the actions of my country are depressing too. But Ichi helps a lot-- as do the people on this site.
Morning Julian. Dealing with regular power failures here in Third World Kanadahar [sic].
Could only skim your article but well done as always, You cite good sources (friends even) like the Alexes Krainer and Mercouris, sometimes Christoforou. Good company to keep.
Yes, the similarities to the best of the Soviet Years are striking. But I think Putin has picked the game up a lot and is a nimble ninjah warrior whereas the Soviet Leaders tended to be engineers not Sobchak's Legal (and other kinds of) Eagle - the young, angry, yet disciplined and principled V V Putin.
The US is now resembles the octogenarian kleptocracy of the WORST years of the USSR with the WORST of the Bolshevik refuseniks, dissidents and fake jews who discovered their Judaism and invaded the West as Free Soviet Jews, at the wave-washed helm. God really did deliver Russia from the ever present Tyrant with that little scam of theirs. I wish they were never allowed back in and hopefully the way is at least not made easy for them, they are patholigcal shitheads and cosmic scheisters and always will be. Sorry if that offends but it is time to be more offensive, especially against this protected and exotic, invasive species.
So far no power failures in Tokyo – thank God! I I figured out how to retrieve the data from my main computer which field quite some time ago. That's good because I promised some of my coffee buyers that I would send them copies of the two books written after You Never Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll. They haven't been published. Not even proofread properly. But they are provocative. I think you are exactly correct about the octogenarian kleptocracy of the US. In Canada it is more like an adolescent kleptocracy with Justin Trudeau! Great comments here – thank you!
"Russia will continue with his current strategy, which means gradually demilitarizing the Ukraine and NATO simultaneously. "
This sounds like a wise and sane strategy. A demilitarized NATO in particular sounds like a worthy goal. So glad some world leaders understand that old adage of "war is not good for children and other living things."
By giving away its weaponry to Ukraine, NATO has nothing to spare for itself in the event of a real war. Nor does it have the will – watching the Russians kill Ukrainians 10 to 1 and destroyed their infrastructure . There but for the grace of God goes you – NATO!
Here's the deal, talk to any Russian. These people eat nails for breakfast and make the Germans look weak. For anyone whoever thought they would succumb to the war, has simply never met nor spoken to a Russian. From Day One I knew what a catastrophic mistake it was when Boris Johnson said NO DEAL. The other side of that coin is, I have always also believed this is a war of attrition to keep Russia confined from moving on to the Middle East. This is all about the race to the trade corridors - the US versus everyone else.
I don't think the war of attrition makes any difference to his Russia's activities in the Middle East. They are using no more than 10% of their military assets-- while leveraging the war to incentivize population and industry. The policy outside of Russia in advocating a multipolar world has been to remain neutral where possible in the Middle East, and try to act as an honest broker in setting up understandings between , say, old enemies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Houthis and Saudi Arabia.... Putin once all of these countries in BRICS and the SCO – cooperating at least at some level.
Fat, puffy, putrid, and evil, Boris Der Pfeffel (Johnson) [sic]. A crooked, vile man for all seasons. For someone like him the following words (or something like them) were written:
I wonder how I held my high opinions of countries like Norway that give us warmongers like Stoltenberg. I thought the US and UK were the warmongers of the west, but clearly "peaceful" Europe was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Mercouris keeps it real for those with the time and inclination to listen and heed his daily deep-dives into the war (which I do).
The periodic drops by the NYT such as admissions that the CIA has been planting itself on the Russian border for a decade; that the Russian military isn't on its last leg after all; and its most recent admission that there really was a March 2022 peace deal, would be commendable if they didn't have to cover the two cheeks of their backside by some twisting to fit the narrative. No better example than their choice of words for the Spring peace deal--it fizzled. Dear NYT editors, the word is sabotaged--not fizzled. So much blood on so many hands.
I pay a lot of attention to Alex M. Also Brian B. Alex M. As a lawyer's mind. Actually a litigators mind. Very few lawyers make good litigators. I should know since my family is full of litigators-- and characteristically they have an incisive grasp of complex events-- as Alex M does. He is and always right-- and he's careful to acknowledge that! The irony is that Europe is indeed peaceful. Europeans don't want war. The warmongers are elites, bought and paid for by the US. But that may be changing. Macron is on his way out. In Germany the political landscape is changing fast. Even in Poland, ordinary people are beginning to realize that the West is not their friend-- and that Russia is not their enemy.
Concerning Germany we will see whether the anti-US-stance of the AfD will prevail. It’s an internal debate. The closer they come to power the more they will oust people like Krah, who is indeed no NATO friend. The role of Alice Weidel will be decisive. She is the Queen. I don’t dare to make a prediction. Look at Meloni or LePen. Suckers of power given to them by the US. That’s why „Macronne“ (Alex Ch.) suddenly is promoting Marine. All this „Europe people don’t want war and there will be changes“ is hopeful wishing, I am afraid.
One election does not a tidal wave make, but like you, I do see some hope among the populace in Europe. Peace to the farmers who got things stirred up in the first place. The UK will toss out the Tories, but for what? Their own version of the uni-party war machine. The USA?! We remain, Bombs-R-Us.
I think of Scandinavia as the organic, black heart of Nazism. Denmark of all places. a monarchy even, may be the darkest pit of all. But then recall the words of Hamlet: "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark." Marcellus, the Play Hamlet by W. Shakespeare.
It's actually Europe's natural state, shunned only because Soviets had beaten it to a pulp and exposed its crimes both domestic and colonial. It extends far beyond mere Germany. Europe didn't veer off course or misjudge, its natural development inevitably ends there.
I always love the photos you post at the end of your posts.
I'm one of those who doesn't buy the "Big Russian O'ffensive". The Russians are doing fine as is. Why fix something that isn't broken? Time is on Russia's side. Acceleration where opportunities arise can't be ruled out. Neither can new fronts be ruled out. Flexibility is key.
Lovable but, They sleep too much.
It was never a particularly bright idea to target Russian radar systems for the simple reason that when the Russians are unable to identify anything up in ''their'' air space then that's also the moment when a nuclear response becomes far more likely.
Thanks for writing the article, have you considered buying a expresso machine?
I would love one!
I've got one that's based on the old Italian model with the swan neck - it can be used over a small fire.
Stocking up on the stuff is not a bad idea, my family lived in Nazi occupied Europe during the 2nd ww, items like food and coffee were hard to get during those dark days however the way things are looking right now the warmongers are trying hard to kickstart another WW which will lead to shortages.
Thanks Julian another great article. It is all getting a bit tedious though as the Western media without a clue, set up some ridiculous Russian targets then excoriate them for not achieving them.
The narrative is all that they have. If Vladimir Putin could walk on water, they would be yelling and screaming about his inability to swim.
"If Vladimir Putin could walk on water, they would be yelling and screaming about his inability to swim." Love that line. Can I steal it? :)
Feel free Julian. I paraphrased it from a former Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, who stated something similar about himself. He was right.
To refer to an entity as the US is no longer relevant to reality - it no longer exists - except in name only. It is - as is Europe - simply an instrument of DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS)
What used to be called Western Civilization is now totally controlled and ruled by DSOS - as perfectly illustrated by our elected officials, government bureaucracies, corporations, institutions, etcetc - and that includes churchianity. Quite an accomplishment if I say so - but it couldn't have occurred without our cooperation and perhaps even encouragement - - stupid is as stupid does.
As a commenter recently said - "the next presidential election is 1-between the military industrial complex vs. the military industrial complex and 2- what's best for Israel vs. what's best for Israel
So take your pick!
In 70AD - God acted....after centuries of patience and mercy.
Overall after 2000 years, civilization advanced in fits and spurts....until we got comfortable......and that is ending as we speak. Ukraine, Gaza are literally the evidence of the coming demise of DSOS - the servants of Satan are devious, cunning and obviously evil - but they're also limited in their reach - which is becoming evident even to the uninitiated in world affairs
My only instruction is to the church - DO YOUR JOB!
With all due respect to your greater knowledge of things religious, why does Satan need a synagogue when he has the White House?
Julian - this is NOT about religiosity - it's about reality.
In linear terms - Satan>DaSynagogue of Satan >White House/Congress etcetcetc including all institutions and most churches.
In terms of actual destruction as we speak:
Why are White nations being targeted for destruction? And by who?
“I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” - Rudyard Kipling
What say we broaden the perspective by asking questions?
Why is this happening? - sorry, but it's a long read with links and all. It took me only 15-20 years of reading to finally begin to get hang of it:)
Very enjoyable read, Julian. Thanks.
I'm glad it was enjoyable. I had to totally rewrite this a couple of times-- with so many things changing so fast. And things that moved on today too with the attack on Crimea!
Julian trying to follow your information. Have a question, The US military must have some great strategists or have they been weeded out? Why all these strategic errors?
That's a very good question. I read papers on strategy by the military, published for the military, and not generally read by the general public. There are actually some very good papers -- but they seem to be by people no higher than the rank of Col! That seems to be the rank at which the wheat is separated from the chaff. The chaff goes on to promotion, as (Col.) John Boyd noted. Beyond that rank – it's all about promotion – and therefore self-promotion – which means politics-- which means bowing to the military-industrial complex!
Self serving carousel then! But also in the end by repressing intelligent creative thinkers, they end up losing wars.
Great post, Julian! I have a tuxedo cat as well. Keep on punching!
How is it that a cat can be more human than most humans?
Lovable but, they sleep too much.
Ichi has been a great comfort – especially recently. I don't have that many friends other than the ones I make on Substack. But for some reason recently a lot of the friends I do have have come down with cancer. So the last weekend I spent a lot of time trying to help -- not that I can do much other than show that I care. It's depressing. And of course the actions of my country are depressing too. But Ichi helps a lot-- as do the people on this site.
Well you are very informative....and likeable
Morning Julian. Dealing with regular power failures here in Third World Kanadahar [sic].
Could only skim your article but well done as always, You cite good sources (friends even) like the Alexes Krainer and Mercouris, sometimes Christoforou. Good company to keep.
Yes, the similarities to the best of the Soviet Years are striking. But I think Putin has picked the game up a lot and is a nimble ninjah warrior whereas the Soviet Leaders tended to be engineers not Sobchak's Legal (and other kinds of) Eagle - the young, angry, yet disciplined and principled V V Putin.
The US is now resembles the octogenarian kleptocracy of the WORST years of the USSR with the WORST of the Bolshevik refuseniks, dissidents and fake jews who discovered their Judaism and invaded the West as Free Soviet Jews, at the wave-washed helm. God really did deliver Russia from the ever present Tyrant with that little scam of theirs. I wish they were never allowed back in and hopefully the way is at least not made easy for them, they are patholigcal shitheads and cosmic scheisters and always will be. Sorry if that offends but it is time to be more offensive, especially against this protected and exotic, invasive species.
Ta ta for now.
So far no power failures in Tokyo – thank God! I I figured out how to retrieve the data from my main computer which field quite some time ago. That's good because I promised some of my coffee buyers that I would send them copies of the two books written after You Never Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll. They haven't been published. Not even proofread properly. But they are provocative. I think you are exactly correct about the octogenarian kleptocracy of the US. In Canada it is more like an adolescent kleptocracy with Justin Trudeau! Great comments here – thank you!
"Russia will continue with his current strategy, which means gradually demilitarizing the Ukraine and NATO simultaneously. "
This sounds like a wise and sane strategy. A demilitarized NATO in particular sounds like a worthy goal. So glad some world leaders understand that old adage of "war is not good for children and other living things."
By giving away its weaponry to Ukraine, NATO has nothing to spare for itself in the event of a real war. Nor does it have the will – watching the Russians kill Ukrainians 10 to 1 and destroyed their infrastructure . There but for the grace of God goes you – NATO!
Here's the deal, talk to any Russian. These people eat nails for breakfast and make the Germans look weak. For anyone whoever thought they would succumb to the war, has simply never met nor spoken to a Russian. From Day One I knew what a catastrophic mistake it was when Boris Johnson said NO DEAL. The other side of that coin is, I have always also believed this is a war of attrition to keep Russia confined from moving on to the Middle East. This is all about the race to the trade corridors - the US versus everyone else.
I don't think the war of attrition makes any difference to his Russia's activities in the Middle East. They are using no more than 10% of their military assets-- while leveraging the war to incentivize population and industry. The policy outside of Russia in advocating a multipolar world has been to remain neutral where possible in the Middle East, and try to act as an honest broker in setting up understandings between , say, old enemies like Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Houthis and Saudi Arabia.... Putin once all of these countries in BRICS and the SCO – cooperating at least at some level.
Fat, puffy, putrid, and evil, Boris Der Pfeffel (Johnson) [sic]. A crooked, vile man for all seasons. For someone like him the following words (or something like them) were written:
"Here lies Boris [sic] Johnson [sic].
He shall not be missed.
Reflect one moment on this,
O Stranger ...and piss."
(Pissably written by George Gordon, Lord Byron)
Love it, Lord Kafka.
Great post, Julian.
I wonder how I held my high opinions of countries like Norway that give us warmongers like Stoltenberg. I thought the US and UK were the warmongers of the west, but clearly "peaceful" Europe was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Mercouris keeps it real for those with the time and inclination to listen and heed his daily deep-dives into the war (which I do).
The periodic drops by the NYT such as admissions that the CIA has been planting itself on the Russian border for a decade; that the Russian military isn't on its last leg after all; and its most recent admission that there really was a March 2022 peace deal, would be commendable if they didn't have to cover the two cheeks of their backside by some twisting to fit the narrative. No better example than their choice of words for the Spring peace deal--it fizzled. Dear NYT editors, the word is sabotaged--not fizzled. So much blood on so many hands.
I pay a lot of attention to Alex M. Also Brian B. Alex M. As a lawyer's mind. Actually a litigators mind. Very few lawyers make good litigators. I should know since my family is full of litigators-- and characteristically they have an incisive grasp of complex events-- as Alex M does. He is and always right-- and he's careful to acknowledge that! The irony is that Europe is indeed peaceful. Europeans don't want war. The warmongers are elites, bought and paid for by the US. But that may be changing. Macron is on his way out. In Germany the political landscape is changing fast. Even in Poland, ordinary people are beginning to realize that the West is not their friend-- and that Russia is not their enemy.
Concerning Germany we will see whether the anti-US-stance of the AfD will prevail. It’s an internal debate. The closer they come to power the more they will oust people like Krah, who is indeed no NATO friend. The role of Alice Weidel will be decisive. She is the Queen. I don’t dare to make a prediction. Look at Meloni or LePen. Suckers of power given to them by the US. That’s why „Macronne“ (Alex Ch.) suddenly is promoting Marine. All this „Europe people don’t want war and there will be changes“ is hopeful wishing, I am afraid.
One election does not a tidal wave make, but like you, I do see some hope among the populace in Europe. Peace to the farmers who got things stirred up in the first place. The UK will toss out the Tories, but for what? Their own version of the uni-party war machine. The USA?! We remain, Bombs-R-Us.
I think of Scandinavia as the organic, black heart of Nazism. Denmark of all places. a monarchy even, may be the darkest pit of all. But then recall the words of Hamlet: "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark." Marcellus, the Play Hamlet by W. Shakespeare.
Nazism I think is just one of a perverse political family – it has brothers and sisters and cousins all over the world.
It's actually Europe's natural state, shunned only because Soviets had beaten it to a pulp and exposed its crimes both domestic and colonial. It extends far beyond mere Germany. Europe didn't veer off course or misjudge, its natural development inevitably ends there.
I always love the photos you post at the end of your posts.
I'm one of those who doesn't buy the "Big Russian O'ffensive". The Russians are doing fine as is. Why fix something that isn't broken? Time is on Russia's side. Acceleration where opportunities arise can't be ruled out. Neither can new fronts be ruled out. Flexibility is key.
Compared to Ukrainian "offensives" standing still is a huge offensive.
It's a duck shoot. With the ducks swimming towards you, unable to fly.
What is it about people named "Alex" (or "Aleks"). Alex M. Alex C. And Aleks at BMA. I am changing my name to Alex. Maybe I will get smarter.
Gooood idea!! 😅