I have to disagree with one thing you have suggested here & in another recent posting. There is very strong evidence that SARS-COV2 was lab made. That gain of function mutations happen in nature in no way precludes deliberate, lab-induced gain of function. In fact, documents prove that Fauci was engaged in such research, that when Obama put a moratorium on it due to the risks involved, Fauci moved the research to China via Peter Daszack's org.

Scientific evidence such as the furin cleavage site & the hard to explain appearance of an HIV protein from monkeys in Africa into a bat virus found deep inside caves in China ; lab notes & emails describing the structural design of the yet-to-appear virus; an email to Fauci(from the foia emails) from researcher describing in detail how they added HIV to the "bioweapon," a patent for "Covid-19" dated from several years before the virus appeared (owned by either Rockefeller or Rothschild, I forget which) filed iirc in Sweden or maybe Switzerland. (I lost the link, but at the time I saw it posted, I followed it to the patent office"s database )

This link has a good summary of much that doesn't add up:


I was a board certified lab tech, graduated suma cum laude. I closely followed Drs. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Malone & others throughout this. Everything was lied about. The NIH paper you linked to was just another whitewash like the article signed by 41 scientists claiming it couldn't be a lab leak.

I personally believe it may not have been a leak, but an intentional release.

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Thanks Survivor for the great comment, if your supposition is to be believed cui bono? The economy was not reset the population was not reduced yes the bounce in the markets following the moderate fall was large and benefits to the few. Please elaborate your thoughts as it eludes me.

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1. Big Pharma, obviously.

2. We don't know how many young people were sterilized by the jabs.

3. Autoimmune disorders can take time, as in years, to show their effects

4. Same with pericarditis. Significant percent of young people now have "mild" pericarditis. There is no such thing. Their hearts are permanently damaged & future exposure to the "spikes" will add to the damage.

4. Read Edward Dowd for data on excess deaths, esp among the working age

5. Deep state now has hard data on who can be easily (mis) lead & who are "troublemakers"

6. From what I've read medicare expenses were significantly cut

This was their 1st, nit their only, shot. Then they moved on to genocidal war.

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Thanks for your detailed reply, do you think big pharma was responsible for the viruses release or gain of function or did they just take advantage of the presented situation and leaned on tptb to make windfall gains at the populaces expense?

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I just accidentally blew away a long reply.

Iirc, there is documentary evidence that DARPA funded R&D. Fauci & his cohorts profited, Gates/Moderna & Bourla/Pfizer profited & continue to profit with "treatments" for turbocancers & other "side effects" of the jabs. Johnson & Johnson were shut out when their jabs were blamed for causing clots (they all cause the fibrous clots, not just J&J).

This was planned in advance. The rollout matched exactly the "tabletop exercise" scenario held by Johns Hopkins just months before.

There have been one or more "tabletop exercises held at Hopkins since. The one I saw was for an enterovirus that targets children & emerges 1st in S America.


But as I posted above, they have turned to genocidal war, at least for now.


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Pretty obvious to most of us. Not a place to discuss this, but you might want to do some independent research. Perhaps starting with the drugmakers (the mRNA drugs have not been approved as vaccines). Most drug effects do not switch on and off like a light bulb. You have a long ways to go, but good luck.

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G'day J, where is the appropriate place for a discussion on the years 2019, 20, 21. and the unprecedented events that happened in those years. Especially when Julian mentioned allied things from that period.

Also "pretty obvious to most of us"(sick) seems elitist to me, maybe you have inside knowledge or are from an allied field of science. Not everyone knows what you know.

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Thanks J, yes that is a given that mRna was used and it was there almost just for this happening but are you saying that big pharma organised the pandemic to be able to use the mRna technology that they had sitting there unable to use?

The cui bono iafter the happening is obviously big pharma but is that the whole story then in your mind?

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You have enough terms there to start a search.

You can begin with “date first mRNA patent filings”.

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"Recently, indications are that this disease appeared first in Europe at least a year before it appeared in China. “Gain of function” is an aspect of natural mutation, even if can be bioengineered in some cases. My version of ASD, for example is natural “gain of function” affecting microRNA.

In any case, the Chinese dealt with the disease effectively with very few deaths —compared to the American case."

Serious, this is armature hour Faucci level propaganda.

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G'day Julian, why get involved in the s... slinging match with attempts at suggesting Trump was bullied by the moderator (Hahaha). No one could listen to Trump on a podium and come away more informed, I am always confused with his I did I didn't I will on many subject. Leaving one who did not know what he actually did terribly perplexed.

Please continue with your objective analysis that you regularly give us.

Thanks for your good coverage of things much appreciated.

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I did not say that Trump was "bullied". He wasn't. I DID say that ABC is not impartial -- and the moderators were biased. Debate moderators are supposed to be neutral. My point was that this was not a real "debate" - a discussion of issues -- but a media event. Of course, Trump is a moron. Whereas Harris is just a useful idiot. The COVID stuff is another matter, A HUGE can of worms with no scientific consensus. (No, Dr Mercola is not a scientist -- he sells food supplements.. Yes, Vitamin D is good for you, especially if you are older). My real point, as explained in detail in my Special Articles for coffee buyers is that a.) the US is not a democracy b.) it is a failed state. However, I think this debate article good have been better written. Not one of my best. Apologies. And please take your vitamins.

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Sorry i am so late...

I see a lot of "COVID / SARS2" reactions.

I did a lot of deep research in the first months of 2020.

I was looking for the most probable time and place of COVID-19 "Patient Zero"

That appeared to be (87.5% Probability) 1.000 deaths around Fort Detrick by "a summer-flu" July-September 2019, mainly in homes for elderly. It was followed up by many deaths of young people that they called Vaping disease... But that disappeared strangely in januari-februari because of the rise of COVID.

The first Case of COVID in Wuhan was dated December 2019. After a team of American Military (also from Fort Detrick) partook in October in Military Games.

For the theory whether SARS2 was man-made or natural and if man-made, where and how, i refer to Professor Jeffrey Sachs:

Jeffrey Sachs (by Tucker Carlson) on COVID Origin:


My research in begin 2020 (March-April) pointed exact in this direction.

A compact result:



PS. And Julian... I Forgot your birthday... so Congratulations !!

I always forget birthdays... always... Even my own.

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Thank you for this informative post . And also for the birthday wishes!

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Happy birthday, Julian!

The Fat Guy or Gal can sing or not. I'm only listening to the music of People, Planet and Peace. jillstein2024.com

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So should we all. Whoever gets to sing., I am not listening.

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happy prelated birthday!

many happy returns!

love that song!

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Yes, it 's all about ME! LOL. Sitting on a park bench....

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Malware...hmm it's more like the Globalists don't want you to write about them.

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Somebody doesn't'. The ISP said it was a "coordinate attack" -- whatever that means. Is that mean somebody reads my ramblings?

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Trump was so useless that he made useless Harris look better than she is.

That's the choice, Useless or Useless, and you better not complain about the useless vote you make ('cause that would be admitting you're useless too).

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I think that Mike has the last word.. Useless or Useless! As for COVID, I was an early supporter of Robert Malone. And I do not rule out bioengineering. I am just saying that we just don't know--and that the idea that the Chinese did it to stick it to the Americans is unlikely. It is far more likely to come from a US bio-lab leak. The US appears to have bio-labs all over the globe.

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Yes, an acquaintance told me that he had worked for some gov't agency (DARPA?) and that he had learned of dozens upon dozens of bio-labs all over the planet, including in Wuhan and several in Ukraine. Make of that what you will, but the US gov't has the capabilities and probably the motive to want to develop viruses to use as bio-weapons that could wipe out either its own people or others or both.

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Both Democrats (JHarris in the debate) and Republicans l(including Trump) want to blame the Chinese.. COVID is a +ssRNA virus, As is the HIV retrovirus. They both have zoonotic origins but both have mutated beyond that. Very complicated.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589004221002637. Bioweapons are truly frightening. US biolab research is said to aim at developing viruses that would target specific ethnic groups precisely. That could wipe out most of the human race given the nature of the human genome.

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