May 25·edited May 26

The United States of America is not really a country, nor a "constitutional republic." And it sure as hell isn't a democracy.

No, America is a religion--one that upholds the USA as a Shining City on a Hill uniquely chosen by God itself.

America is the Light Unto Nations. America is the New Jerusalem in the New World. America is the Beacon of Liberty.

This American ideology goes back to the Puritans, as suggested above.

And it is essentially a variation of Zionism--in red, white, and blue.

In fact, the writer David Gerlanter calls Americanism the "fourth great Western religion" and, moreover, that the American national religion/creed is a form of American Zionism.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion


This ideology, however, is ultimately what America uses to justify its wars of aggression, economic plunder, colonization, and other genocidal crimes.

Indeed, if you are God's Chosen Nation (or God's Chosen People), these crimes are not really crimes. They are morally justified because God has endowed you with divine dispensation to perpetrate them in His name.

Stripping Uncle Sam of His Protective Lies and Taboos


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How true! Great comment.

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May 26·edited May 26

US Congressperson Lauren Boebert recently said the quiet part out loud and asserted the explicit connection between Israel and America as "God's Chosen nations."

Starting at about 1:10 in the video below, she states, "There have been two Nations created to glorify God, Israel and the United States of America. I will bless both, I will honor both. I will do all I can to stand and defend them"


That is really an amazing statement of American (and Zionist) arrogance.

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Thank you Julian...

The Power of an Elite in an Empire is exercised by using tools. They can create OR Destroy an empire.

To keep those tools out of the hands of the Common people is the nightmare of all Imperial Elites since the time of the Egyptian Pharaoh's.

In the End-Of-Life of the current Anglo_Zionist Empire, the 2 main-tools are: Narratives/Media and Debt (or call it the Financial System or the "Petro-Dollar").

They replaced the "Religion and Gold" - tools in the previous versions of the Empire.

Both tools are under increasing stress however, by alternative tools.

But those that can make and use new tools ARE NEVER IN THE ELITE. They are the ENEMY.

Internet, connecting everybody on earth as if we are all in a small village makes it easy for an Empire to go al over the world, but the problem is that it can be used as a tool by the Slaves too.

You don't need to write a "Dass Kapital" Book, let it be printed in 25 languages and spend multiple lifetimes to let the contents travel around the world. When you have a good thought, it can be spread around the world within some hours. As Caitlin said: "This CANNOT NOT change our world." We are like a Huge Brain, the size of a planet and everyone is one neuron...

Debt... But the problem is that when the Debt is not any more in demand, it returns to the issuers, The Elite and then that appears to be without any value at all.

So all the Dollars that were printed and stand for delivery of goods and services to the Empire are going to return to the Elite (FED) in return of GOLD (or other precious metals). And in stead of Debt, the new Slaves are using modern encryption technology to secure the value of modern monetary tools.

So both the Tools that let the Anglo Zionist Empire become powerful, are now causing its slow, grinding, crumbling, collapse into the Abyss of no future. Both tools have become outdated and so the Elite, in Panic tries tu use the tools on each other to gain power that way, but they cannot escape... They cannot.

OK. Let us keep going.

There is a lot to do still...


Another Time, Tom Rapp 1967, Lyrics->https://www.occupyschagen.nl/Div/Another-Time.jpg

Video->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flxHqCDSgi4 (must see & hear...)

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Looks for like no one likes people who just take but don’t give.

Pointless to know a taker.

Some ideas live for thousands of years without any genetic code I call long thoughts . As in we are living but a rock isn’t so what is God ? Does it describe the living only?

Brain teasers for every generation .

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Very thoughtful. I've often thought that nobody in Washington DC has ever really "represented" me or anyone like me as part of the working class, because all they really represent are the values and culture of the elites. We're never going to be allowed in their exclusive club.

As the great George Carlin once said about politics in the USA: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

Neocolonialism/white settler colonialism doesn't do anybody any good in the long run. It's time for the "Zionist love children" and their well-bribed/lobbied helpers in Washington DC to wake up to this fact. The student encampments and ongoing anti-genocide protests are the alarm bells that won't stop.

(I was never that keen on my given names, either, which is why I've had a variety of pen names. )

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“They’re two cheeks on the same back side.” GO George Galloway.

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Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.

Ariel Sharon

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Thank you, I feel a sense of relief to see exploitation pinpointed as the motivation and the problem. I have thought so for many years but it's rare to see it identified like that. Also, thanks for the link to Crooke's writing - incredibly illuminating.

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"Trump, Biden-- and Obama all look different— but each believes Americans— and therefore Zionists are “chosen”-- exceptional, better, more deserving of all things."

And they sound a lot like Winston Churchill, don't they? Same unwise idea of their superiority and dismissively low opinion of non Europeans, which apparently includes Russians. Mental illness is also inherited.

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I had gone to school in the US on a football and track scholarship in 1970 and than in the 80's and 90's worked in New York and Boston for American companies. Everything Alistair Crooke has said about the country and most of its population is true. Very few Americans have the ability to really think who they really are.

As a teenager in the 70's I fell for the propaganda hook ,line and sinker. and had dreams of one day living there. which I did. .I felt like I was missing out. I wasn't good enough being a Canadian. It wasn't until the 90's when I realized it was all a clump of shit.

The incident that opened my eyes occurred one day at Ipswich . There was a big tech meeting as some Russian were offoring his services as the Soviet Union was collapsing . Samara wher he worked on the space program had lost it's funding.

He was desparate for money to feed his wife , children and family members. I watched as the Americans seduced him with glitter and trinkets as if he was from some backward nation.

He and I talked for a week about many things, He was a brilliant man , a bit desparate which I understood.

As we talked he realized i was no longer impressed by america and its citizens. One day he asked me why i was working here. I told him for 2 reasons the first being the exchange rate on the US $ was about 60% and the 2nd being they paid me offshore. Near the end of the week the president of the company was making a presentation on his supply chain tool. I'm not a techie but had to be there since I was running the marketing program.

At the end of the presentation the russian man was troubled by the equation on the blackboard . He stood up and filled 5 full blackboards with mathematical equations which disputed the validity of the tool. The room was filled with all these ivy league spoiled , privillaged and pampered whores(male and female) who all wrote down his equations as fast as they could in order to streal his knowledge.

As everyone left I stayed there and thought about what I had seen. It was then I knew that one day Russia would collapse the Anglo- Zionist empire. That day is currently unfolding.

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Total respect & admiration for Mr.Crooke who resides in Rome .

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You're on the money with that article. Fortunately, as Caitlin Johnstone wrote today more and more people are catching on to the lies of the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate. Better yet, resistance is building.

It doesn't matter who wins in November. Both FJB and FDT are owned by AIPAC. Congress is a tool of AIPAC. The Zionist inventers of usury bought America and Europe. They can afford it.

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"Successful" Americans are bullies. I say that as an American. I remember decades ago watching a talk program -- probably Oprah -- about a boy who was "different" & being bullied & his bully. Both mothers were there, along with a shrink. The entire program was dedicated to the shrink telling the bullied boy he needed to toughen up & get over it. His mother looked about to cry the entire time. I was about to cry the entire time. The boy looked humiliated & mortified. On national tv.

Not a single word the entire hour to the bully, about maybe changing his behavior or how would he feel to be the outcast.

Not one word to maybe finding out the bullied boys special interests & finding a summer camp or club dedicated to that, so he might find like-minded friends.

And you need to have a gang. If you stand up to a bully, they'll come back with a gang. Or maybe go after your dog or horse. I write from direct experience.

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In my experience the bullies all had gangs too. In my case it was because the bully couldn't take me alone. This was schoolyard and neighborhood crap because I was/am different.

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You are blaming the Puritans? How about the money-lenders?


It constantly amazes me how little commentators know about monetary history and its consequences.

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Yeah, usury, makes you want to convert to Islam, doesn't it?

Liberalism, 5th Wave Feminism, transgenderism and hedonism, makes you want to convert to Islam, doesn't it?

Oh! Wait! The Christian Orthodox Church is a good bet! There again is the issue of usury.

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On usury - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/12/christianity-vs-churchianity-study-in.html?m=0 - all we need to do is convert churchianity to Christianity.

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Unfortunately they've sold their souls to the darkest bidder.

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