Please stop emailing me as you censor info.

You are a useless woke soul

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Dear Julian, I am delighted to know that there are quite a number of free-thinking, independent and courageous humanists = intellectuals in the world. You stick out like lighthouses in the swamp officially and ironically called MSM. I am only a consumer of your honest texts and I do not know how to form such high-quality and inspired articles. Therefore, I want to share with you some of my thoughts on the origin of malignant phenomena that are apparently generated by someone. The concept of "forbidden fruit" and the psychological manipulation that has been carried out for decades as part of a grand strategy do not leave my head. Violence, Nazism or fascism, which are officially prohibited in civilized democratic countries, are actually prohibited just enough to be attractive. Psychopaths and sociopaths easily take that bait, as a rule, they paint WWII symbols on themselves and feel powerful and macho. They very easily become dogs of war, even if they are not paid. Truth and good intentions are despised and worshiped by human flaws, violent passions. The truth is boring, if you repeat it just once, they will say yes, OK, we know ... while the lie they adore, you can repeat endlessly. It is seductive, obscene, colorful. So, in some eras, the truth is as weak as an unprotected bird that fell out of the nest ... oooooh, I hope it's not and that it will come to the scene again through some dialectical cycle.. (I apologize for the comp. translation)

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