It sounds like Ichi would have benefitted from seeing the body of Jet? We always did that with our many pets over the years. Their little pet friends can then mourn and like humans, come to terms with their friends death. And I'm loving the news from you. Thank you.

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Re Ukrainian Refugee Map . . .

Are the commas to be read as full stops or does one ass 1,000 to those numbers please?

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Must be some real nice beach houses in Montenegro if the Ukr 'refugees' are flocking there in so great numbers, or maybe they give away more free stuff there than in other countries.

Sad to say, but i have seen actually even less real refugees among those Ukranian 'refugees' than among those African and middle-eastern young men who are trying to pose as refugees.

Most Ukr refugee posers seem to be loaded with cash and drive around in brand new Teslas and Bentleys, dressing in latest expensive fashionwear, high-end watches and jewelry and acting real snobby.

Meanwhile the legacy media is publishing sob stories about them at regular intervals, but people are getting more and more pissed towards those freeloaders when the common families are having money troubles and inflation is racing on.

Maybe it's the richest 1 % who escaped Ukraine on time, or the families of the elites, who knows, but maybe they should be sent back to Ukraine, since none of them seem to be actual refugees...

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Montenegro which is on ukraine's SouthWest border, tends to be where poorer ukie refugees end up as they simply cannot afford to travel much further. That said last summer it wasn't at all uncommon to see young ukie males shirtless wearing shorts & sandals proudly displaying their nazi tattoos. Patriotism is all very fine until it requires commitment apparently.

Even in england long a favoured destination for wealthy but crooked slavs as much as any other group there are also poorer refugees but it wasn't long before their 'hosts' began to notice a high rate of petty crime particularly fraud from among ukie 'refugees' much higher than any other refugee group, higher even than the englanders themselves.

For many englanders and euros alike the last straw was last year when the creep zelenski tried to threaten englander and euro citizens with terrorism from within these alleged refugees if their political masters didn't greatly increase 'donations' for this war and especially for the ukie oligarchs running it.

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I spoke to one “refugee” woman the other day. She is from Donetsk. In the US, her daughter and son-in-law bought $650k house here, her husband and oldest son’s family are back in Donetsk (“occupied” by Russia). Her grandson goes to a school for gifted children in “occupied” Donetsk, her son doesn’t want to leave and “seek refuge” because “he rooted there,” her daughter and son-in-law here drive Mercedes SUV. these people are scum, and there are hundreds of thousands of them. I am so disgusted.

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Jealousy rages within the court of the privileged hubris humanoid clinging to the 17th century with a vengence .

It’s silent about how many viewed the Tucker/ Putin interview . I’d say hundreds of millions . I’ve heard a billion mentioned?

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Much work remains to be done in Ukraine making it hard to convince people it's merely one aspect of the Big Picture Conflict that was expanded last October. One of the top Russian general staff members said in an article in Izvestia yesterday that NATO troops are actively involved in the conflict manning AD, MLRS and other sophisticated systems the raw Ukie cannon fodder can't work. I think it possible a special op will be executed to capture one or several such NATO crews and present them to the world and perhaps pose an ultimatum to the nation of those soldiers--something along the lines of Are you really ready for war with Russia? Will plausible deniability work it that case? What if the soldiers confess to not really being on "leave" but were actively assigned? I recall the video of a trooper atop an escaping M-113 with a US flag sewn onto his comm-helmet; was he an actual US NATO trooper or illegally wearing another nation's patch in wartime?

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The involvement of NATO personnel manning sophisticated equipment has been talked about for some time. Mostly NATO keeps these people away from combat zones where they would be captured. They operate technology that works at a distance. But every now and again the Russians capture an American or Canadian or British mercenary. These are not NATO troops unfortunately. Instead, the Russians blow them up with missile strikes – which is what ticked off the French so much. I think it is enough to target them remotely. But I also think the Russians should declare them "unlawful combatants" and start their own Gitmo in the Arctic. By the way, I started following you on Moon of Alabama a long time ago and learned a lot from you. Thank you.

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Thanks Julian and you're very welcome! My substack focus is aimed at providing more fundamental information and education, particularly about Russia, but also the Big Picture Conflict. Putin and Shoigu are acting quick to award those meriting them. The 14 minute video here is worth watching as all are assembled outside as a light snow is blown at an angle during the awards ceremony to Aerospace forces. http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/73513

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Excellent poetic summary of chaos and the madness that created it. The Evil Empire, after decades of lies and horror, has finally met its match: the indomitable Eastern nations of Russia, China and the Axis of Resistance.

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I don't think my writing is poetic. But the situation somehow is. All poetry is irony and metaphor. And isn't that the current state of the world?

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Nice description of what violent murdering losers look like. How long will the Europeans who never voted for the War stand by their politicians whom they trust???

What will happen to the MSM in its acts of criminal collusion with ceaseless lies. .

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Eric Zuesse if I recall correctly detailed the decline in support for the MSM, that's why there's so pissed off at Tucker Carlson—his interview ratings –make the MSM amputee media dwarves.

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Of course it gets worse with Orwellian calls for "Ministries of Truth", in Australia ACMA looks to be the agency to implement information control and vetting.

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Survey Found 90% of the Europeans Thinks Ukraine Can't Win the War.

(Hindustan Times)



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Will Russia take all of Ukraine?

My guess is no. The parts of Ukraine that will welcome Russian liberation will join in addition to the four oblasts that are now part of the Russian Federation. For Russia to occupy parts that see it as an oppressor would be costly.

Let Poland deal with the remains. I predict that it will become a major headache and political football in Warsaw.

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I've written about this before. Situation is complicated. One reason Putin is going so slow is to allow the Banderite regime to screw up so badly that it in effect de-programs the conditioning that it imposed on otherwise neutral Ukrainians over the last decade. When people realize they have been lied to, used, abused and more or less left for dead they look for alternatives. Most Ukrainians speak Russian . Many have relatives in Russia. Russia is prosperous and booming. Ukraine is a mess. Russia is a viable representative democracy which guarantees ethnic tolerance and protects the public interest. Banderite Ukraine is a neofascist dictatorship in which the rich exploit the poor. The Banderites are Galicians . Many have already fled to the west. If the Russians to Kiev the rest will flee to Lviv and the 4 oblasts in the west that the Kremlin has signaled it doesn't care about.

All Ukrainians have to do is look at Crimea and Mariupol to see the benefits of joining the Russian Federation. Europe by contrast is down the toilet.

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I agree with you. The thought I was trying to convey was that liberation is easier for armed forces than occupation. Look at the sad state of American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Occupation is tough on soldiers.

There are a multitude of reasons for the slow pace of the Russian advance -- none of them good for shrill Western leaders.

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Putin has indicated many times that Russia does not intend to occupy Ukraine as the Americans occupied Iraq. Right now, the Russians are liberating ethically Russian areas of the Ukraine. Their goal is not conquest – as was the case in Iraq. Unlike the Americans in Iraq, they are not bombings civilians . With a slow war, they can rely on the Banderite regime destroying itself. They are stated intention is to hold referenda so Ukrainians themselves can decide, province by province – whether they want to be part of Russia as a Federation, part of the Russian union like Belarus, or neutral independent nonaligned states -- with constitutions guaranteeing pluralistic democracy.

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At the Munich Security Conference dinner, the only thing missing were the croissants of Marie-Antoniette memory, but hopefully all the guests will find a Robespierre at the end of the road

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One can hope.

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'In this videos, it's captured Ukrainian soldiers tending to a wounded Russian!'

In general, it's so important that people, especially political leaders, take a moment and recognize the shared humanity between their own side and the other, and realize that they've got more in common with each other than they think.

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Quite right. And this is another reason why the Russians are taking this war slow using "active defense" rather than American shock and awe tactics. They have gone to great lengths to treat POWs humanely and to provide medical care and assistance.

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Jesus Effing CHrist. All about the dirty politics of Kiev and Kremlin, and the fucking dirty grind of Putin's war and UkroNaziLandia's sick mother fucking leaders and commanders and in so many cases, regular Joe and Janes.

But nothing about grieving mothers and brothers and sisters. Come on, at least give us a little graveyard update? No? This is all about some fucking old man Putin and some fucking Wailing Wall White House rat named ZioAzobNaziLensky.

Dead. Wounded. Emotionally immolated. One all sides, while we write about Minich, Wailing Wall White House rodents, and the stool samples throughout the land?



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