Sander got me researching -- again....

empire (n.)

mid-14c., "territory subject to an emperor's rule;" in general "realm, dominion;" late 14c. as "authority of an emperor, supreme power in governing; imperial power," in Middle English generally of the Roman Empire.

From Old French empire "rule, authority, kingdom, imperial rule" (11c.), from Latin imperium "a rule, a command; authority, control, power; supreme power, sole dominion; military authority; a dominion, realm," from imperare "to command," from assimilated form of in- "in" (from PIE root *en "in") + parare "to order, prepare" (from PIE root *pere- (1) "to produce, procure").

The "pire" part of "empire" (or "outpire"_ comes utlimately from "pere" -- to produce or

procure. Produce or procure WHAT? Resources. So I suppose that "empire" refers to a domain from which you can sequester resources. "Outpire would be a modernization. The US sequesters resources from domains not technically its own, as part of neoliberalism. "Outpire" therefore is control beyond your own borders.

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For some history of colonizers on the African continent: Shades of Suez https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com/p/shades-of-suez

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Thanks for this. Very good!

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Julian, great article.

Do you (or anyone else) have the back story on why Embraer cut off maintenance service to Wagner?

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Did they refuse to put the wings back on mid flight? :)

I hadn't heard that story. I'd appreciate a link. Thanks.

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A great piece again...

Africa is rising in the Geopolitical news.

While the Crumbling Empire is still thinking in Naval Cannons and Carriers to "surround" an enemy and use Proxies to fight (since the Imperial Legions cannot fight themselves any more), China is investing in land-based Infrastructures and even in the Arctic, where the US Navy cannot operate.

And Latin America is drifting away too.

So we see the Imperial versus the Outperial:



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"Outperial" - love it. Who made up that word?

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Thank You...

I am not sure, when i write, words pop up. I was making the two halves of the world-maps and was writing "Imperial" and then had to find a good word for the other half, it may be that i read that word before, but i don't remember where.

But being Autistic, "Out" is the sound-like opposite of "Im" (sounds the same as "In") and the literal meaning of (parts of) words/sounds are the first association that comes up.

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Let's call it your own word. Makes perfect sense to me. I began writing a full comment to you but I've now decided to post it later next week. I'd steal your image but the Zionism text would detract focus. But here's the words...

We are the "Outpire"

A quick word for loveable, truthseeking rebels

"Outperial" - a wonderful word that I met for the first time. I was on Julian MacFarlane's excellent substack https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/ when Occupy Schagen, a commentator, posted an image that included the word as an antonym of "imperial".

I love reading (and wear glasses to look I do), so why hadn't I come across it before. I googled and never found it. That made me happy. A simple word that's unofficial yet so damn good.

As imperial is to empire, so outperial must be to outpire (meaning the society most of us live in). "Outpire" only exists in the scan of an archaic dictionary as "to fuit or agree together, to compor or bandy together."


I appropriated that into meaning that all of us who are not part of the empire should unite, should outpire.

I then looked up the antonym of empire to see if anyone conversely agreed with my sentimental definition. They do but not in the way I had hoped. It was more fascinating.

The first result said that the opposite of empire is "anarchy, confusion, disintegration, disorder, insubordination, insurrection, lawlessness, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, revolution, riot, sedition, tumult"

Holyfuckingmoly. To not obey or conform to the slavery of an empire is to be Snake versus the dystopian USA in 'Escape from LA" (at least one of you must be glad that I never used a Star Wars analogy - ha ha).

Seriously, to every truthseeker on Substack, we live in the outpire. We are seditious to lies. We are the rebels. We are truth. Let's take back our world one fact at a time.

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We are not the outpire. We are the vampire.

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The empire is the vampire.

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I agree this a great word. Sander, you are an International Treasure.

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Some very good intel about Niger and Priggy that I have not seen elsewhere. The Niger conflict is of huge importance in world hegemony of the West. The plane crash occurred immediately following Wager leadership to Africa. Westerner forces afraid of Wagner retuning to fight and do business in the Sahel. France was a big player in taking down Libya and Gaddafi and depends on Niger’s uranium supplies. High on my list responsible for the plane crash.

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It will turn out for these African stooges like it has for the EU

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Four years without a maintenance contract from Embraer explains the crash well.

Your the only one to mention this crucial fact.

Planes don’t fly on air alone!

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Thanks for straightening that out.

WWIII is being fought with words, threats, and sanctions? God bless nuclear missiles!

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The US thinks "win-lose". The Chinese think "win-win". Nobody in their right mind thinks "lose-lose". In addition, the dominant cognitive mode in the US is ideological. In China it is pragmatic. IMO, the difference has to do with access to resources, which were always available to the US, through force or exploitation justified by ideological belief systems. In China, resources were less available, ethnic diversity greater, do access to resources had to be more pragmatic. Imbalance always resulted in destabilization and even revolution. IMO. You know more about this than I, I think.

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Julian, this is my favourite article of yours. Glad you've followed up on Niger. I've been feeling horrid about not doing so. Maybe you're the garlic for my guilt .

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Garlic? A vampire thing....LOL

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