It doesn't really matter if AI is truly intelligent or not.

What matters is whether it can do a huge amount of work for us. If that means it requires a few thousand geniuses to prompt it to do so then what is the difference?

Sure AI is not overturning Philosophy, But it is overturning Economics.

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AI is more correctly advanced digitization--which automates a lot of processes . Think of a middle manager who works with spreadsheets all day long crunching numbers, to come up with more numbers for predetermined estimates-- number of sales were given, projected sales, cross-referenced to various factors or influences such as demographics, expenditures, and so on. That middle manager no longer has a job because a computer program can do it faster and better.The problem of course lies in programming to provide useful information. Belousov advocates advanced automation and digitization. What the computer cannot do is make decisions creatively.

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Precisely - but what the computer CAN do is make 10 genius humans do the work of 1000 geniuses.

Pretty sure it can spot the geniuses too.

So in fact both the workload issues get fixed AND the shortage of creativity gets fixed.

Incidentally in my experience so far you need to be near genius to do effective prompt engineering in the first place.

And China is way ahead in both geniuses and identifying them.

So to amend what I said above, AI is an Economic and Demographic revolution, not a philosophical one.

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We will NOT create AI until we understand and fully explain consciousness. And our only current (scientific) tool for doing so is neuroscience. AND, that task it cannot do.

Why Neuroscience Will Never Explain Consciousness - Raymond Tallis


This is just a very brief exposure of Tallis' views. Read more of his essays at



as well as his several excellent books.

The upshot is that you don't need math to see the vacuity in even the term AI, just a little clear thinking. It is, in fact, the job of philosophy to point out where science is incoherent. Another great source for seeing through the illusions of reductionism and radical naturalism is "Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience". Here is an excerpt:


But the final question is: do cats like Putin?

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I have read Tallis. He is very interesting and raises important issues. As for cats and Putin. all indications are that Putin gets along very well with both dogs and cats! But then Putin is autistic too! LOL

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May 26Liked by Julian Macfarlane

England/Britain has been an occult predatory state since the 1590s. See the quotes from John Dee in my book.


The US, led by the descendants of Puritan dissenters in Massachusetts, broke away from the imperialistic monarchy that held power and still does.

But around 1900, Britain, now united with the richest of rich Jews, and in the words of Cecil Rhodes, "recovered America for the British Empire."

That is where we stand today. The final blow came when in 1940-41, the Council on Foreign Relations fully captured the Roosevelt administration with its determination that the US would now set out to achieve complete global military dominance.

They secured Palestine for the Jews in 1947-8. It was the southern anchor of the Mackinder line.

But what became "full-spectrum dominance" is now slipping away. The actual crash is coming.

Good luck everyone. But if we can't get food, what happens next? That is coming too.

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What a cute baby picture!

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You will notice that human infants and primate infants look very much alike. There is a reason

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