It is not about age, as you so rightly point out, but more about mental faculties. He could be 90 as long as he has good mental faculties. However, the case is that he does not and should step down.

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Biden is just another example of how a narcissist's self-centeredness will eventually implode. Age is in the mind more than in the body. He accepts the "old white men of the oligarchy" mentality and so he's now growing older and more selfish than ever. Lucky for us he's not going to make it to 100.

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Biden will be lucky to make it another couple of years – much less 100.

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Hey Julian, I’m 77 too, born 1946, of Greek mother Yorkshire father. Maybe that explains the affinity when I read your posts. Don’t have a cat! Or a dog! As in the Chinese curse, I have lived in interesting times. I was in Prague at Easter 1968 during Dubcheck’s, and Svoboda’s Spring of Prague. By chance was back there in August when Russian tanks crushed the open socialist dream. In September visited friends in Athens during the Colonel’s fascist coup d’etat, saw a friend arrested by plainclothes officers who broke her legs in the infamous Boubulinas Athenian prison.

It was 1968 revolution in the air, demonstrations protest marches in Florence, Rome and Bologna, bombs on trains and later Bologna Station ( there is still a clock inside the station stopped at time bomb went off) . We cried when Dr Allende was murdered in Chile and the ugly face of Pinochet was plastered over Italian newspapers. We celebrated Viet congs victories and Ho Chi Minh. ( recently spoke to Vietnamese people who hate the name and showed me reverse of the coin!)

On a trip to Moscow 1969 via Vienna Prague Warsaw caught the flu and pneumonia and ended up in hospital in Moscow. Have scar tissue on lungs but am tough leather! They flew me to Kyiv in a plane with wooden seats ( like old train seats) sitting next to woman with live chickens in basket to meet up with the group I travelled with.

Later in life Nov 1989 (Berlin wall collapse) I took an extended 3 month holiday to Cuba with my 3 yr old son. On the plane made friends with a girl who offered to rent me a room on beach at Guanabo. Was arrested for mixing with natives, but luckily my visa had been signed by chief of police who let me off with a warning. Had to go back to police headquarters to receive a lecture on how to behave. Had an Italian passport and said I was member of PCI, communist party, and spent the last month travelling from Havana to Las Tunas (sugarcane factories) and Santiago de Cuba. Cuba was fascinating, yet looking back there was a Spanish descent elite, and a poorer black population. Visited hydroponic plant growing the most delicious tomatoes. I suspect prostitution was rife in the tourist enclave. Although Medicare was free and advanced as was education. Cannot fault Castro on looking after Cubans. I twisted an ankle badly was bandaged xrayed and given treatment to reduce swelling. Listened to Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but my little one did not allow for evenings out. I recorded Radio Rebelle also got a brief glimpse of voodoo practice but from afar. Lived those 3 months as intensely as poss.

As a guide in Florence, only one with Greek, I accompanied army officials around Florence. Felt what raw absolute power was sitting with the NATO chief of staff and wife in car with motorbikes in front and back cutting through rush hour Florence like a knife through butter. Phew!

Yes an interesting life.

Apologies for private rant and I agree with post that says that treatment meted to Biden is Elder abuse! Can also see that Democrats have little choice at this stage…

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Thank you so much for this and sorry it took me so long to reply. It is fascinating reading. Not a rant at all. You should be very very proud of your life. But at 77 you still have another 30 years to go.

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Nice thought. Have to find new motivation to keep going. Ageism is a curse in our world

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At this point, Biden's intransigence looks so incredible I don't see how anyone can put forth the notion that he gives a tinker's damn about the country. It is all about him. Shame on him and on his family and those that persist in this train wreck. There is a constitutional way forward that should happen now. If he won’t resign, the Cabinet needs to invoke the 25th Amendment.

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American politicians don't become politicians because they care about the country-- or other people-- or making things better. It's a job. A well-paying job.

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Biden's entire political career has always been about him ... with some flow on effects to his spawn ...

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Delicious writing!

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Maybe if you add a little soysauce.

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Great work, thank you!

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in my opinion, everyone in the government in the west has dementia, their hatred has become automated and therefore has no boundaries ...

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Either dementia or just demented.

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