Like the perspective and the angle with which ideas are presented. I thought I was well informed, but glad to learn more and more.

Thank you. Will buy you coffee in the morning, breakfast time. Now too late, going to sleep.

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Very informative! I'm really looking forward to the end of this conflict.

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Insight and PERSPECTIVE!

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Nice summary about the depth of the Elite Proxy War against Russia in its preparations to destroy it so as to possess its physicality.

People have meant nothing including its own citizens.

It’s why they bomb hospitals, schools.

Exterminate anyone unlike themselves.

Wow what a difference in understanding which side of humanity one wants to be on!

The Russians understand the richness in the benefits humanity offers civilization as the possibility of a “New World “ did for those fleeing this old order..

The elite structure turned however the new world into the old one without a second thought about any lessons learned over the last 500 years.

Thus elite structure is now suffering the existential moment called extinction through its stupidities.

Terrific lessons are learned by all.

I think the Russians will stay focused on the West elites .

Goodbye Old World again !

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Whether Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq were peer level military opponents or not, the U.S. flat out lost in Vietnam, but hey, so too France and China, Korea was a strategic loss and Iraq was an unmitigated disaster. And don't forget Afghanistan!

What the U.S. excels at are airborne terror attacks on defenseless populations, or head on battle against forces trained and equipped by our military with inferior weapons on terrain favorable to our hardware with total air supremacy.

It is time for the U.S. to have a reckoning about the supposed glory days of WWII. We have not come to terms with the heavy lifting provided by the Soviet Union in both theaters of battle.

And it cannot be said enough: the memories of full on war taking place where you live provide a realistic perspective on the use of military force. The U.S. lacks that experience, so far ...

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The video at the end of the article, showing Russian and Ukrainian soldiers shaking hands, is very powerful and sends a strong message of hope and peace!

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