A few hundred years ago, Sir Philip Sidney wrote a remarkable essay on art – principally drama – if I recall correctly. His point was that art must entertain – must tell a story – but must also teach, which is to say it must be based in the truth. Modern propaganda and PR teaches of course. But if it is based on lies, it is full of plotholes and the truth will eventually emerge although that might take decades. Who now defends the Vietnam War? Who now defends the response to 9/11? Who now defends George Bush? You get the idea.

But the truth tellers at the time of the Vietnam War, 9/11, and Bush's early presidency were often pilloried.

Julian Assange will later be seen as a martyr. As Saint if not Messiah -- although he is neither – just an honest man.

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I find people respond to honesty very well As in humour one doesn’t have to understand why one laughs. This communication defies the rational odds of any explanation.

One doesn’t have to know why it’s funny at all!

Glad to hear you persevered with honesty.

To tell the truth without offending is a difficult skill to practice.

Propaganda has cleverly replaced fiction but is without the mystery of a good tale.

Therein is its weakness I think.

It’s Bland. Dull, Tiresome after awhile for keeping life simple.

How long can one live with a thrill a minute?

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Nice to be free eh!

Being wary isn’t so bad however, it’s survival.

I’ve always chosen work where I kept my thinking free of any dictate.

As in a pulp mill where I could read books by paying strict attention to the work. I kept ahead of any trouble first which was a fun thing.

One has to look after one’s mind / heart with honesty to be healthy.

Too confusing otherwise.

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I have always worked independently, taking advantage of my position in Japan is an outsider. Most of my work is PR a.k.a. propaganda but also includes articles, videos, TV commercials, documentary films, feature films, books, magazines, marketing strategy. Etc. etc.. I am told that I'm too honest! But I do feel that in most things honesty is the best policy – if only because if you lie, you eventually get caught in the tangled web. And to maintain allies is a lot of work, demeaning, and stupid.

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FJB and FJT are in office because of stupid voters. The electorate is split down the middle. As treasuries are empty and deficits build, so will discontent. There will be bloody civil war or revolution.

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I think you are right.

A country is like an old car.Never change the oil or do basic maintenance. One day, the brakes will give out you hit a wall

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Hamas, Lions' Den, etc did not all "pop up overnight". The reason they exist is simple:

Israel has pursued Ethnic Cleansing for decades courtesy of its founding as a European Settler Colony in the Holy Land. And as such, "diplomacy" was never anything more than a "delay tactic" such that the 'job can be finished' a la the remaining Palestinians murdered, 'assimilated', etc.

The Palestinians (to their credit) have realized that there is no 'negotiating' with Zionist Scum who devour them like Demons in aforementioned manner. As such, they have taken up arms. This conflict will only have a military outcome and a military ending. Sadly, this means millions murdered.

However, this is to be expected: Settler Colonialism (such as the British in India or the French in the Sahel ) always yield Bloody, Gory, Vile outcomes. There will never be a "Never Again". This is because unless you have Settler Colonialism *physically removed* worldwide, it will keep popping back up like a cancerous tumour. These words may be harsh to hear; but this is the Truth!

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I agree with you. These are not "harsh" words. Just facts. Israel is a colonial state largely populated by immigrants from Europe, who genetically may or may not be Semitic to the same extent as the original inhabitants of Palestine.. In any case , imagine if enough Muslim immigrants go to, say, Denmark, and decide to create an Arab only state! Forcing the Danes to leave .killing those who try to remain .

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Correct. Ultimately; this concept of "let everyone in" does not work. Especially in parts of the world which follow the nation state model ardently. Unfortunately; most of the European states have sub-replacement fertility rates and have no choice but to keep on "importing citizenry"; something that will crash & burn (it already has anyhow).

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Wow.. this says it all. Thank you, Julian, for this very thorough and extremely informative piece. Share this with EVERYONE you know--and even those you don't know! (The life you save may be your own. Or your neighbor's.) #NoWarKnowPeace

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#NoWarKnowPeace. Love that hashtag. (The life you save may be your own. Or your neighbor's.) I am hoping that people will post the URL on various sites online.

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One of my biggest frustrations is trying to 'splain to churchians the reality facing all of us in our life - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/no-it-is-not-coincidence.html?m=0 - everybody's experience is their own lifetime, history be damned, thus we never learn it.

If you really want to dig into this subject, you can research FATHER OF LIES in the search window and read for hours, if not days - at my library.

Of course, you might not accept it, because it doesn’t fit your reality. Dat's dafreaking problem!

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Thanks for this, Crush. I checked out your article.Interesting

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Assange pointed out that all journalists are war criminals.

Personally, I don't want to fault the 300+ million - not entirely. There are those who are more and those who are less responsible. Others are deliberately manipulating the 300+. The 300+ are at fault to the degree they lack self knowledge and awareness. It's a tall order to repair that. It is, however, doable. Some cultures do better, much better.

There is also my question of whether there is a biological need for the psychopaths, narcissists and parasites. Perhaps in certain times they come in useful to the species?\, even if at others they seem to destroy it.

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"The Oracle" used to be my nickname. And I wrote about 200 articles here https://asianintelligencereview.blogspot.com/ back when I was working as a media hack I needed to vent. If you read my book ( which is free for Kindle people on Amazon, by the way or $0.99), you will say that I subscribe to a theory of human nature In which there is no need for psychopaths, narcissists or parasites .https://www.amazon.com/Ageing-Young-Youre-Never-Rock-ebook/dp/B08T9G1YB4/ref=sr_1_2?The "need" you mentioned only appeared in the late Neolithic when climate change forced human beings human beings into sedentist, population dense, hierarchical societies –so-called "dominance" societies. Previously, it seems that most Paleo societies were "reverse dominance" societies which had no place for psychopaths or narcissists, who are culled . Interbreeding with other Homo species such as the Neanderthals and Denisovans and others did not help, since it is likely that they were more predisposed to violence.keywords=ageing+young&qid=1636884520&sr=8-2 .

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Nice to see the “visible “ aspect of the underlying truth come out.

Good approach Julian

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I used to be a media whore. So naturally I studied Bernays. I always had an assistant who would kick me under the table when I was getting to honest. Honestly lost me a lot of clients.

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I've been saying and writing my nation is Nazi and the world's foremost terrorist state. You're right about the 3 million and it's because my nation is the most propagandized of all. Our government/media manufactures consent.

I tried to buy you some coffee because I can't afford to subscribe. My card was declined.

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I got the coffee. Thank you. And I already wrote you a babbley note .. Privately as I do for all those who by coffees. Glad you liked the article. Canada's Parliament and Justin Trudeau are also supporting the bloodshed. How sad.

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If you like SF and are open to a new perspective on Gaza, try Frank Herbert's "The Dosadi Experiment". It's about an entire planet that is "kidnapped", closed off hermetically from outside contact, and run as a dictatorship with very limited resources. For a scenario very similar to George Orwell's "1984", it postulates a very different outcome indeed. The people, very quickly sharpened by natural selection, become very clever, incredibly tricky, and almost invincible. Soon it becomes not only desirable but vital to stop them spilling out into the wider galactic community and taking it over.

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Sounds like the Brits.

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Solid and successfully provocative post. The masses can't use stupidity to escape being little hitlers. It's not the handful that destroy society, it's the billions that let them. And they're doubly guilty when they treat outliers like us as if we've done something wrong by telling the truth.

Once lived with a relative who had a part wolf, part German shepherd, part something else. The family of four were scared of him which left just me, and a mate who occasionally visited. I'm 6-foot, and that dog was my height with a bigger face when he put his paws on me. I was scared too, so I tried something I'd read. When he felt dangerous, I punched him in the jaw. He was too strong for me to hurt, but I got his respect. I never completely got clear of the feeling of danger, but for the most part that dog and I were friends. I was what he had. He was what I had.

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In my experience, with dogs, wolves, and hybrids, wolves are shy ; dogs usually not. Hybrids can go either way – at different times of course . Dogs in general are very sensitive to human feelings – especially fear or nervousness . If you are nervous around them , they get nervous too. In the case of a hybrid that can provoke defensiveness and even aggression . Your punching him just show him you weren't afraid – and no doubt put him at ease . As in "okay, you're one of us". The usual stereotype of wolves in "packs", determined by dominance and power is correct only in the case of wolves put together from different groups. In nature, Wolf "packs" are actually families comprised of mommy and daddy Wolf and their kids. The omega is sometimes the biggest but the most juvenile and harassed , causing him to leave, . Find a mate and start a new pack. A good example of this is the Wolf Romeo in Alaska whose juvenility caused him to seek out playmates among dogs in the local community.

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Interesting that you should be put in mind of dogs and wolves. Humans are apes that evolved to live in small troops, rather like wolf packs. After perhaps 2 million years ago, it seems our ancestors were also mainly carnivores. So the analogy is quite a close one.

A propos the masses and their guilt, I think that - as with wolves - a few are dominant and the rest are submissive. (Although I regard myself as a gamma male - one who neither dominates nor wishes to be dominated. Civilised, in other words). In a small group, the dominant ones fight it out and the winner is boss. The loser(s) may remain and submit, be expelled, or die.

In a nation of many millions, those rules hardly work. But the submissiveness is still there, stronger than ever. I think the way that clever, well-educated, "successful" people end up echoing government propaganda is simply that they are submissive, and feel safer doing what they are told. Other, somewhat dominant people - like Julian Assange - rebel and fight the system. Gammas like me look on somewhat contemptuously, and sometimes try to cast a little light on the murky waters.

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https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2022/january/human-ancestor-homo-erectus-probably-wasnt-carnivore-we-thought.html Ancient human beings were probably omnivores like chimpanzees. It is hard to speculate about the social structure. Chimpanzees do have a pack structure--but not like Wolf packs. Wolf packs are based less on dominance and more on family relationships since they consist of Mommy and Daddy Wolf and their kids. And wolves are monogamous. Unlike the great apes including human beings, but excluding gibbons. Homo sapiens differs from previous Homo species such as Neanderthals by just about 200 genetic factors , but these factors result in hyper sociality, extended juvenility, creativity and cooperative behaviors. A Gamma Male Would be one carrying a majority of these 200 factors, and rather less of factors Inherited from Neanderthals.

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I appreciate your analogy, because its well put and I believe it true. I despise monarchy but its what people want. I don't like false leadership, but people want leadership so bad that they embrace what's on offer. Gamma male - you've given me a new career option. It will compete with my desire to become the invisible man.

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Mike, you can never be invisible! . Please don't.

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I will lose my beer belly despite your wishes.

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No no stop now. We love you as you are

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It's well worth (re)reading Plato and Aristotle on those subjects - and Cicero too, if you have time. The bottom line is that it all depends on the people and their moral qualities. With really good people, any form of government is good. But as Aristotle pointed out, each form has its corrupt form. Aristocracy or monarchy are excellent if the rulers are good people. But they tend to decay, like radioactive elements. Monarchy becomes tyranny, aristocracy becomes oligarchy/plutocracy (the same thing IMHO). Aristotle remarked that any "democracy" that relies on elections is in fact oligarchy, as the rich simply buy the votes they need. A moment's thought reveals that this is exactly what goes on in all modern "democracies". The money may not be handed directly to voters; instead, it is spent on TV commercials and other forms of PR. Terrifyingly, it turns out that the results of an election campaign can be predicted with some accuracy once you know how much money was spent by each candidate.

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All on the to-do list I gave up long ago (cause I could never catch up to my intentions).

I'm a believer in the four cycles: Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. The last is the era we're in.

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I believe that bad times create bad men. Good times create good men. Bad societies create both bad men and weak men--which leads to social collapse. There is no such thing as a natural civilization. That's an oxymoron.

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Ya, Gamma Man.

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But it's omega's who prevent wolves from going extinct. They are the ones that breed.

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Damn right. I'm a Sheepdog, a Dad and a Grandpa.

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Let's all go Gamma.

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Oh and sheepdogs are great! need to write about sheepdogs

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I used to get fed up meeting public relations students who didn't know who Bernays was.

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PR is not something you can study. It's something you do.

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Well said.

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Goes to show the quality of education.

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Educated obediently.

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Don't know about education. I skipped most of my classes. Who needs teachers when you have books?

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That's like a physics student who has never heard of Newton, or a biologist ignorant of Darwin.

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Huey Newton?

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...and my ex forgetting my name :)

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My ex forgot more than my name.

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