Of course the Russians did it... Who else could the West blame? Not the poor victimized Ukrainian Armed Forces.
One of the first factors in any such investigation is the motive. What motive would Russia have in shooting down an Azerbaijani airliner? Considering that Russia hs done everything possible to limit harm to Ukrainian civilians in the current conflict, it is highly unlikely they would now target a plane filled with civilians.
It is simply illogical that they would do so
But logic flew out the West's windows years ago...
Oh, that Western Civilization, with the Jewsaders working their fucking perverted magic, oh, there is logic and madness to their illogic, which is why IT works -- the brainwashing, indoctrination, habituation, the cult of capitalism, and the cult of Jewish Educated (Miseducated) AmeriKKKans ending up in boardrooms, banks, bomb making corporations and the like make for a giant brew of stupidity with a high IQ.
America is neither free nor brave, but a land of tight, iron-clanking little wills, everybody trying to put it over everybody else, and a land of men absolutely devoid of the real courage of trust, trust in life's sacred spontaneity. They can't trust life until they can control it. -- D. H. Lawrence
Replace or add to the word AmeriKKKa with EuroTrashLandia, NZ, Australia, 14 Eyes, and of course, ISRA-Hell.
“All the other stuff, the love, the democracy, the floundering into lust, is a sort of by-play. The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
I've seen this on Twitter. I called it the lie that it obviously is. Russia had zero reason to attack the plane. Way too many gullible people are falling for this just like they fell for the North Korean troops fighting with Russian soldiers🙄
Bullshitters, in this technical sense, do not care - and may not even know - whether what they say is true or false. That is of absolutely no interest to them. They evaluate any statement in terms of its operational effect: does it tend to benefit them or cost them? Thus the lies about MH17, and quite probably about this latest disaster, were intended to give gullible audiences the impression that the Russian government is murderous, dishonest, and hostile. Such stories, repeated constantly, have a cumulative effect. Ask almost any friend, neighbour, colleague, or indeed anyone you meet and they will regurgitate the official line with remarkably faithfulness.
Of course the media have never been guided by an interest in the truth. They have always been motivated by money. The difference is that there was a time when they could make money by telling some truth, some of the time. Not any more, as far as important issues are concerned.
As usual an excellent analysis. John Helmer is excellent on MH17 and also the Skripals Frankfurt's book is considered a classic and is available on line in PDF and EPUB formats as a free download (Internet Archive).
The Russians sank their own ship in the med as well I suppose. Terrorism is Ukraines/Nato's only way to respond. As one victory follows another on the battlefield for the Russian military. I do feel the Russians are being very naive (again) in waiting for a Trump administration. Things won't change Russia is the sworn enemy. To many influential people have invested far too much money on project Ukraine. Russia can be as patient & restrained as they want. I'm afraid the psychopaths just see weakness. None of them are affected in any way at all no matter what they do. Sure Russia will respond with more attacks upon Ukraine. Do the psychopaths give a flying fck about that? Of course they don't & never will. The only way to make them think about their actions is by making the culprits pay for them. But Russia won't do that, that much has become obvious. The West will escalate until they can escalate no more. No leader, no mouthpiece, no one will stop these psychopaths. Except Russia themselves, they can spout international law & blah blah blah. At the very start of this conflict, I stated the West would escalate none stop. I said everything they'd do would happen as regards to weapons, money, sanctions & terrorist attacks. I'm just a nobody with average intelligence. How did I know these facts, yet one of the best ran leaderships on the planet didn't accept what was going to happen? Why would Russia be open to dialogue with a country that is actively trying every possible way to destroy it? Why haven't Russia started to do attacks on the aggressors & made them feel some pain for a change? I haven't got a clue, what I have got a clue about though. Is one weakness the Russian leadership has shown since 2014. Is it's naivety, never in a million years did I believe they'd be so naive. How many times do agreements have to ignored? How many attacks must they suffer? , how many sanctions placed upon them? They've had their money stolen their country attacked, they've been lied to constantly. Yet they still believe a mouthpiece in America is going to achieve something. Am I wrong in my pessimistic opinion?
I am not sure it is naivety as much as it is pragmatic. Or maybe a combination of the two? In what way could it be pragmatic? You have raised an interesting point -- which really deserves an article in itself I think. Thank you.
For reliable details on what happened to the airliner, see the recent YouTube video on that subject by "blancolirio", a senior airline pilot. Best regards to you and all the cats.
There's something about East Asian countries being wedded to mask wearing... I've witnessed this in Manchester for years prior to the 2020 event. I thought it was a pollution thing...?
Merry Christmas to you and your feline friends 🙏😻🙏
Just take a rushhour subway ride in Tokyo and you will understand why. LOL. Me? I want MORE than a mask. I want a body condom. But then I don't take subways I have a bike.
Been away in France for 4 days with friends for Xmas.
I asked for a moment of silence for the Palestinians............NO everyone was talking and drinking.
HURTING too much to even write.
Of course the Russians did it... Who else could the West blame? Not the poor victimized Ukrainian Armed Forces.
One of the first factors in any such investigation is the motive. What motive would Russia have in shooting down an Azerbaijani airliner? Considering that Russia hs done everything possible to limit harm to Ukrainian civilians in the current conflict, it is highly unlikely they would now target a plane filled with civilians.
It is simply illogical that they would do so
But logic flew out the West's windows years ago...
Oh, that Western Civilization, with the Jewsaders working their fucking perverted magic, oh, there is logic and madness to their illogic, which is why IT works -- the brainwashing, indoctrination, habituation, the cult of capitalism, and the cult of Jewish Educated (Miseducated) AmeriKKKans ending up in boardrooms, banks, bomb making corporations and the like make for a giant brew of stupidity with a high IQ.
America is neither free nor brave, but a land of tight, iron-clanking little wills, everybody trying to put it over everybody else, and a land of men absolutely devoid of the real courage of trust, trust in life's sacred spontaneity. They can't trust life until they can control it. -- D. H. Lawrence
Replace or add to the word AmeriKKKa with EuroTrashLandia, NZ, Australia, 14 Eyes, and of course, ISRA-Hell.
“All the other stuff, the love, the democracy, the floundering into lust, is a sort of by-play. The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
I've seen this on Twitter. I called it the lie that it obviously is. Russia had zero reason to attack the plane. Way too many gullible people are falling for this just like they fell for the North Korean troops fighting with Russian soldiers🙄
1. A lot has been written puncturing the Western propaganda stories about MH17. To my mind, John Helmer leads the field: https://johnhelmer.net/category/mh17/ and his book "The Lie That Shot Down MH17": https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KH71XYL?dchild=1&keywords=john+helmer%2C+the+lie+that+shot+down&qid=1601575119&sr=8-1 I have never caught the Russian government in a blatant lie - not once - although I may have been fooled a few times for all I know. Whereas Kiev and Washington (and London and Paris and Berlin and Brussels) lie almost continuously.
2. The Western MSM have one thing in common with the Western governments: they are bullshitters, in the specialised sense defined by Professor Harry G. Frankfurt in his remarkably short, pungent book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bullshit-Harry-G-Frankfurt-ebook/dp/B001EQ4OJW/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=ujRZE&content-id=amzn1.sym.f7cacb80-afed-4bd2-a630-ebf24465f0d7&pf_rd_p=f7cacb80-afed-4bd2-a630-ebf24465f0d7&pf_rd_r=259-6095502-0475517&pd_rd_wg=1i4r0&pd_rd_r=2f0423c8-c947-4c68-9b89-89644094aae7&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk
Bullshitters, in this technical sense, do not care - and may not even know - whether what they say is true or false. That is of absolutely no interest to them. They evaluate any statement in terms of its operational effect: does it tend to benefit them or cost them? Thus the lies about MH17, and quite probably about this latest disaster, were intended to give gullible audiences the impression that the Russian government is murderous, dishonest, and hostile. Such stories, repeated constantly, have a cumulative effect. Ask almost any friend, neighbour, colleague, or indeed anyone you meet and they will regurgitate the official line with remarkably faithfulness.
Of course the media have never been guided by an interest in the truth. They have always been motivated by money. The difference is that there was a time when they could make money by telling some truth, some of the time. Not any more, as far as important issues are concerned.
As usual an excellent analysis. John Helmer is excellent on MH17 and also the Skripals Frankfurt's book is considered a classic and is available on line in PDF and EPUB formats as a free download (Internet Archive).
You might also be interested in: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328416812_The_Origins_of_Biological_Deception.
Also: https://portal.abuad.edu.ng/lecturer/documents/1585589655The_Art_of_Deception_by_Kelvin_Mitnick.pdf
The Russians sank their own ship in the med as well I suppose. Terrorism is Ukraines/Nato's only way to respond. As one victory follows another on the battlefield for the Russian military. I do feel the Russians are being very naive (again) in waiting for a Trump administration. Things won't change Russia is the sworn enemy. To many influential people have invested far too much money on project Ukraine. Russia can be as patient & restrained as they want. I'm afraid the psychopaths just see weakness. None of them are affected in any way at all no matter what they do. Sure Russia will respond with more attacks upon Ukraine. Do the psychopaths give a flying fck about that? Of course they don't & never will. The only way to make them think about their actions is by making the culprits pay for them. But Russia won't do that, that much has become obvious. The West will escalate until they can escalate no more. No leader, no mouthpiece, no one will stop these psychopaths. Except Russia themselves, they can spout international law & blah blah blah. At the very start of this conflict, I stated the West would escalate none stop. I said everything they'd do would happen as regards to weapons, money, sanctions & terrorist attacks. I'm just a nobody with average intelligence. How did I know these facts, yet one of the best ran leaderships on the planet didn't accept what was going to happen? Why would Russia be open to dialogue with a country that is actively trying every possible way to destroy it? Why haven't Russia started to do attacks on the aggressors & made them feel some pain for a change? I haven't got a clue, what I have got a clue about though. Is one weakness the Russian leadership has shown since 2014. Is it's naivety, never in a million years did I believe they'd be so naive. How many times do agreements have to ignored? How many attacks must they suffer? , how many sanctions placed upon them? They've had their money stolen their country attacked, they've been lied to constantly. Yet they still believe a mouthpiece in America is going to achieve something. Am I wrong in my pessimistic opinion?
I am not sure it is naivety as much as it is pragmatic. Or maybe a combination of the two? In what way could it be pragmatic? You have raised an interesting point -- which really deserves an article in itself I think. Thank you.
What you have not brought into this equation is BRICS.
More than half the world now.
I was born in the East and I am a reader:
The West plays it's war games like 'little boys'. I will shoot you if you don't behave!'
When the west runs out of money and weapons.......what's next?
The Chinese and Russians play a long game...........poker in the West Chess in the East.
Sorry West I hope you die I feel so sick and tired of you expecting the Russians and Chinese to play YOUR GAME.
Strategy USA - with your geriatric 'old boys' game.
Did the British win China?
The West has lost WWIII.
For reliable details on what happened to the airliner, see the recent YouTube video on that subject by "blancolirio", a senior airline pilot. Best regards to you and all the cats.
There's something about East Asian countries being wedded to mask wearing... I've witnessed this in Manchester for years prior to the 2020 event. I thought it was a pollution thing...?
Merry Christmas to you and your feline friends 🙏😻🙏
Just take a rushhour subway ride in Tokyo and you will understand why. LOL. Me? I want MORE than a mask. I want a body condom. But then I don't take subways I have a bike.