Who is really behind ISIS? Food for thought....

Former Afghan President Karzai Calls Islamic State 'Tool' of US




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CIA and MI6 are both implicated immensely in the creation, funding, and direction of Islamic terrorist organizations, sometimes with the inclusion of gulf and Turkish countries.

This time is different though.

Both from the timing and indications that the CIA is looking for a way out of the Ukraine mess and the type of terrorist activity (in Russia).

The west is diverting attention from Ukraine not because they are the main drivers of this attack but because they are covering for the intelligence agency that actually planned the attack.

The Mossad.

Like you said, best case it sticks to ISIS worst Ukraine. But Ukraine is a lost cause already so they don’t care as much. They do care if it gets back to Mossad.

Thing is, by floating the excuses so early they are implicating Ukraine and themselves - an unintended sacrifice to cover for the Mossad.

I believe Russia knows and they will take action appropriately. Officially, it stops at Ukraine because it’s politically convenient.

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I am glad your work is gaining traction. Especially if I had something to do with it. But really I think it is the quality of your work. I would add, however, that while you and I and Aleks (Black Mountain) are each different but somehow complementary. Maybe we should do a roundtable.

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interesting, Julian. As soon as I posted this article on FB, it was instantly removed with the note that the author produces dangerous and misleading content. You started heating the nail real well 👍

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You will laugh but they are all led by Jews

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Thank you for this detailed info and facts, it is important to refresh our knowledge once in a while...


What is not maintained, will return to dust...

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Check out Theiry’s article in Voltaire.org

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Thanks for citing me! :)

It may explain the sudden wave of new subscribers.

Your analyses are very good too.

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"The CIA has set in motion all kinds of terrorist activities and atrocities. It tries not to get his hands dirty— so it uses intermediaries that it knows are capable of anything".

Which - if they were not morally blind - they would realise makes their hands dirtier than acting themselves.

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"Trump’s problem is not that he is a liar – but that he is often times too honest".

An old definition of "a gaffe" is when a politician inadvertently tells the truth.

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Your article is great as well, Julian. I hope you're well👍

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