Thank you Julian...

Reading this part of your virtual dialogue i suddenly realised that Western Cultural "Lack of Respect" had caused me the loss of my children...

Me, being 'Agnostic' during my relation/marriage with this follower of Rudolf Steiner (Anthropology), who slowly changed from the student admirer of the RAF, opposing the Vietnam War and Cruisemissiles in Europe, when i met her, slowly changed into a follower of "The Christian Community".


She was graduated Ortho-pedagogue, child psychologist and i was happy to have a partner who was an expert in children.

She wanted our children to go to the Anthroposophical "Free School".


I agreed and was never sorry about that choice.

Later she wanted the children to be "Baptised" in the Christian Community and go to church. After a talk with the priest i understood that following any of the rituals did not have any obligations, not even of a membership. I also understood that my way of meditating (Advaita Vedanta and Zen) were just like praying to God.

So i agreed...

But then, contrary to the Respect of the Priest, my partner an mother of our children required me to pray at the table and at the bed.

Of course i respected any ritual being done around those events and kept quiet and lowered my eyes.

But she required me to pray myself. I told her of the opinion of her priest, but she did not change her mind.

But i did not yield. People have been burned on the Stake about such a request and i would not yield.

After that she arranged with support of fellow specialists advising the child protection agency, that i never have seen any of my children after that time again. They were 2-8 years of age then.

She never understood what Respect means...

Losing your children causes a terrible wound. But you can live with it. Steiner calls the "spiritual" influences that make people do both good and bad things, "Spiritual beings". It took some time for me to realise he was talking of "narratives" going around in the world.

A good joke is a spiritual being that can spread like a virus through the Virtual Space that socially connects us. Lately strengthened by the Internet.

Being Autistic i can see that, because i know that i am not my Ego.

I am just the limitless conscious space in which everything happens, comes and goes.

ॐ 🙏


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Nice article from an admirer or your outrageous humour finding its mark?

Ideas have strength without being used as a weapon !

I like where you and your friend are going..

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Julian Macfarlane

Addendum to letter from Sir Putin from Konni, his confidant and advisor....

"Let’s be clear about this – the decisions or any other related actions of DaUS are NOT being made by Americans and he apologizes for using any references to Americans – they are being made by NOT- Americans who openly put the interests of Israel (DaSynagogue of Satan) over America – FACT! That includes the major presidential candidates – all of whom have pledged their allegiance to a foreign nation…..above their own. How so?

Here’s how so – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/06/god-bless-americaoopsmake-that-israel.html?m=0 – both Xi and I are interested in our own country's welfare.

Keep well!"

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Jun 17Liked by Julian Macfarlane

AIPAC 🇮🇱 is a cancer that must be excized to save the life of our nation. AIPAC is the most powerful and influential lobby in DC and controls Congress.

Julian has written that the US Israel and Israel is the US. I commented that it's the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate. Therefore the Neocons and Zionists of AIPAC🇮🇱 must be excized.

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I must admit "Vlad" did grate on my ear.

Re Merkel, possibly a bad encounter with a dog as a child. My uncle was very badly bitten by a dog when he was 4 years old. He distrusted them until he died at the age of 92. Cats, cows, horses, etc., he was fine with.

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It can happen. I was scratched in the eye by a cat at age 2 or 3. And Ichi is my best friend. I have been bitten by almost everything -- monkeys, bears (small ones), racoons, gophers, a muskrat, monkeys, a loris -- dogs, of course. It's a long list. For a 4 year old, however, a dog attack can be traumatic. My sympathies.

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Well, I have seen this phenomena from time to time, across various species. Myself, I've come to trust my Dogs and Horses when it comes to people. If they don't like someone, I'm suspicious of them. They are very good at reading people. Watch their hands, watch their eyes. Read eyes. No matter what a man is saying to you, it's not as important as what you can read in his eyes. The most important thing a man has to tell you is what he's not telling you; the most important thing he has to say is what he's trying not to say.

Lyndon B. Johnson

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Another great quote. I see Biden's dog has bitten another agent. This is not "natural" canine behavior. It is somehow induced. The fault lies with Biden. The dog is just another Hunter.

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On Alzheimer's joe's part I would say it betrays a certain lack of concern for others. However, my experience with large protective breeds has been they can sense people. Maybe, reading too much into this, but they know joe's not quite right, and guard him, and add in they may be sensing hostility in the agents.

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Jun 16Liked by Julian Macfarlane

Excellent. Your point on the USA being an extra-territorial empire and this making it a new kind of empire is insightful.

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like. Perhaps this type of empire: The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

Carroll Quigley

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perhaps yes. Though extraterritorial empire is more concise.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I suspect that Westerners call Mr Putin "Vlad" partly as a show of casual disrespect - which is why I always call him "Mr Putin" - and partly to imply that he resembles Vlad the Impaler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_the_Impaler, who is very likely the only "Vlad" they have ever heard of. Vlad's legendary cruelty must, like everything in history, be assessed in context. He succeeded in frightening the Turks - no mean feat, as their deeds of cruelty were legendary. (When they first landed in Italy, for instance, they celebrated by sawing the local bishop in half; and they were known for boiling people in oil). By impaling Turkish soldiers and their allies, he was outdoing them in their strongest suit.

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Good point.

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