As a Canadian I share your sentiments about Trudeau. The rest of our politicians are the same. Totally depressing. I enjoy your work though. So there’s hope

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To my tired eyes he bears a striking resemblance to a Cuban politician, so striking that I refer to him a Fidelito.

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Many people have said that he looks like Fidel. Not so much really. He just doesn't look like Pierre. But it looks a lot like Maggie Sinclair a.k.a. Margaret Trudeau. Thinks like her – which is not at all. As the same lack of depth.

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Now, having dealt with the riff raff below, thank you Julian. You are at your best in a satirical vein and this epistomological exchange with an imagined Pres Putin is top notch! It makes the lesson that idiots like @jrkrideau, a failed acronym for his employer I suspect, with whom the type tries to curry favor, are always with us and always to be shunned by the adults and uncompromised journalists in the room.

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Thank you Franz. But really I am just a large dung beetle!

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Actually I don't find  Trudeau all that bad as a domestic prime minister. I don't think he will go down as one of our greater prime ministers but on the other hand certainly his handling of the COVID crisis and a number of other policy initiatives have been quite good. 

I disagree with a lot of Trudeau's policies but then I would probably disagree with some of the policies of any prime minister. Even at Trudeau's worst, he has been nowhere near as bad as Stephen Harper was. I remember reading about a scientist at the National Research Council who said that she actually broke into tears on the bus going to work when she realized that Harper had been defeated. She would actually be able to do real science again.

Trudeau, like every premier in the various provincial governments in Canada, is flubbing the climate change crisis and he seems to be a little too fond of the various magnates and oligarchs in Canada but it could be worse.  It probably will be since there is a good chance that Pierre Poilievre will be the next Prime Minister of Canada. Pierre makes Stephen Harper look like a reincarnation of Francis of Assisi.

On the international scene, Trudeau is an idiot though I think it's actually more correct to say that he is pretty uninterested in international affairs which gets him into all kinds of gaffes which somebody with a little bit of international knowledge and common sense would not fall into. Mind you he was not particularly helped earlier in his tenure by having a couple of apparently disloyal cabinet ministers who got him into the Huawei mess.

Still, I don't think he has been quite as "successful" as Stephen Harper who managed to get the Canadian Forces kicked out of Qatar where we had basically free basing during our tours in Afghanistan.

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I agree that Harper was bad. But I don't really see that much difference between the two. In fact I don't see much difference between any Canadian politicians. There like a pack of dogs. Different colors , different sizes but a pack.

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Then there was the Covid Hysteria!

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Hysteria is an emotional reaction to something – by definition irrational. And usually not productive, ineffective. The pandemic could've been handled completely differently. But as usual it was exploited for political gain and the the profits of pharmaceutical companies. Our public servants do not serve the public. The question is who do they serve?

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I am frankly embarrassed to appear on the same site as you. The site is quite advanced informative and even charming. You are intellectually an ape and a blight on it. If you tell me that you are a paid shill and got at least a tiny cut of the 500 million dollars your Mafia collaborator and Nazi Oligarch drama teacher (who diddled his kids in the half year he taught Canada's social climber's kids in BC) paid to keep Canada's media 'sweet' during the last two rigged elections, I will believe you and help you. As it is, to compare Trudeau to Harper, and I detested Harper, is like comparing Trudeau to Zelensky. Zelensky too is Organized Crime Oligarch Mafia and an actor of sorts but he can play piano with his penis and Trudeau can't. Can you?

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Actually it's good to have him here. He has a point of view which I do not agree with but it is also representative of a lot of Canadians. Point counterpoint. He has a legitimate right to his opinions even if I personally find them risible. And those opinions are a point of reference-- which we must always take into account. To burn the Bastille, you must first have a Bastille.

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My response was, in part, a rhetorical flourish. I apologize and I am not recommending censorship or even censure, I was just incensed by the quadrupedal nature of the argument the fellow was making. I will practice more self control in the future as I value your site for its civilizational qualities.

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Like. You pull no punches. Judging by his actions, I would classify Fidelito as a Jacobin.

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"The Jacobin Club was one of several organizations that grew out of the French Revolution and it was distinguished for its left-wing, revolutionary politics.[8][9] Because of this, the Jacobins, unlike other sects such as the Girondins (who were originally part of the Jacobins, but branched off), were closely allied to the sans-culottes, who were a popular force of working-class Parisians that played a pivotal role in the development of the revolution" The term Jacobin is now used a little differently. But to do is a sans-culotte in the sense of always being caught with his pants down :)

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