The evidence suggests that the United States and its allies cannot and should not claim the status of a “beacon” of democracy, since they themselves have chronic problems with freedom of speech, election administration, corruption and human rights violations.

POLICE DEEP STATE USSA. There's a black hole along the Potomac River in Washington, that is in the shape of a pentagram. It draws in trillions of dollars every year that are never seen again. US service-members have committed (and are still committing) crimes against humanity, falling under the jurisdiction of international law. Washington has been getting away with these crimes while Pentagon is still trying to downplay its terrorist activities (and just coincidentally is the biggest polluter in our solar system, so enough BS about climate change) and has failed audits by the government. The dual citizens and banksters do love their wars but a purifying fire is awaiting. There are too many vermin congregated in those places. The Chutzpah is off the charts. Civil rights are violated (not only in your homeland but all over the world by your occupational force, the U.S. Imperial Army), qualified immunity makes those criminals walk free and the taxpayers get the bill. Is this how the No 1 “democracy exporter’’ operates? Your political system is NOT a democracy. It’s a cabal which executes the best (JFK and MLK will live forever in our hearts). How can you tolerate so much oppression and hypocrisy? Imagine that in the "land of the free" you have exterminated tens of millions of Native Americans and some of your Presidents, have the highest percentage of incarceration (free slave workforce), the most law enforcement personnel and 3 letter agencies, the Five Eyes, NATO, AUKUS, the death penalty, the most dual citizenship representatives, the most expensive medical services and pharmaceuticals in the world, crumbling infrastructure, drug addiction, pushed to the limits by the banking cartel, 33 trillions of debt (and rising sharply following the lethal aid provided to Ucraine), racism, seizures/forfeitures and a corrupt policing/judicial system (modern slavery). It seems to me that the "redcoats" (along with their occult societies) are still running the show, you probably already know, the City of London, the Vatican and yours truly Washington D.C.

Also just imagine how many people were exterminated by U.S. made weapons (conventional and nuclear) in wars and false flag attacks, tortures in secret camps (we lie, we cheat/we came, he died), continuous illegal unipolar sanctions, interventions, coups d’état, regime changes, spying, collateral damages (kudos to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, John Kyriakou, Chelsea Manning et al), unauthorized extrajudicial killings, drone assassinations, to name a few, spreading chaos globally and committing crimes against humanity to keep the MICC alive (rough estimates reach 50.000.000 combined casualties since 1776, not including Native Americans, the true landlords of the country). Beware, the emperor is naked and is banging the hell out of Lady Justice. The Biden (stolen elections?) administration's new Pentagon budget spells danger to the world's peace, says retired UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, explaining how US interventions, subversive ops and endemic corruption have resulted in Washington's excessive military spending. It is always about the money but the gravy train is running dry. The US is an asylum from where the doctors escaped and the patients run the institution. We are looting the planet using the dollar and the military, a CANCER eating away at the world, devouring entire nations. They really want (or have already started) WW III! Every country the US liberated lost its gold. There’s a riot going’ on and everyone is a loser. Hint: there has been a PARASITIC hostile takeover and the parasite is running low on nutrients while bloating to almost the size of the host.

So, you’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry— ‘cos I’m telling you why: this year, it’s the Surveillance State that’s coming to town, and you’re already on its naughty (domestic terrorist) list. Khaki and blue klux klan.

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” (T. Jefferson).

“Truth is suppressed, not to protect the country from enemy agents but to protect the Government against the people” (Roy Hattersley).

“You get so used to lying that after a while it’s hard to remember what the truth is”. (Rogue CIA officer Philip Agee).

“USA has a propaganda service for the military/security complex, the pharmaceutical industry and the global elite. It is impossible to wring one word of truth out of the US media” (Paul Craig Roberts).

''If you don't watch tv or read newspapers you are uninformed, but if you do you are misinformed'' (Marc Twain).

“Professional standards require intelligence professionals to lie, hide information, or use covert tactics to protect their “cover,” access, sources and responsibilities. The Central Intelligence Agency expects, teaches, encourages and controls these tactics so that the lies are consistent and supported (“backstopped”). The CIA expects intelligence officers to teach others to lie, deceive, steal, launder money, and perform a variety of other activities that would certainly be illegal if practiced in the United States. They call these tactics “tradecraft” and intelligence officers practice them in all the world’s intelligence services” (Hulnick & Mattausch, “Ethics and Morality in U.S. Secret Intelligence”).

“The tyrant, to hold onto his power, suppresses every superior thinker, does away with good men, forbids knowledge & enlightenment, controls every movement of the citizens and, keeping them in perpetual servitude, wants them to grow accustomed to baseness and cowardice, has his spies everywhere to listen to what is said in meetings, spreads dissension & slanders among the citizens and thereby morally impoverishes them, and is obliged to make war in order to keep his subjects occupied & impose on them permanent need of a supreme leader”(Aristotle).

“It is the habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they would prefer not to examine'' (Thucydides).

The only people who can prevent further bloodshed are American taxpayers, refusing to pay for the military budget. Die on your feet, or live on your knees. The USGOV is cruising for a bruising. WW III, brought to you by the same folks who brought you WWI and WWII. Oy vey! Go back to bed America. Do as you are told.

"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100 million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet" (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben Judah, 1869). Blood thirsty sacrosanct terrorist apartheid state of ultimate victims. When Gaza is bombed, they cry out in pain! Mozeltov cocktail! Illegal invaders, in District of Corruption and the Middle East. Delusions of grandeur? I hear it can be genetic. Arbeit Macht Shekelberg.

U.S.S.A. is an evil, fascist, war-loving, sodomy-promoting, gender-confused, hedonistic, satanic, pro-abortion, pornified, anti-family, anti-Christ nation. We are either complicit or cowards or too stupid to even understand what's happening. The bubble has a hole and it is getting bigger. What is wrong with our species (4% Neanderthal and in the cosmic clock born 5 milliseconds ago) or our education/indoctrination? And ALL we need is LOVE, even for our enemies! And their agenda (NWO, WEF, NATO expansion) was going according to their near-sighted plan until the Eastern Orthodox Christians said NO. This is a fight till the end (and with much sorrow Christians against Christians again, just like in the crusades), the only difference is we will die as martyrs, the rest will just die. Is a purifying nuclear Armageddon around the corner, now that it is highly likely that the USA/CIA/Navy Seals blew up the NordStean 1 and 2, sending their ‘’ally’’ Germany decades back? Just imagine, if you can, what they will do to their enemies, just like with the proxy war in Ucraine and maybe soon enough with China?


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This is an excellent comment - an article in itself. I look forward to reading articles on your new stie.

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Surely you are correct overall. We (Earth's humans) are dominated by mafias that are themselves ruled by a "godfather" group that at least pretends to be Jewish.

"Is a purifying nuclear Armageddon around the corner, now that it is highly likely that the USA/CIA/Navy Seals blew up the NordStean(sic) 1 and 2, sending their ‘’ally’’ Germany decades back? Just imagine, if you can, what they will do to their enemies, just like with the proxy war in Ucraine and maybe soon enough with China?"

I cannot see the future, but a nuclear war seems planned by the rulers/owners and highly likely; if/when it happens it may get out of control. (ie. exceed its planned population reduction goals.) If it does not happen, humanity still has the approaching recurrent solar outburst to deal with.

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Damn! You wrote a long comment describing the Nazi Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate, the world's foremost terrorist operation. The USA is the world's foremost terrorist state.

I love your line about dual citizens and banksters.

Best regards.

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The book, "Five Families," describes in detail the Mafia's relationship to government in its heyday. Basically union-bashing.

Ours is as Roman a republic as Rome's ever was. Why people think it's a democracy is beyond me.

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By the way, I see you have TWO sites on Substack. One with paywall, The other one free. A lot of great stuff, that informs my opinions. Thank you Godfree.

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Earth is not a planet, the Heliocentric model is nothing but a lie created by Lucifer himself and run by those that serve him. There's no such thing as Atomic Bombs, it's called psychological warfare. Same thing goes for Dinosaurs, just another big lie pushed on everyone to complicate things further. The Earth is being run by a bunch of Charlatans, again, serving the fallen Angel Lucifer

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Democracy as a defined term has come to mean any style government with two conditions:

1. The US, or some Western flunkie, I mean ally, controls it. And,

2. There is a periodic farce called an election where the US decides who wins. And then proceeds back to #1.

America chomped its own pill right in the beginning. Perfecting its practice of these simple steps for 156 years before taking on the world. Thankfully she completely underestimated the human spirit still present in most of the rest of the world. And the grip the older colonial powers would retain on those peoples and resources.

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I find it interesting that the Chinese see "Business" as more of a problem than their "Government" and that's flipped for Americans. Explains a lot of what goes wrong in the US to me! "Business" is nobody's friend--and it's definitely not the friend of the workers.

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I must be at least part Chinese. Every country in the world has an oligarch problem. And the world has an Aladdin problem. But that is far easier to solve than these handful of stolen governments who act as if they are everyone's tyrant. Inverted fascism is the defacto world government only up until the governments choose to end it. The big corporations know that they can always be nationalized in a heartbeat. And make it official.

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China obviously in Africa and liked. Now Russia seeking that appreciation too. Places like Chad, Burkina Faso etc. sick of colonialists and wanting new relationships. Be interesting to see what happens in Nigeria, and how elections pan out in my South Africa next year.

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The CIA will be hard at work.

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Yes. Mafia, with Nazi Oligarchs as the Godfathers and their bought politicians the Made Men. The CEO's and CFO's of arms manufacturers Made Men as well.

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When metaphors become reality we're in trouble.

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Your right about the “Deep State”.

For it’s without civilized values with delusion visions that War is profitable when it’s a disaster for business , a common prosperity as trade is vanquished .

I only hear the mud sucking sound of the deep primordial swamp pulling every one down without learning anything about how we became human to celebrate.

Clever imitators these delusionals of life.

Life isn’t fooled.

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"Life" is an ecosystem, bigger than us, bigger than all organisms and lifeforms in it. We tamper with it at our peril.

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Yes. It’s a concept escaping consciousness for many that life is real.

If these War people are so right why is everything going so wrong?

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En todos los foros insisten en que La formacion de USA, que los principios de los padres de la patria y cosas por el estilo fueron por gente generosa que buscaba la paz, la libertad y el libre pensamiento.

Pero nosotros los mexicanos sabemos que desde el principio USA fue fundada por los matones del pueblo y que con el tiempo estos se hicieron peores. No creo que haya mucha diferencia entre estos y los de hace 200 años.

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My Spanish is not very good. But I think you are saying that the American myth is that the US was founded by people (gente generosa) who believe in peace, liberty and freedom. Mexicans know different after 200 years of cruelty and abuse. I agree.

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