Just like Bernie Sanders, Stein is afraid of being painted as a Putin puppet even though they've been smearing her with that calumny for years.

I think it comes down to fear of being disinvited from some of the right cocktail parties. Stein does run in that class of people, and isn't about to come out and say that ANY rational Russian patriot would have invaded Ukraine in self-defense.

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Oh, I forgot to mention...I am more impressed that she was sitting next to the great Serbian film director, Emir Kusturica, than sitting near Putin.

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I am still voting for Stein, but your point about her integrity is spot on. Just the fact that she is showing up and presenting the only peace option on the ballot is worth turning out for her. Yes, I am disappointed by her comments about Putin. She could have given a more nuanced response rather than being trapped into a generality.

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Seriously, maybe we should vote for the media as POTUS and just get it over with


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Jill stein is supported by Michael Hudson, one of the most farsighted economists worldwide I would say. He has run long blog conversations with Jill Stein which explore exactly where she is politically and economically. Worth searching out for those who don’t know how deliberately complex it is to get access to democratic representation in the US.

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Hmph...Stein left out BoJo.

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Blair, Sunak, Macron, etc. ...

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That main stream sewage pipe is filled to the brim with so many turds.

Who asks the basic questions? Who answers them?

1. Who makes the money on the racketeer wars?

2. Who pays for it?

3. Who dies?

4. What is an augmented super soldier?

5. What is a bioelectric sensor/activator?

6. Who has the remote control?

7. What was in the C19-injections?

8. Why do many people have IP addresses nowadays?

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