Late to the party, but worth adding a comment.

Nicknames were always given for a good reason, and some of them used to reveal a family tradition or flaw. Varoufakis' family name in Greek means "the Greek from Crete that talks ...BS"! Literally!

This Greek politician when given the opportunity to do something positive for his country, as the finance minister of the "leftist" government of Tsipras, simply played along with the worst EU policies and harsh austerity, and obeyed every absurd demand of the EU institutions. He was later thrown out of the ruling elite as a used napkin, and now he is rounding all possible fora to sell leftism and big ideas to the gullible... Yeap... Big Yanis (written with a single "n" like that vulgar 4-letter English word) Varoufakis, the BS...ter!

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In the modern hierarchy of GAE (Globalist American Empire, not to be confused with the original US), I'd say that both media & academia play the role of clergy.

As for Russia & China, these RT articles from some months ago are rather telling:



The takeaway is that they're getting infrastructure built linking Russia & China, it's well-constructed, aesthetic, and within budget/deadline. More than that, when's the last time the US was able to accomplish anything like this? Decades ago, easily. Nowadays, any attempt at large-scale construction gets mired down by delays, cost overruns, red tape, corruption, and so on, and it tends to be ugly. A sign of the times.

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You’re quite right about the rational . It requires a static view of the known .

Once you pop the unknown into the equation of logic things happen which has always been a mystery about the inventive.

Plato is outdated!

Still useful though from my view.

New world being created here.

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Julian, you might have urged your readers not to support what must be an illegal trade in exotic species by wanting to take on the responsibility of having a Fennec as a companion animal. They don’t belong in our homes, they belong in the (rapidly disappearing) wild.

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I would like to this list (although there are more I cannot remember now) --- Thomas Piketty:

Book 1: Capital in the 21st Century. An absolute masterclass in current western (specifically US) economic structure and function. It's amazing he gets away with so much insight only using 3 equations (but a lot of graphs).

Book 2: He also has another hefty tome (which I have not finished unlike Capital), Capital and Ideology. If not mentioning neo-feudalism directly, he hints at it while giving a detailed overview of other political economic models of the past.

The French have some prolific deep thinkers.

(Another one is Jacques Ellul and his book on Propaganda. Indispensable)

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Shit, good riddence Iberian Trash, those 100 million Native Killers of Spain, Portugal. Francos? Fucking slavers, along with Dutch, Brits, Yanquis. Shit dog, the Star of David rises every day on the Wailing Wall White House lawn. But also rises on the steps of all EuroTrashLandians.

Larry "$80 Trillion" Fink? Oh, a proud secular but deeply Torah Torah Torah Jew, loving the wars, the famines, the starvations, the chaos -- shekels shekels shekels.

Bye bye Japan? German? Nuke tipped fucking fascists back on the rise.

We need AMeriKKKa for all those Goyim Goofy Jewish written/directed/acted movies, man.


Even China can't keep its purse strings away from the BlackRockStoneSorosDellThiel poison!

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The Japanese have Saharan fenec foxes running around wild as an invasive species on Honshu?! Are you QUITE certain you did not see a young kitsune- How many tails did she have...

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Apr 2Liked by Julian Macfarlane

A turning point as our humanity within civilization is given a new dimension is an excellent point to make.

The media has replaced the feudal church is another but what is this biological humanity of the whole so tortured by fascism of a few?

In the beginning there was kayos where men became women , farmers didn’t grow food but carbon tax credits…….

It’s that moment of creation we are looking at I’d say.

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Not too long ago, Nima (Dialogue Works) posted a video with both Hudson and Wolff. Always interesting to hear them together. I listened to the Duran video with Hudson when it first hit. (I support the Duran and Alexander's own channel.) While there were some repeated Hudson themes on the rentier economy, I did (as per usual) find the discussion spot on and timely.

The only thing I'd note on the Feudalism pyramid is how an "elected" president (and the minions serving him (perhaps one day, Madame President)) of one country places himself atop the pyramid to dictate wars and "rules based orders" to all other countries. An aberration it would seem when it was the monarchs who made wars. Given the faux democracy of the USA, perhaps the next logical step is to crown a monarchy and stop the 4-year-cycle charade. Heir apparent possibilities--Hunter, Donald Jr., Chelsea!?

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Oh to write the "Decline and Fall of the United States"! It won't be me and it will be at least a century until it gets disseminated.

What I can write is that the commencement of the decline of the United States coincided with my high school graduation in 1971. Lewis Powell wrote a memo for a select group of corporate leaders detailing a strategy for revoking the New Deal that year before ascending to the Supreme Court. In short, unions got busted, regulation ditched and public infrastructure investments were often converted to public-private partnerships. While China and Russia became capitalist economies, unlike ours, those were in some sense purpose, not profit, driven.

How our decline unwinds will be in my mind not all that important because it is inevitable. What I do forecast is misery for the U.S. Depleted aquifers and topsoil will accompany certain military setbacks for our expeditionary forces. Not only the world's humanity will curse us, so too will Mother Nature.

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Where do those living in the west go from here? So many of us have tried for such a long time to change course to no avail.

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First Principal in understanding how & why globo-homo rules the USA and all ZOG slave colonys


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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Hudson is the man, duran is not;

One only need read all of Hudsons books to know these things;

I noted in 1980's that China was 'wild-west' capitalism, and that USA was 1950's soviet socialism by 2000 in USA un-bearable;

China's system is Taoist & Confucius, care and respect of the elderly;

Russia too seems to generate really smart people;

The USA system is the elderly use the young for sex, & blood

Your feudalism chart is fairly accurate; I wouldn't put the FED-RES guys at the top, they too are just 'house-niggers' and not plantation owners;

So CHINA & RUSSIA invest in their children, giving all the kids a uniform, providing study materials; Caring for the future

USA gives the kids needles, condoms, and porn; Offers free sex change

It's not that the USA themselves are satanic, its just that the 'owners' have been in control now over +100 years; The Satanic ZOG became 'world banker' in about 1799, by wars & such took ownership of Wash-DC in 1871, always had secret management running the GOV, now called 'deep state', of which I call sodomy state;

Quality of life goes down, and everybody knows somebody dead from CIA imported drugs, and now GOV mandates the clot-shot, and everybody knows somebody fucked by the 'vax'; The elite over USA are human-vampire, they only see the herds as for 'sex', bleeding, organ harvesting; They keep destroying to make more people fall into poverty so more people live on the street and give $5 USD blow-jobs; The Elite call this heaven

You will own nothing and be happy

Well the good news is free people can go live in China or Russia and experience wealth&health, and morons can go to the USA sleep on the street live in their own shit, do $5 blow-jobs and secure cash for fentanyl;

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