@Julian , I am a fan but I am a disappointed in you today. I mostly like reading your take on the military items. But, you just used the word 'genocide' like every lefty hack loser uses it...improperly. I realize it is a shortcoming of mine that I hate it when people just decide words can mean whatever they want, these days. 'Genocide' has been one of those words getting this treatment for almost a year now.

I understand it is an easy way to conjure an emotion in your readers. Please consider, if your point or your writing is so weak, that you rewrite it or find another point to make.

Jews and WWII, 500,000 lived in Germany is 1933 and <3,000 were left when the war ended. That is a genocide. The Armenian people went from 1 million in Ottoman Empire to <300,00 by 1922-ish. Again that is a genocide. It is tragic the deaths in Gaza and Yemen, but neither of those groups are experiencing a genocide.

So, just to reiterate, because some people lose track of the point. I am discussing the improper use of a word, not wether or not all these deaths are tragic. They are tragic.

P.S. Jewish population in Europe before WWII, 9.5M, approx. 3M after WWII...just another example

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One guy who knows 3D CAD and 3D printers can lead a team to build parts. The wing air foil needs more aeronautical knowledge to guarantee enough lift. high density lithium battery and a very efficient motor. The rest is payload. The most knowledge-heavy part is the wing design. One of these is clearly a copy of Iran's design. But Most of them come from somebody who has experience designing light aircraft or RC model aircraft at least.

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Mmm... A new name ??

What about:


In stead of "Brave New World" ?


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"After all, it the US and UK can do it for Ukraine, why not Russia for Yemen."

This makes sense. Why wouldn't the Russians help out Yemenis? The US is sanctioning Russia and arming Israel, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend...

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Jul 23Liked by Julian Macfarlane

Any enemy of Israel is my friend.

And I can up the game with my Planet Killer technology.

My technology would takeoff vertically from anywhere carrying 1000 independent Hypersonic Glide Warheads accelerate to mach 30 and release its payload.

1000 independent Hypersonic Glide Warheads.

Hitting 1000 targets simultaneously.

Within 15 minutes of deployment.

No one can defend against this weapon.

There is no running and no hiding.

North America could be wiped out within 15 minutes.

Israel could be wiped out within 15 minutes.


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A big hug to you and your pets. Always an enjoyment to read and feel human presence.

Julian, you know the Hardin's song, the feeling of “You upset the grace of living when you lie"

And you are the exact opposite

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A Skeptic War Reports


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thank you.

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