I specifically voted for Trump in '16 because Hills would have attacked Iran before her oval seat was warm. (Both white house & porcelain throne oval!)

"THAAD is meaningless. And Stealth is, too."

I read earlier today that the recent Hezbollah drone attack flew under the THAAD radar.

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Hopefully you have learned by now that Trump is just a charlatan and another Zionist stooge that would oblige whichever master is paying him and that it does not make one shit of difference which pole of the Uni-party in the US you vote for!

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I'm not voting for any genociders. I look forward to getting the rude, meddling obnoxious mailer sent after the 2020 election from some ngo based next to Augusta ME state house, that listed my "participation" in various elections.

I plan to mail it back to them with a message or 2.

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I can almost smell the sulfur through the ether...

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According to Scott Ritter, Iranian missiles employ further methods to defeat aAD systems. Some of their missiles contain multiple warheads that separate at some point, but have have individual engines to keep accelerating into the target.

When the AD system has tracked e.g. 20 incoming missiles, they suddenly become 40 - not even counting the burnt out booster stage. In the "worst" case, this separation happens after the commitment phase of the AD's combat management system. The Iranians employed several such missiles in their last response, and 100% of them had reached their target.

The probability of THAAD to defeat such an attack is exactly zero, I would say. But the political gesture and employment of US soldiers as possible tripwire remains.

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You know something. I am just an artist/well educated BUT I NEVER ever believed in the Iron Dome in Israel. I think it was propaganda.

USA it seems is not up-to-date with it's weapons.

This is I think, because of education!

What can the US make?

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That’s ironic, I’ve just read an article on Patriots design flaws, one of which is the launch angle of its missile, or in the case the ridiculous Hittite or whatever it’s called, meaning it can’t hit anything flying below a certain height. It also needs satelite/s surveillance to pick up and coming and comm with launcher. These satellites are low orbit and Russia knows precisely when they are useful, and not. Therefore Iran will know.

The American Govt/MIC are humiliating themselves on the grand stage now. The Zionists will blame them and proceed accordingly. Those warnings about Iranian doing in Trump aren’t looking so silly now, except it won’t be Iran of course.

Truman was warned by Gen Marshall no less about helping the Zionists.

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Very good article. Kiss to Chapi and thanks to you. Shared.

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