Interesting article Julian,

I've shared your link on our substack.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Wow! Great article, Jack! This is the first one by you that I have read, and I am looking forward to reading more!

I'm not an expert of psychopaths, but I think one of their characteristics is their inability to understand that actions have consequences. I think this flows out of their characteristic impulsivity, but I could be wrong. In any case, this unwillingness to look at the consequences of the battles they've authorized fits in with the Nazi leaders (and others) general and extremely superficial cognition of the world, as you show.

When we first learned about the use of DU in Iraq, I did some reading about psychopaths (Robert Hare's The Mask of Sanity, and Andrew M. Lobaczewski's Political Ponerology). They are chilling, of course, and I think nearly of the political leaders of modern states and ALL of the REAL leaders (i.e. behind-the-scenes folks like the Israel Lobby) must be psychopaths, or sociopaths at the very least.

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Here’s the way I see it with latest developments:

Mossad planned, funded and recruited the gunmen using their ISIS-K proxy

SBU provided weapons, in Russia support, and exfiltration plan (which might have been just a way to eliminate them ultimately).

SBU will pay for it overtly.

Mossad covertly.

This was a step too far but it wouldn’t be the first time that both take actions that backfire.

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Great article Julian !!

On this subject you are on your best.

For many it will be like a "Recent History Lesson"...


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

– George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.


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Mar 31Liked by Julian Macfarlane

If Hitler tried to escape reality he was a uber gnostic and true occultist - the flower child of the Sabbattean revolution that spread like malaria fever in Germany except among the working class leading to the hegelian dialectical children Nazism and Communism coming out of her navel then clashing leading to the national humiliation and continuing tribal death of the Germans. Similarly see Ukraine - the CIA sorcerers have been cooking every single occult witches potion in Ukraine from the Soviet days which has led to the Banderites in alliance with Sabbatteans, CIA created sex and drugs guru cults, and that Freemasonic proxy of evangelicalism -prosperity gospel. You can imagine what happened to Ukraine in essence when its largest mega church of 28,000 people was led by a typical Nigerian spiritual yahoo boy and peddler of African psychospiritual junk

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Mar 31Liked by Julian Macfarlane

Yes indeed a child of the Hegemon consciously speaking but the mass murderers on innocents in random shootings in the USA given a natural birth why oh why they say??

More gun regulations ?

No , it’s the evil at the top giving birth.

And they still don’t know who assassinated Kennedy 60 years ago as Maria Z points out .

Americans are in for shock as to what has been done in their name.

Evil used the Ukraine for a base for all its operations including bio labs, slaughtering 500,000 fools in a war they created.

The price American UK elites will pay is unimaginable.

The wheel of fortune will be bleak for us all they say as a consequence. simply hoping the world routs out the reasons for this evil so humanity can thrive beautifully.


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Mar 31Liked by Julian Macfarlane

That opening information on Hitler shielding himself from the nastiness of the world he was destroying is exactly what our ruling corporate Mafia and media do every day. As an example: "American Crucifixion" https://mark192.substack.com/p/american-crucifixion

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Unlike Hitler, Netanyahu doesn't want curtains on his windows. The psychopathic ZioTurd relishes the destruction and Genocide he is causing!

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

I've got a feeling that some "unexpected deaths" will soon be occurring that have nothing to do with the clot shot

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