Trump said to “finish the problem” and it was interpreted as bombing Gaza to a faster pace but it may be he something else. Why is Bibi so nervous?


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Who is really running the Empire? Is it even the Biden Administration anymore? There are rumors that the military has told Israel it's on its own if it gets into a war with Iran.


They may well be true. If the Navy can't beat the Houthis, what's going to happen to a task force if it tries to attack Iran? It doesn't take a military expert to figure that one out. What do Blinken & Sullivan do if the Pentagon just won't follow their orders?

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Quite clearly the Military do not want a war they cannot win - nor does the MIC want the inadequacy of its over-priced weapons revealed.

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"Trump, now the anti-war President"?

The same Trump who gets funded by the Zionists?

The same Trump who ordered the assassination of Soleimani?

The same Trump who sent caches of weapons to Ukraine?

Trump and Harris are two faces of the same medal.

As Mark Twain once said, "if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it"!

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Great comment!

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Thanks, but I am just reporting facts and a quote.

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