I guess you are right: "Is Israel Jewish?" is truly the stone guest question of the current narrative push... and, I am afraid, the answer shoud be "No, it is not!"... Israel, as the ethno-dominated project it is, is terribly anti-jewish, unless for blind\brainwashed zionists. Thanks for putting it down so clearly

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Very good observations about Masada. In fact, the celebrated Maccabees were comparable to the most fanatical fundamentalist Christians--they came to power in what was essentially a Jewish civil war, and the more tolerant side lost.

No, there's no way the siege of Masada took 3 months, much less 3 years, based on Roman records, anyway. Of course, the siege of Troy didn't take 10 years, either. Jews weren't the only ones to exaggerate.

Thanks for the Israeli economic figures. There's simply no way they can sustain this.

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I wonder how many US citizens know that in our much vaunted Declaration of Independence, we refer to the Native Americans as, "merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." That's rich coming from settlers who broke (and continue to break) every treaty and agreement they (we) entered. Our one defense mechanism for our cruelty (not unique to the USA) is to dehumanize, though when we refer to Palestinians as animals, I would only note that the "thinking man's evolution" lacks the inherent balance and restraint of the animal kingdom. (And despite our cosmetics and plastic surgery industries, most animals in their environs are cuter and much more interesting to observe.) I'm delighted to see the video of Hero Navalny getting some play in alternative media where he shows his true colors referring to "cockroaches" too big to be taken down with a shoe or fly swatter--only a gun will do. It is amazing who we elevate as some kind of hero when they are the worst (or among the worst) of humanity. I have to put virtually all of the DC swamp in this collection of the worst. Our history alone puts us there as the greatest purveyor of violence in all of history.

All this is to say, it seems to me the Israeli government and too many of its Zionist majority are so obsessed beyond reason that they are destroying themselves. And the most horrifying aspect of this is that they very well might go out with the ultimate bang and nuke Iran and God knows what else on their way out.

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The Romans were "bloody minded"..?

One of the reasons of their incredible and so long lasting success is exactly that they were NOT.

Contrary to what has always been the norm up to that time, they integrated and successfully turned into "Romans" almost all of the populations they conquered.

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Thanks for your work Julian. A great read!

A Skeptic War Reports


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History does repeat itself, but it shouldn't in this case. Too bad the Americans and the Israelis are functionally illiterate when it comes to reading history.

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Terrific article exposing the question for those of Hebrew Faith of how to separate from this insane madness spoken as belonging to them?

Israel isn’t creative or is conscious about the living clearly as they murder the innocent who don’t obey the Israel dictates.

The Houthi’s have spirit for the living.

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I made the mistake of buying a purebred, AKC pedigreed German shepherd dog from a family that did hobby breeding and showed dogs at "beauty shows" (as opposed to doing obedience trials or other working related competitions).

He was a beautiful animal, we started at puppy obedience about 13 weeks of age. People who saw him there asked where he came from and went & bought his sibling the next day... And we took first place at the student competition after our 3 month course. Did a little more obedience work, started going to meetings with a volunteer search & rescue dog group.

Then a little after 2 years old, all the medical issues started. And I looked at his pedigree carefully (I never cared about pedigree before, I don't do show dogs, only working dog/companion dogs, where mutts are as good as any other if they have intelligence, drive & right attitude).

The damned breeders had done "line breeding". Father was also grandfather. Going several generations back, other instances of too closely related breeding.

He made it to 6 years old and I was nearly bankrupted by the vet bills.

My present dog is not pedigreed but is intelligent, energetic and healthy as can be (she def. has "hybrid vigor", 3/4 lab and 1/4 unknown, I suspect Ridgeback... She can erect her back fur amazingly and has markings below eyes/top of muzzle similar to some ridgebacks)

(I still pay for a medical insurance policy on her, just in case).

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"When its soldiers die, Israel kills innocent women and children. This is exactly what the Nazis used to do in occupied Europe. The mentality is the same".

Some argue that the Nazis got most of their policies and tactics from the Jews. Which was why they wanted to get rid of them - "there can be only one".

Master race - check.

Totalitarian ideology - check.

Pursuit of Lebensraum - check.

Extermination of "inferior races" - check.

Unblushing propaganda - check.

Blitzkrieg - check.

Secret police - check.

Systematic assassination of inconvenient opponents - check.

Cynical lying and entering into agreements without the slightest intention of keeping them - check.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

Thank You !

I like historic notes to be used in the present...

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes often...

The ZioNazi's are in a hurry as you perfectly showed us.

Maybe this plays a role in that:

The Arab world is like an Anarchist household...

They need a lot of time to come to a decision and making a plan to execute that is another huge project...

When they have come together however they can be very strong, as their base, the individual Arabs will not allow their "rulers" to flinch or even hesitate. They will be like the Houthis currently. United as ONE Divided by ZERO... They will be Legion... 🇵🇸

So next to its degrading Economy, the waking up and rising of the Arab World is a formidable reason for the ZioNazi's to hurry into a broad conflict before they are ready.

Of Course the Arab States are not all ready for a military war, but when handled with care and in phases, their Power of Energy, by partly or completely blocking all Energy export to Nations who do still support weapon-aid to the ZioNazi's or are blocking aid to GAZA, in combination with using UNSC, UNGA, ICJ and ICC together with the other BRICS countries, will Strangle the ANGLO-ZIONISTS in Palestine.

The risk is in the NUKE-factor, as long as SATANYAHU rules...


But it would turn the WHOLE world decisively against them. 🙏


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I'm happy to see the Zionists getting a well-deserved bloody nose. However, these vile creatures wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons to punish their foes. Unlike what happened in Masada, these modern day ZioNazis will take their enemies with them if they "suicide".

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Choice 2: total war

For Donald Trump the world is one huge spreadsheet.

My greatest worry and concern and worry is his son in law Jared Kushner - that can and will influence everything. He's solely responsible for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy. He also fully supports the settlements

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I've never understand how Masada can be understood or held up as an example or symbol of valor. Killing oneself before facing your foe in battle is cowardice. Contrast Masada with Thermopylae.

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Julian - whom did Jesus address as "children of the father of LIES?" Their descendants are still with us and the Talmud - not the Old Testament - is their bible.

Let's cut to the chase - everything in this article points to DaSynagogue of Satan - without naming it. Also, propaganda is the LIFEBLOOD of DSOS - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/10/propaganda-lifeblood-of-dasynagogue-of.html?m=0 - and has been for centuries.

As Ron Unz just pointed out a few days ago, almost 100 percent of Western Civilization has been subject its propaganda, especially from the 20th century on, via every institution you can name - both public and private. As Putin stated, it's very difficult to compete in that area, since they control almost all of media.

Furthermore, DSOS has converged Christianity into Holocaustianity - a faith which most churchians believe more fervently than our Savior Himself. I recently discovered that when I challenged a pew sitter and even a director of a 'Christian' school.

However, one can also see - if we remove our self-imposed blinders - that desperation is definitely setting in within DSOS and its appendices - which makes them more dangerous - so prepare for the next false flag, it could be a biggie!

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"Judaism holds life to be the highest human value and never hopeless, even when it is difficult or tragic. Judaism regards murder and suicide as terrible sins".

The life... of Jews.

Murder and suicide... of Jews.

The Talmud, and many rabbis throughout history, teach that only Jews have real souls. They claim that Gentiles are lower than cattle, and therefore it is obvious that their lives don't matter.

Some scholars argue that the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" forbids only the killing of Jews. After all, since that commandment is supposed to have been given directly by God to Moses, the broader interpretation hardly fits with God's other commands, documented in the Old Testament, to the Jews to butcher other peoples to the last man, woman, and child.

Which certainly explains a lot about palestinian history since the 1920s.

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I wonder if the U.S. needs to do to an Israeli weapons (you know which kind) depot that Israel did to the U.S.S. Liberty?

Or much more simply, the U.S. stops the arms shipments now.

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