Does the US deserve to exist?

The answer, I suggest, is that Israel does not deserve to exist, and that its population should be absorbed into the United States, leaving Palestine to the Palestinians, of whatever faith.

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Louis Farrakhan nailed it when he called Israel the Synagogue of Satan.

To Americans:

"Be careful what you wish for".

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If you want to know how Hitler and the NAZI Party turned the German people into monsters, you're witnessing it.

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An act of undisguised terror to both hurt, demoralise Hezbollah and terrorise the populations of the Levant and Middle East. Intended to showcase the sophistication and reach of the Israeli terror machine and demonstrate the pervasive ease of Israeli Intelligence to penetrate and attack the personal security and normality of the lives of the Arab masses. The extensive paper trail of criminality stretching from Taiwan to Europe to the Middle East suggests either the co option or compliance of Western Intelligence Agencies with Israel in fronting the covert operation with a European shell company BAC Consulting whose CEO Christiana Aradiancono Barsony educated at Imperial College and LSE London leading to consultancy work for EU and UNESCO defines a career pathway authoured by MI6 UK Intelligence. The point now is to work on the salient fact that the UK Government is intimately involved in defence of Israel and complicit in intelligence gathering in Lebanon where UK soft power agencies are domiciled. MI6 is documented and identified with terror proxies in Ukraine and Syria confirming they are well qualified in the logistics of terror attacks on the Arab masses.

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> What did this little girl do to Israel?

She was not born of the Choosen Race. I would say, this is all one needs to comprehend.

> I believe that there are a large number of CIA agents operating within Hezbollah who are directly involved in this operation.

This sounds plausible. I see Israel as an extension or "alter ego" of the Western elite (read: "degenerates"). So the US, still the Western center of power, has a vested interest in stirring trouble and chaos in oil-rich Middle East.

> The pagers had 20 grams of PETN explosives each, ...

I think not.

With a density of 1,77g/cm³, this would be more than 10cm³ of volume filled with PETN.

I don't think the tiny pagers have this much continuous empty space inside.

And 20g is almost half the charge of a hand grenade.

Maybe 2 to 5g, cosnsidering the victims were supposed to be very close.

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That's what I say--the genie has been let out of the bottle. The true terrorists--CIA and Mossad--have revealed themselves as the sociopaths they are. No one will ever be safe again until we rid ourselves of these soulless ghouls.

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I think you misunderstood this sentence:

"There is little Hezbollah can do to stop Israel, or to retaliate. CNN

There is that assumption of superiority. “Little” Hezbollah?

Little Hezbollah can and will retaliate

The meaning is not that Hizbollah is in some way "small, little" or something like that. But that Hizbollah can't do much, can do little,

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