"Japan pays about $ 4.4 billion to host US bases."

It is just utterly ridiculous! Shouldn't it be the other way around? The US paying Japan for hosting US bases?

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You are correct , of course-but in this case, in Empire Land, they are basically Thugs getting paid for 'protection', much like the Mafia except less efficient and nuclear armed-much scarier!

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G'day Julian, the situation you portrayed in the post is near exactly the same for Australia though I don't think we pay pa charges for the bases and the forces stationed here but who would truly know.

China is our biggest trading partner for both imports and exports but being a good little vassal we need nuclear subs to attack the stated trading partner on order of guess who.

Duplicitous politician the world over are in power serving foreign masters.

I read somewhere that Japan's stagnant economy was organised by the hegemon as it was a threat to it as is the Chinese economy but they are not subservient to the hegemons and weren't on the losing side during WW2 though you wouldn't know it.

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Japanese democracy is an oxymoron.

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Very much agree about Western democracies being a facade for the interests of the entrenched "elites". And as long as the majority of the population can be indoctrinated to believe their master's will is their own and they get a few handouts, they are content.

> The country buys IUS weapons which are inappropriate to its needs, like the F35 fighter ...

I think the same applies to Japan as to Germany here. Both are still occupied countries under international law, that lost their sovereignity in 1945. Germany has no constitution, only a SHAEF-dictated law. And both countries are explicitely mentioned in the "enemy clause" of the UN charta, articles 53 and 107.

I know of Germany that every head of state (a.k.a. "Federal Chancellor") must be personally approved by an Allied consortium. The average German isn't told ever, and doesn't know. But it explains the suicidal behavior of the German government lately a bit.

I suppose it is similiar in Japan. Anti-American political forces will be removed one way or another.

Circumstances that will only change when the Anglo-Saxon empire finally collapses.

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'...Japanese get the American government to fund all manner of technology development as a kind of trade-off for implementing anti-Chinese sanctions. It’s all about money in the end.'

It's really disappointing that in their pursuit of financial benefits, especially in modern times, the Japanese political system has forsaken its autonomy and is subservient to US foreign policy and interests.

Why can't the Japanese political leadership see that it's in their best interests to adopt a friendly approach to China, one based on mutual cooperation?

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Thank you for these insights. I never thought much about the governing structure of Japan before, and I'm sad to learn that it's all too similar to other Western governments.

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"Japan pays about $ 4.4 billion to host US bases".

Surely some mistake? Other way round, presumably? - Ed.

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