I was a user of sanctions, but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible, because ultimately it kills your dollar and kills everything the dollar represents. We have to continue to have that be the world currency." You're losing Iran. You're losing Russia. China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency. Donald Trump.
Trump has said before that he wants to cut deals with Russia and Iran. Rather than saying that he would lift sanctions on Russia and Iran for the sake of it, Trump seems to be implying that he wants to trade U.S. economic leverage for Russian and Iranian concessions on important issues—in theory, the same policy as the Biden-Harris administration.
No, Trump is not implying-- the writer of the article is inferring.
Anyone with half a brain must know that Russia and Iran have found that sanctions stimulate economic and industrial growth, strengthen their countries by making them self-sufficient in the areas that count.
Russia is now the world’s fourth largest economic power, surpassing both Japan and Germany because of sanctions. Of course, the war helped too.
So Russia will take its time with the SMO in Ukraine and the larger conflict against NATO. And it laughs at the idea of sanctions— all the way to the bank.
At the World Economic Forum, Putin announced the biggest Russian infrastructural development in history, including Soviet times — focusing on the Far East and the Arctic. It covers everything needed to transform the Russian East and North—transportation, energy, community development, cultural and technological exchange and energy. It’s Russia’s version of the New Deal.
The US, by contrast, is on the fast track to nowhere.
Trump is not smart.
But he does have half a brain, which is better than no brain at all, as in the case of Biden and Harris, who have about two neurons between them/ Elon Musk has refused to give them any brain chips.
“You don’t honor the dollar as your world currency? Is that right? You’re not going to do it. ‘No we’re not’. That’s all right. I’,m going to put tariffs all over your product. They are going to say, ‘Sir, we’d love to honor the dollar as the world currency’.
Now, Trump is not promising to remove sanctions on, say, Cuba and Venezuela-- although both countries have adapted., cooperating with Russia, China, and Iran. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves.
But the Orange Man is looking for a way to bully other countries to prevent them joining the BRICS payment system, which will lead to rapid dollarization.
The result?
After the World Economic Forum, 60 new states applied to join BRICS. It is estimated that over 100 will join.
Tariffs will not do anything to slow this process—and threats by Trump and Harris right now before the Kazan Summit will accelerate flight from the dollar.
Since the US has largely deindustrialized, tariffs can only hurt its economy. It will not stimulate industrial growth because there is no industry to grow, not enough skilled workers or engineers, and technological innovation lags behind China, Russia, and India.
Tariff barriers invite retaliation. And the US relies on things like rare earths and metals for a lot of things—not to mention drugs and medicines – and human capital – technologists.
Forget what either Trump or Harris say. Forget Ukraine too. Pay attention to the BRICS summit.
The East and South are rising together. The West is drowning.
It seems that Chappy won’t arrive until October. In the meantime, Chappy helps look after kittens at the Shelter, a new batch having arrived.
Kittens like the one above — although that is a different shelter. Chappy’s kindness is one of his endearing qualities.
In the meantime, I am cleaning up my apartment to meet the needs of a young, active cat. Another cat tree!
To all those who expressed an interest in him —thank you!
Thank you especially for the coffees which help me with the expenses of adoption and treatment.
Now….can someone adopt ME?
Special Report Part 2
It has been sent.
I was going to send this article yesterday but when I went over it, I realized that I could make it a lot better. When I read Richard Wolf’s article, I realized that if even people like him, can get so many things wrong, I needed to work a little harder, check my facts and sources and original materials.
So I worked on it until late last night. Then got up early to send it. It is long. But I think it is much improved and covers all the bases.with a lot in it that you won’t find elsewhere.
After this, Part 3… As different from Part 2 as Part 2 is from Part 1.
Part 2, like Part 1 is in docx format, pdf and epub. I have also uploaded it to Large File Transfer and sent an email with a link in case your server rejects the zip file as to heavy.
Thanks for our patience.
The smart and thinking person who has already seen the statistics on the training of engineers in the world, which country has the highest number of engineers with technical qualifications fresh out of the universities, will be shocked at where the USA is!!! Far behind China, Russia and Iran (!). Yes, before you comment, the USA trains a uniquely high number of idiots in useless subjects, for example, for gender studies, does that make the planet better? Listen, Westerner, if the above news doesn't horrify you that the countries you have set up as enemies are much better in engineering, then you are one of those who would be the subject of Panem et circenses, since it has a long tradition since the Roman Empire!
Putin did not speak at the World Economic Forum ( he is not welcome there any more ) he spoke at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok . A very different event .