The smart and thinking person who has already seen the statistics on the training of engineers in the world, which country has the highest number of engineers with technical qualifications fresh out of the universities, will be shocked at where the USA is!!! Far behind China, Russia and Iran (!). Yes, before you comment, the USA trains a uniquely high number of idiots in useless subjects, for example, for gender studies, does that make the planet better? Listen, Westerner, if the above news doesn't horrify you that the countries you have set up as enemies are much better in engineering, then you are one of those who would be the subject of Panem et circenses, since it has a long tradition since the Roman Empire!

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It's the same in a lot of countries. Canada, even Japan.

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Let's say I'm not surprised in Canada, because Trudeau is in power there and that speaks for itself :), although I'm a little surprised in Japan, although the truth is that the unscrupulous adoption of the American way of life can lead to fatal deterioration of any country on the planet.

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Stay away from the "NeoCon talking points". That stuff only deligitimizes your comment. Gender Studies is NOT me meant to be a career building subject, it's an elective! That is it's just to round out a smart person's knowledge base, interaction with HUMANS and personality! Surely you or anyone should be interested in how men and women interact, unless you're a Incel.

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Putin did not speak at the World Economic Forum ( he is not welcome there any more ) he spoke at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok . A very different event .

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It fixed that silly mistake and added a link to the full text of Putin's speech. Please God. I hope this is not a sign of Bidenitis!

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Thank you. You are entirely correct. And I will correct the post.

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Don't forget to get your Meiji Corp Replicon vaccine next month!

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Ummm.... might pass on that. It is "probably" OK.... but "probably" doesn't really mean OK. I have a pretty good understanding of RNA -- which tells me that nobody really understands at all.

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