
You are quite right. I should have given the full quote.That said, if Russia is a mystery so to is its national interest, which Churchill was consistently mistaken about.And which the Americans are also mistaken about.

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Whatever you may think of Churchill, he had a point with that quote about Russia. If you quote it fully and correctly, that is: “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. THAT KEY IS RUSSIAN NATIONAL INTEREST.”

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Baboons have a pretty tight and complex social organization.

Kill one and you may have to walk backward, gun pointed at the rest of the clan, all the way back to camp. Empire denizens, satraps and political creatures? not so much. Wishful thinking, disinformation, and delusion, mostly.

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It is my opinion that the term Democrat has been usurped, those running Alzheimer's joe are Jacobins! FDR, HST, JFK those were Democrats.

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There is no better proof of Felix's observation than Alzheimer's joe: The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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A line from Homer comes to mind: "It takes two to lie, one to tell the lie and the other to believe it." (That's Homer Simpson, not the historical figure - just to be clear.)

I suspect it is related to people learning to be psychopaths. What is one willing to put up with in the liar's behavior and how long can one allow it to continue? There are a lot of heads that better belong on pikes along Rt95 than they do on TV or in writing in the MSM; that's indisputable. That brings up all the New Age assumptions about violence, Ghandi, becoming what one opposes. Yet, yet, yet, it seems to work for the baboons, eh?

When the State monopolizes violence, there is no way to oppose the violence of the State. The very fact that the State claims that any violence - other than it's own - is illegitimate, that's just another lie. There is no limit on how far the State can take it. Perhaps the 2nd Amendment was as far as the framers couild take that: a recognition that such a point would come.

We're only short time from AI drones hunting down and killing anyone suspected of wrong-think. At that point, one can only pray for massive solar flaring.

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Ah Homer Simpson, my favorite classical poet. With baboons it seems you only have to kill those at the top.

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"That's Homer Simpson, not the historical figure...."

I must object to this comment. Homer Simpson will be remembered fondly, long after

Dump and Genocide Joe are forgotten.

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Churchill was a reptile wrapped in a whiskey bottle.

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Love it! Kudos.

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Like. For some reason subscript won't let me like this post!

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It's Substack's problem. I fixed everything with Stripe. Stripe says its Substack's software problem. I complained the other day --the umpteenth time --and they promised --the umpteenth time -- to fix it.

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You are NOT alone, I've been having the same issue for a few days now! With hope of getting it resolved I contacted Substack, so far still not working.

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