I'm a former Democrat who would not piss on Kamala Harris, were she on fire. This is not to say that my opinion of Donald Trump is any warmer or fuzzyer. I view Mr Trump as the disease that the Democratic Party spawned in their incubator of neglect and disdain for working-class Americans

Think I'm done here.

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Great move!

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Why oh why is it about one man or woman? How about voting on whether you want their policies? It's pretty clear that the censorship industry will thrive under "Kamala", it's clear she strongly supports wars-- Ukraine et al. , it's clear that the migrant deluge will continue -- proof? look at what they are doing to Eric Adams (a real black person not a brown person pretending to be black) the Democrat Mayor in New York over his complaining about being overrun with Migrants and then getting no federal support.

I don't care if you don't like the person, how about looking at their policies.🙄🙄

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Excellent. Loved your breakdown of the true nature of Hezbollah. A disciplined organization, the support of the people and time = victory.

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What no dark side like every other person and organization in the world?

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I never want to vote for selfish reasons. My vote should count towards the common good of all—in my nation and beyond it. Anything less is an abominable betrayal towards the welfare of children and future generations everywhere.

"Pro life" Republicans giving standing ovations to a prime minister as he slaughters thousands of children. "Human rights" Democrats funding and arming the same. Is there a greater hypocrisy than this?

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The Horror of Harris means no change at all .

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"With this mindset, it is not to much of a stretch to imagine Harris stating her unwavering commitment to the security of Nazi Germany in the 30s."

Kamala does not harbor ideas. She is a dummy the ventriloquists in the deep state speak through. Her personal ambition does not extend beyond a desire to suck dick and become president.


Trump has an abrasive openly narcissistic personality that really rubs sensitive people wrong in a personal sort of way. He also is headstrong and gets ideas of his own, a loose cannon that cannot be relief upon to follow instructions to the letter.

Personally I almost never vote, politicians are overwhelming shit vs shit in my book. Even though I don't particularlyggyu

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🙄🙄🙄 love all the critics yet it seems no one on this post is prepared to do anything to change it. Yes you can change it-- how about voting and spoiling your ballot. Don't you think you are doing exactly what they want you to do-- ie check out?

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I do something to change it. In this case I would vote against Kamala, meaning I would vote for Trump. When I don't vote at all I still find every way possible and cost effective way to disassociate myself from the Matrix. Doing my bit to starve the beast and feed myself. I'm not going out in the street with signs or preaching geopolitics to the hoi polloi. If everyone was like me the deep state wouldn't have any politicians with meaningful power to buy, they would have to earn their way through the free consumer market, and that limits power.

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So many are fixated with Kamala's supposed predeliction to engage in fellatio as a political advancement mechanism. Does your wife satisfy your desire for that act? That should not be an item for public airing either.

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Actually yes my wife does do a pretty good job for me in that regard and also earns quite a nice profit in the private sector free market, and manages the household exceptionally well as an added bonus. Thanks for your concern.

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As I said, Jack, purely a personal issue; the query was purely rhetorical, but good on you and the Mrs!

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wow this is your comment? Does the wife you speak of get promoted into public positions of power for her "service"

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Who gives a shit that you dislike fucking criminal goddamned rapist Trump LESS than fucking Emoff-Harris.

Trump is a Shadow Jew and of course, his Jerusalem and Iran and China are his crimes, and alas, what a fucking sad sack of a human grifting, from dildos to Trump UnUniversity.

Zyklon Blinken is running the show, and Harris is another shadow Jew. She's been that fucking wart, the VP, for the demon Biden.

All motherfucking Republicans are warts and war mongering fucks.

Democrats? A majority too fit that description.

So, rapist Biden is the sock puppet, and Trump was the sock puppet. He's a big fucking wimp, and embarassment to a man. But then AmeriKKKa is a worthless Viagra, In and Out Burger Male Species.

U$A is a wasteland, and its history is about setting out to make other nations wastelands, but not before resource, human, and cultural theft.

Shit dog, This is the Century of the Jew. Forget about it, really, putting a spin on rapist Trump versus fucking ignoramous Emoff-Harris.

Ahh, watch your children, grandchildren the unborn because the billionaires of the bat and bar mitzvah crew are on the lurch.


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please get some help

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Oh no, more armchair psycho-babble from the lobotomized. Thanks for the advice.

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I understand and concur with your position. Trump is a game show host who only lets a truth bomb fly when his street instrincts warns him that we are about to change the channel. he loves the sound of his own voice. When talking about Springfield , Ohio all he had to say was " Why are there 20,000 haitians in Springfield" ? Then shut up, do not say another word., but he can't his ego takes over.

Harris is a cameleon. She has changed colors her whole life, starting with her life in Montreal as a little girl. There she surrounded herslf with white jewish girlfriends. Later in life in California as Willy Browns play toy she was black. She ran with that getting all the affermitive action perks she could. The fact that she never talks about her Hindu-Indian heritage is very telling. She is an opportunist , a grifter an empty pantsuit.

Julian , concerning the UN pact for the future. I have tried to find out who were the 15 countries who abstained from voting. That info seems to be blocked in Canada or I am not looking in the right spots. If you are any of your readers could send me the list it would be appreciated.

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Who cares? How about looking at what they will do?

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I don’t like Donald Trump. But I dislike Kamala Harris more. Trump I think usually believes the nonsense he spouts —at the time he says. Harris knows when she is lying.

Trump's killing of Soleimani shows he is no different. BOTH are sold out to AIPAC.

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God help the US -- how about seeing who is behind both of them and then commenting.

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