In my last post, I wrote, more or less satirically, comparing the flawed and “disputed” US election of 2020 with the Venezuelan election of 2024 in which there could be no question as to the results.
America’s flawed Constitutional republic sought to replace government by a British oligarchy with government by local oligarchies in each state-- but to do that it needed popular support,, Thus, its electoral system reflects the compromises which had to be made to mobilize those who would fight - without diminishing the power of elites. who would mostly watch from a distance.
Venezuela's current constitutional republic is much more rational and democratic than America’s.
Venezuela has its oligarchs too, of course. Monopolies and oligopolies inherited from pre-Chavez times . It’s OneP ercent – who, like America's and Canada's and Britain's-- don't like to share economically or politically.
That is what Chavez sought to overcome. And he was very successful— writes Alan Macloud, perhaps the foremost authority on modern Venezuelan politics. Read him and weep for America.
Venezuela has been a target because it offers an alternative vision of how society should be organized. Under Hugo Chavez, Venezuela nationalized its vast oil industry and used the profits to fund massive social welfare programs, including free healthcare, education and housing. Under Chavez, poverty was reduced by half, and extreme poverty was reduced by three-quarters. Illiteracy was eradicated, and the student population grew to become the fourth largest in the world. Venezuela became an inspiration around the globe, especially as it led the movement for a more multipolar world, offered unqualified support for Palestinian liberation, and gave its oil away for free to poor countries and communities, including black and Native American populations in the U.S. who had their homes heated for free or at heavily discounted rates courtesy of the Venezuelan government.
Of course, for the US rule by the "people" is a challenge.
The American "way" is "my way or the highway".
Or is George W. Bush liked to say, “You're either with us or against us”.
And that means war of one kind or another.
The US has done everything it could to subvert the democratic process in Venezuela, from Chavez to Maduro-- sanctions, propaganda, theft of assets, subversion, sabotage, and violence.
The U.S. has supported multiple coup attempts against Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chavez. It has also spent tens of millions funding opposition groups, including NGOs, student organizations, and political parties. Marina Corina Machado is a case in point. The opposition leader’s “human rights” group, Súmate, was bankrolled by the CIA front group, the National Endowment for Democracy.
Did I mention lies?
Maduro said his election was a triumph of truth over lies and he was right.
This was very obvious in the last election.
Before the votes had been cast and right after, the US disinformation machine was turning out all kinds of distortions and misinformation including fake videos and fake photos, fake polls and the like. A lot of time, effort, and money went into this.
The election was said to be "disputed"-- as though there was some doubt about who actually won when there was absolutely none.
As Putin says, the US is the Empire of Lies. Satan was not the Great Deceiver— that is the MSM.
Despite the millions of dollars the US spent trying to influence the results—Maduro won by a healthy 6%-- perhaps more-- in the world's fairest, most transparent, most reliable, and most verifiable election system-- one the US should copy. Democracy works if you do it right. The US just does it wrong.
But the US went beyond propaganda.
Sure enough, the day after results were announced, there was violence in the streets, mostly by gangs who were likely funded with American money. Yes there is money to be made from chaos. In the US is never been too shy to use criminal or terrorist groups to achieve political goals. Nicaragua, Honduras, Ukraine, Libya, Syria …it is a long list.
These days, the violence is usually under the cover of “color revolutions”.
The violence in Caracas is a repeat of 2014 and 2018. In the end it will strengthen the legitimacy of the Maduro government, which has risen to the challenge of overcoming sanctions .
U.S. sanctions have devastated the country. But the Maduro administration appears to have successfully weathered the worst of the storm. Stores are full again, inflation has been tamed, and Venezuela now produces 96% of the food it consumes. On top of that, Maduro’s signature housing policy, Misión Gran Vivienda Venezuela, just celebrated the building of its five-millionth apartment. “Venezuela is healing” is a common slogan across the country.
This is what the US cannot abide—a successful democracy that actually improves the lives of ordinary people. What if the idea caught on in the US?
Many thanks to Mint Press and Alan Macloud. Please read the article here!
Chappy Time
The big black cat was named Kuma. He was seven or 8 kg. A bit chubby – and had the most outrageous farts— but he was wonderful with kittens— in this case, Ichi.
I'm hoping that Ichi will adjust to his little brother fast and that his little brother will adopt Ichi in the same way.
It will take longer for Chappy to learn to trust me.
With feral cats, trust is very much earned – not given automatically. It takes time. Right now I am cleaning a lot of junk out of my tiny apartment so that Chappy and Ichi will have places to play and hide and do what cats do.
I have sent out more copies of American Borg to coffee buyers. I see a couple of failure notices for the server. I will try resending tomorrow morning. It's 1 AM here in Tokyo. The next installment was finished— but so much is happening that I've had to make some changes and additions. No matter, I am planning on sending it out this weekend!
To get on the mailing list or contribute to be Chappy Fund, please buy me a coffee by clicking here or on the picture above!
C'mon, Julian - the average American is clueless on Venezuela or any other 'American' use of military and other evil practices of DaSynagogue of Satan. Some call DSOS as Clown World, oligarchs or whatever, but to constantly accuse America as the instigator in these terrorist activities is either naive or deliberate misdirection. You know damn well who rules America - we saw it when DaGenocider in chief spoke to the trained seals in congress clapping their flippers last week.
America is now NOT-America!
Many, many , years ago (1970) I was a young Canadian athelete who received a fotball and track scholarship to attend an american university where i met a man who had been in viet nam fighting for the US of A. Over time we became friends and over time he was recuited by Central Intelligence to kill in countries like Nicauragua ,Thailand, Cambodia, Burma , Venezuela , and other countries.
What all these countries have in common is jungle , and his skill was jungle warfare.
During the Trump administration or Mr. Dithers as he calls him. He was called back to Washington to meet with Mr. Dithers and 2 very rich hegefund managers. Fink and Singer, kinda sounds like a jewish dance team. What was preposed was that Venezuelan oil was to be liberated. Cost was no issue.
When asked what was needed to do this job he told them he needed 150,000 american ground ,troops naval and air support and his large fee 200m.
It was all agread.
Mr. Dithers was on board and the dance team of Fink and Singer would supply the 200 large since they are connected with the wall street banks who need the oil as collateral for the derivatives problem that exists. Venezualan oil has been sanctioned to death for these 2 reasons, cripple the economy and make sure the reserves stay in tact. That is very important. even with sanctions on the oil industry then the likes of shell, exon and bp could buy the product thru middlr men. Collateral keeps the game going.
When I asked my friend how he came up with the number 200, he said Joseph Votel of centcom had received 20 m from the Isreali government to commit american troops to die in defence of Isreal and he was 10 times better at his job than Votel. He also explained that the money that Votel received was really american taxpayer funds.
In the end Mr. dithers being the bullshit windbag that he is , (really folks he's just a game show host)
reneged on the american troops suggesting Colombian and Panamanian troops be used with mercenaries.
In the end an american named Goodreau was paid 25 m and had a group of american and columbians invade Venezula. He now resides in a Venezualan Prison as the Venezualan army didn't change sides.
The latest coup attempt follows the maidan script where the election results are disputed and then the government is overthrown physically. The reason it worked in Ukraine was that Victoria Nuland( the hebrew hog) spread around 5 billion. that buys a lot of people.
As for that pretend free speecher Musk , he's on board for the free lithium.
It's all about the OIL