US still has the highest number of known incarcerated and judicially supervised residents of any regime in history, has engaged in more conflicts per year of its existence than any other state in history, regularly flouts international law, and has just banned TikTok because it is "radicalizing" US youth and making Americans "anti-semites". Yet the US accuses China of being authoritarian, belligerent, a scofflaw and engaging in censorship and brainwashing. Perhaps, as a friendly gesture, the world should present Biden with a mirror.

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Funny, that upside down US flag. I have one on the tailgate of my truck.

Good post.

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When considering Earth, I try to always factor in Geologic Time, a 4.5 Billion year old planet. There is a Geologic Record, it can be very useful, in making judgments. Throughout this history The Sun has been a major factor. In Geologic Time man is a very recent development. CO2 is not an issue, The Sun is the primary factor in determining Global Temperatures. As to the Military, "Carbon Footprint" does not worry me. However, they have a long TOXIC history. Agent Orange comes to mind, "Burn Pits", spent Uranium. fuel spills, habitat destruction. As to the Greta , et. al. H. L. said it best: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

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I find it remarkable how Russia has transformed itself since 1990 as well while the West has remained static, living in the past.

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A full scale nuclear exchange, lasting less than 60 minutes...could wipe out more than 300 million Americans, Europeans, and Russians, as well as untold numbers elsewhere. And the survivors-as Chairman Khrushchev warned the Communist Chinese, `the survivors would envy the dead.' For they would inherit a world so devastated by explosions and poison and fire that today we cannot conceive of its horrors.

John F. Kennedy

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From my perspective 22NOV63 is a watershed date! we are living in it's aftermath.

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So glad to see the college students leading the way toward morality and decency again in this Western hellhole. Power to the people! #FreePalestine #EndAllWars

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The West is looking so delusional one wonders what the collapse will look like.!

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Mark my words. The Deep State has shifted its support to Trump for president. Biden is being thrown under the bus.

William Barr is the deepest of the Deep State; the ultimate covert operator. Check out his resume on Wikipedia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Barr

Barr just endorsed Trump for president after being part of the cabal that set Trump up on January 6 and got him indicted in New York, Washington, and Georgia.

Trump is beating the rap on everything thrown at him. Now the Supreme Court has been greenlighted to overturn the indictments.

Meanwhile, George Soros (& son), longtime Deep State action officer in the regime change department, is doing what he has done in color revolutions around the world by doing same to Biden via the phony pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Exact same deal as BLM except sides have switched.

Biden and the Dems are now permanently tarred as anti-Israel, allowing the Alt-Right (Breitbart, etc.) and Trump himself to pose as pro-Israel all the way. So the Jewish donors are also flipping to Trump.

Anyway, Biden won't be running. The word is that he will be switched out for Gretchen Whitmer at the DNC in Chicago. Whitmer then will pretend to be running in Biden's place and will gracefully accept defeat.

So Trump will be Prez.

And what will Trump pay for the privilege? He's already begun to pay by leaning on Mike Johnson to flip-flop and greenlight the $95 billion war package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. This includes getting on-board with abandoning Republican opposition to any funding for border security. Meaning Trump has bought into the Deep State program of massive illegal immigration.

What else will Trump be paying for the privilege of continuing to live a free man and resuming his position as head of state?

To be brief, Trump will fully buy into the launch of World War III against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. He's already started doing that. And he'll continue.

Like I say, mark my words.

Richard Cook



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So so true about a Nation gone Ballistic and where all the graft is heading. Got to keep up those 6-figure salaries (some 7 or even 8) for the million or so hangers-on that darken the MIC hallways (though many now "work" at home).

Please check out my own book on how things got this bad.


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I think more and more about how to shut this missile down.

Yes, ultimately tyranny always ends in violence; it would be nice to avoid that. All of these so-called "elites" that command the mind space have to be eliminated; their presumed privilege has to be put to final rest. Used to be I could get a letter to the editor published; not so any more.

Nina Jankowicz is making a return. Paid for to mess with me by my own tax dollars. Russia, Russia, Russia. No, the Russian MOD isn't going to listen to me, but I sure wish they could drop a few missiles on Washington DC.

Ultimately, Big Picture, it seems we have reached the end of the road, the place where working together is abandoned for beggar-thy-neighbor looting, grift, destruction. The realm of civilized action will continue to shrink - first goes international law, then international trade, law in general, culture. The "tribe" will get smaller and smaller; one cannot trust anyone one does not know well personally.

Those who follow the "elite" messaging are in the way.

So sad, but wishing it were otherwise is not going to make it so. Time to start building the monasteries and the sacred communities..

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The flight of US is "bullshitistic", designed to rocket straight up in a ball of fire and smoke of burning trillions before the transfixed, orgasmic thrill of the population. Once high above the atmosphere it will -- as it is now doing -- falter, stall ... and plummet straight back onto the launching pad ... KaBOOOOM!

In a way, it will be well-deserved justice. Or as we like to spell here in the United States: "JUST-US".

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In tribute to the those brave protesters of genocide:

Care not what your country can do to you,

Care that your country does not do that to others.

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A Stand for Love of Country (by me)

I do not pledge allegiance to the flag

or to the empire for which it stands.

One global oppressor, consumed with greed,

always dividing,

with “liberty” and “justice” for sale.

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You nailed it, Julian. Let's hope the USA doesn't cause too much damage before it implodes.

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