"It reflects also a difference of values. Americans think “greed is good”. Russians think “achievement is good”. There is a difference. The Americans’ attitude is that of Robber Barons. The Russians? Adam Smith."

I agree with your point with contemporary American society but it was not always thus: in 1908 Henry Ford offered his workers in his factory $5 a day where his competitors in Detroit like McCormick who made agriculture harvesters was dismayed as he only paid his workers $2 a day and so complained to Ford:

Ford replied: "I pay my workers handsomely so they can buy my cars".

America was not always in the rut that you so eloquently describe.

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I think you need to read: Toqueville on his visit to the USA.

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I read that tome years ago -40 years ago at school.

That tome was what 65 years or so before Ford's statement-and at the same time as Ford Teddy Roosevelt-the first of modern 'progressives'- began the anti trust movement that took down Standard Oil (Rockefellers)and later ATT in the 80's-Clinton reversed that trend so we now how Fascism with govt and Big Corporates being partners.

A pity.

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Read it again because this WAS the USA in all it's glory. However I also not the snobbism from a European.

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I think no one in their right mind would want to compete with Boeing in commercial jets…...

That sentiment changed in a heartbeat with sanctions, now Russian commercial aviation has a protected domestic market for the forseeable future and a viable export market to BRICS et al.

The Russian jets only need to be about as good as the Boeing jets which seems to be getting easier as Boeing focuses on maximizing shareholder value and executive compensation.

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Why do you think that nobody in their right mind would want to compete against Boeing? Especially for a country with a rich history and expertise in aviation like Russia, having to buy foreign commercial airliners is a total affront.

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Boeing has facilities worldwide to maintain the jets and keep them in the air. It would be expensive and unnecessary to duplicate the Boeing investment. The sanctions both force and reward Russian investment in Russian aviation which is very good for Russia and very bad for Boeing. This is an unintended consequence of USA sanctions.

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