Here is Trump chatting as he signs Executive Orders. There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about what he said here — from various points of view— which you have probably already seen.
Most of what he says has to do with Putin and the negotiations with Russia.
I have my own opinion of course and was originally planning an analysis— but this time decided to try something different. .
Usually, when I do an analysis, I get lots of comments afterward, with different opinions and points of view and emotional reactions..
I like that!
I have always been partial to “dialectic” which had its origins with the Greeks. A lot of people confuse this with “debate” — which it isn’t at all — not a dual of competing logics — but rather, an exchange of thoughts and feelings— which hopefully leads to a higher awareness. .
So— before I deal with this event, I want to hear from YOU! I will keep my opinions to myself until then.
Ichi the Thinker
Ichi is a thinker.
And he wants to start his own Substack page where he looks deep into the mysteries of the universe. He has responsibilities, a little brother to civilize, and a clumsy human slave to train. .
Ichi is a Dialectical Thinker. That’s natural. Like all cats, he is autistic— an “original”. And that’s the way our minds work.
Trump seems to be very ill informed about Russia & Ukraine .
Its economy is doing very well . Inflation is high but dropping . I believe that the official inflation figures in the West are a load of B/S as they do not include food or accommodation . The real numbers are probably similar to Russia's .
He seems to believe that Russia has a million KIA . It is probably between one hundred and one hundred and fifty thousand . Ukraine is the one with a million plus dead . Hence the panic about troop numbers and the forced conscription .
Too early to say with any level of accuracy. Bad information or negotiation positioning (with Putin and/or US public) is my best guess at this time...