Trump seems to be very ill informed about Russia & Ukraine .

Its economy is doing very well . Inflation is high but dropping . I believe that the official inflation figures in the West are a load of B/S as they do not include food or accommodation . The real numbers are probably similar to Russia's .

He seems to believe that Russia has a million KIA . It is probably between one hundred and one hundred and fifty thousand . Ukraine is the one with a million plus dead . Hence the panic about troop numbers and the forced conscription .

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Trump is as ill informed as Biden was about Russia. Like yourself Julian, I read as widely as time and access permit me. I read everything Putin and Lavrov write and publish. Their clarity of thought exceeds anything western leaders are capable of. They are remarkably consistent in their views through time. Americans in the main seem to enjoy being deceived, having been immersed since early childhood in the American hubris of ‘exceptional nation’ The decline and eventual collapse of American imperialism is irreversible - it is a natural cycle that history proves. I take succour from this fact. The emergence of BRICS has given the ROW a lifeline, so, contrary to Thatcher’s TINA, there is now an alternative. Keep writing Julian, please.

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Your point about reading what Putin and Lavrov write and say is spot on. Whenever I read a news report about their comments I just go to their sites and read the transcripts. It's as if I'm in the pre-revolutionary war days and reading the Federalist Papers exchanges. Or even beyond that to some of the greatest writers of liberty. There is similar work being done around the world, in Asia and Latin America, though none carries the weight of these two. I really think their brand of state-controlled capitalism

Introduced by Russia and China as the emerged in recent times can work very well for the BRICS+ nations.

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Cats don’t need philosophy because they already know how to live, and they aren’t troubled by any thought of death. Humans look for meaning by telling their lives as stories, but stories can always be disrupted or ended by chance and death. Cats find meaning in the sensation of life itself.


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Trump wants to "stop the killing" without getting into the underlying causes of the killing. So he's riding into a box canyon thinking he's going to corner Putin. When Trump takes over American ownership of the Ukraine war he'll find out about Putin and box canyons. Putin has all his ducks in a row and the deep state has left Trump with an American dead duck to resuscitate.

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I don't see anything changing in the USA/Russia relationship. Trump must know he's got a very weak hand, so he's simply bluffing, as usual. After a few months he will attempt to walk away from the entire Ukraine/Russa fiasco, and say - oh well, I tried to talk sense into them but they want to fight, so let them fight. As if Trump is the adult, and Russia/Ukraine are the children. When the truth is Russia is the adult, USA is the child, and Ukraine is the bedroom that USA has filled full of trash and drugs, which Russia must clean.

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I'm curious how Trump will react after Putin tells him to fuck off🤔 I think much ketchup will be spilled. Cuddles to the kitties🤗🥰

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Trump is lowering the value of the target (in this case, Putin and invalidating Russia) so that when any negotiations take place, the bar will be much lower. He might then call this a victory, which will be nothing more than a face-saving device. As it stands, I wouldn't trust the US government any more than you can throw it.

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Yeah, he's bullshitting and this is a good theory of the bullshit. He likes to create narratives and this narrative is: "Putin is so weak, there's no point in fighting him anymore."

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Too early to say with any level of accuracy. Bad information or negotiation positioning (with Putin and/or US public) is my best guess at this time...

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WHO in any Country even believes the USA anymore.

The tide is turning. This is so in Europe. The EU are dead.

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That idea i like.

My cent:

1. Trump must be very careful about Ukraine.

He should imprint the narrative (which is mostly true) that the Biden Administration supported the European war with Russia and that this is NOT Trumps war, nor the US's War.

He should explain that this war is almost lost and that Europeans should solve that problem themselves, because they ignited it (City of London and its agents: Boris Johnson + Starmer).

Option: He could explain that Britain (City of London) and the EU are on their own and make that clear by either one, two or all of the following:

a) Leave NATO and let it over to the Europeans (and led by the 'City of London' super deepstate).

b) Withdraw from Europe and close US bases, missile launching installations, Nuclear weapons and naval bases, calling back the occupying troops from Germany. This could be explained by saying they are needed closer to the US sphere of interest/influence. It would satisfy Russia and open up better relations with the US.

c) Slowing down or halting the formation of alliances in the East, defining the Sphere of Interest/Influence for the US (North- or all of America... and define its extension into the Pacific.)


2. The influence of the Zionist Lobby will force him to make a big show of supporting Israel, with limited room for avoiding involvement in Zionist genocides.

The trick is to use a Postponement Policy, never say no, but first....

The only way to kill the Zionist Lobby is to make a law (and that can be blocked by that Lobby) that prohibits foreign money to be donated in US Elections.

The way to that goal goes via exposing all Senators and Representatives who receive money from AIPAC and or other foreign sources.


3. The most important target should be to give his followers improvements that they can see and feel themselves, both in income/cost of living as in support for the ill and Seniors and not-to-forget victims of disasters. Trump's Power rests on his Popular vote. Not on External Powers.

What helps is to point to those that try to stop or hinder this.

Asking foreign investors (Saudi and/or China) to create Industry, not military, but for cars and infrastructure using existing US-workforces (High-speed trains, coastal protection against storms and floods, Forest-fire protection)... The Americans can buy cheep American-built Electrical Cars, owned by Chinese and more things like that.


A daring idea, for in his last 2 years maybe, is to seek membership with BRICS.



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What we learned:

1. Trump has no clue of anything. He doesn’t even know where or what Spain is. He is stupid like bread.

2. This means: he doesn’t know himself what he is going to do. It’s all emotion, zero facts or analytics. Smart Elons will steer him where they want him to go. Question is: Who??

3. The strongest of all emotions is the will to subjugate the world: Colonies! Slaves! Exclusive rights! Terror! Make the world shiver out of fear!

4. Heil Rom!

Simplicius the Thinker just wrote all the rest. I agree 100%:


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Just reading my wonderful books at the moment.........speculation and chaos will end eventually.

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According to Russian leaders there have been no communications between the Rabbi's team and Putin's team, so it appears our Chosen, saved by god so he can restore America's greatness, is just talking to find words. Most likely he is simply repeating something someone told him a few minutes ago.

Certainly his knowledge of Russian economics is missing several levels of thinking as I'm sure is true for his knowledge of China economics and even America's. In any event Russia will demonstrate a strong attachment to the 3 key demands it has had since 2022 and if Adelson's Boy Toy doesn't like it there will be nothing he can do.

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There is another point concerning Heil Elon. This guy on steroids acted on stage as if HE was the new POTUS. He seems to be convinced that Trump is HIS man - not the other way around. Notice how he answered Justin Trudeau, who refused Canada becoming 5xth state of USA:

„Girl, you are no longer the governor of Canada, so nobody cares what you think.“


Elon enjoys HUMILIATION. He wants to subjugate Canada and its people which he considers minor. And not only Canada. Europe. Latin Amerika. It’s the end of democratic hypocrisy. We do it because we can, and if we can we have the right, bc only the „Chosen People“ can.

Again: it’s like wannabe a Roman Emperor. No wonder they love Zionists.

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From what I understand, Trump is trying to arrange a phone conversation with Putin, and then--if all goes well--a face-to-face meeting. Let's see how the phone conversation goes. Should shed much light on all this speculation.

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Well his 24 hour are up.

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