8 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

"As predicted, the war is heating up. Israel is giving the finger to the world".

Ever since last October, I have believed that in launching Al-Aqsa Flood Hamas showed immense moral courage. By baiting "Israel", they challenged them to do their worst - knowing full well how horrible that "worst" would be. They deliberately sacrificed their comrades, women and children to the full fury of "Israel"'s malice, knowing how many of them would die.

By doing so, they forced "Israel" to give the whole world the finger - to admit, even boast, that they feel no moral constraints or compunction when dealing with Gentiles. In the last year, the rest of the world has been forced to look on at a continual series of "Israeli" atrocities and justifications. It's gradually getting harder to sit on the fence or pretend ignorance.

The alternative was to go on waiting passively until the "Israelis" either killed every last Palestinian or drove the survivors far away - where they would lose the right to call themselves Palestinian.

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US/ISRAELI military power exists through their air forces alone. The ´necessary weapons’ are effective air defence missiles in quantity. How long before Hezbollah, Iran, Syria get them?

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Happy birthday. I tried to buy you a meal. However, my employer blocks that website. Will get you a meal, once I have been home.

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Done. Hope you have the best dinner ever.

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Thank you and happy birthday! I wish you a surprising new year...

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I am not sure if Iran, or anyone in the region, can do anything. If they responded decisively, after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Israel might be taken aback, at least for a moment. So Israel doesn't take kindly to weakness if their enemy shows any, just like Americans,  they are going for jugular and won't relent. They'll level Lebanon like Gaza and kill thousands of women and children in the process; they don't care. Iran won't do anything also because Russia can't help them, as they are deep in their struggle against the Western powers. This is also another opportunity for the Western powers to extend their war against Brics by isolating or even attacking Iran. 

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(Iran won't do anything also because Russia can't help them, as they are deep in their struggle against the Western powers.)

Precisely what that war was all about keeping Russia confined in order to prevent them from moving on the Middle East - it's about the trade routes and shipping corridors and the race for control. However you have over 2 million resistance troops that are battle tested and moving into the area. Whereas the USA and Israel are both back peddling. The entire world now see's both for what they truly are and will have a hard time trying to sell this war. Consider all the college kids that have been standing in solidarity with Palestine and how hard it will be to amass the troops this time - unlike 9-11 where they were hoodwinked. Even if they try to implement the draft it won't be easy.

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Good points

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Believe you're on point here--and Happy Birthday!

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{Who are these NYT “experts”anyway? The interns who fetch coffee for the writers?}

Newspapers are a dying industry as is MSM magazines et al. Israel has exploited that to it's fullest advantage showering all of them them with millions of dollars to broadcast and publish their propaganda. The NYP is even worse - they continue to report and reference the beheaded babies and rapes.

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