"Russia is not really winning and the West not really losing" - I recently published a piece that delves into this in more detail, but long story short: not losing to the collective West, which has a GDP 25 times greater, is quite an accomplishment.

Not to mention 6 times greater population, which at least theoretically should translate to significantly greater intellectual capital. Judging by our leaders, and how they failed to assess chances of sanctions succeeding I think it's the other way around.

Sharing a link if anyone is interested in reading more.


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Russia half our population but graduating the same amount of S.T.E.M grads.

And of course China, then theres China ...

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"Russia and China must be ready for is the collapse of the American Empire-- which will make 1929 look like a weekend hangover. "

Good analogy. I'm more inclined to think the collapse of the American Empire will be closer to the fall of the Roman Empire. Barbarians at the gate. A new religion or two. A lot of nostalgic remembrances, none of them accurate. Soon its history turned to dust.

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the west can no longer take a step back, therefore it will continue to try to isolate Russia and not communicate with them, or with the East, because that is the only way it can continue to write its fake history ... after all, in 50 years they can try to break Russia again, with a new by the western indoctrinated army...

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The West does not step back -- it has no reverse gear. Nor will they just leave Russia alone, isolated. Russia has too many resources-- into many other partners. What is happening is that the US is isolating himself from most of the world, of pursuing a policy of conquest and aggression, failing at both

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exactly so ... if the West wants to isolate someone, it only isolates itself ... but they use this isolation (or try to do so) to educate their people in their bonds, who swallow the Western misinformation from the media (in Europe mostly only shows Western news on TV), and this is how they educate their soldiers, or at least the voters ...

Even in Ukraine, they managed to create isolation and nazify the western part.

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A GREAT one Julian !!

Here, from Europe, i signal a Growing Panic in the Lobby-Network Puppets Elite in Brussels.

It seems some are seeing the Collapse of the NATO in/around Ukraine coming soon now.

Some (still) hope that the standing Armies in Europe with some US-help could turn the tide,

some just want to keep the Europeans believing they will win the War by trying to make more James-Bond triumphs...

Meanwhile Dark Forces in Washington seem to want to damage Russia's Defense against a First strike (with Nukes)... What is their purpose ? Is there a Plan in that direction ??

Well... We will See.


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The attack on the radar station was in indication of intent but the Russians have considerable redundancy in their radar systems.

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May 26·edited May 28

That is absolutely right.

But these Huge Radars (A multi-storey structure) are "Over the Horizon" and there is only one for each "segment" surrounding Russia, a total of ~10.

(Ukraine source) Voronezh-DM Over-the-Horizon Radar of 6,000 km Observation Range:


Russian Current Early Warning->https://russianforces.org/sprn/

The Intent is NOT to protect ATACMS, French, UK, German missiles, but ICBM'S.

So it Destroyed a Russian protection against a first Strike by the Empire, which in itself is a reason for Russia to start a First Strike FIRST...


PS. May 28.


2 Out Of 10 #Russian 😱 Early Strategic Missile Warning Systems Damaged:


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Great Article Julian! I've shared the link.

A Skeptic War Reports


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thank you

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Great article but do not take the STEM graduation rates seriously since we know that China graduates less STEM students than the US. The difference is China defines anyone who touches technology as being STEM whereas the US defines STEM only if one obtains a 4 year or higher level degree in a STEM field of study - this is what most people think of STEM. In China a person could be a low level operator and they call them engineers or at least STEM workers. I do not know if India and Russia do the same.

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Thank you.

I would like to add something on the expectations for AI.

Having worked in ICT (Computers/Networks) for 40 years as Autistic with a special talent on that, I have some insights about the High expectations around AI.

AI works still with Algorithmic processes. As do all Robotics.

It uses "Computers", which all work as a "Turing Machine". Using Predictable Algorithms.

Turing Machine->https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_machine

Mathematics Professor Roger Penrose,


Showed that some "problems" cannot be solved by strict Algorithmic routines, just because they are Algorithmic and so Deterministic.

Still our brains could solve them (think about the Eureka-moment of Archimedes) which proves our brain does NOT solely work predictably Algorithmic.

Penrose hypothesized that some Quantum Physical "Collapse of the Wave-funtion" was producing this effect, but he could not find real proof for that... (Yet ?)


AI is deterministic and CANNOT SOLVE all problems our Brains can do. Never forget that.


PS. Penrose on Consciousness->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdjHRA7fV10

PPS. For who likes to be confused->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1wqUCATYUA

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I think this is quite correct. Deterministic mathematical algorithms are not intelligent, as such. I had a discussion with a fellow from Cambridge, a mathematician who buys me coffee. He agrees with Penrose on the quantum aspects of cognition. He points out the while we don't know how this works exactly-- it is quite clear that it does work. Autistic people are more likely to understand thanks to diminished " executive function". :)

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… who buys me coffee?

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Visit any US university with an active STEM post-graduate program. What one typically sees is about half the postgraduates are from China, most of the rest are from India, and then there are a few South Americans and other nationalities. It is not uncommon in STEM departments to find no (zero! nada!) postgraduate students who were born in the US.

You see something similar at many technical conferences -- many of the papers are presented by Chinese authors, or Indian authors, and there are not many Western names in the co-authors list. Houston, we have a problem!

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This is also true on at least one UK data processing Masters course at a top university. Why? They say that there are not enough such courses in China and therefore very competitive. Wealthy families send their children to study there. This is great for university finances but bad news for local students - poor English, rocky maths on team projects. BUT it seems this university gravy train is coming to an end as the Chinese govt is rapidly expanding STEM places.

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Excellent point. This tech stuff is not in my wheelhouse, but from what I read about AI development, potential and goals, many of these grads -- STEM or not -- will probably unemployed in the next decade ... or less.

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Yes but not AI specialists, especially if they have languages.

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That is certainly so in the US.it's a vicious circle, Without STEM graduates,you cannot create industry or infrastructure.but without industry or infrastructure there are no jobs for these people! So back to India!

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Meanwhile the braindead and heartless Biden allows clingers like Blinken, Sullivan, Austin to drag him and all the USA down with him. If President Putin is an autocrat at least he is a thoughtful one. Our autocrats are the Peter Principle at its most grotesque.

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Prof. Peter was at my university, Dr. Larry..lol

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It is my contention that in the usa there is indeed an agenda in play. The agenda, borrowing a phrase, desires fundamental change. Alzheimer's joe has no say in the matter, he could even be a hologram. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." Edward Bernayus

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Spot on! I'd have liked this post but at this point I am unable to like posts on Substack.

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Same here, any idea why or is it lack of pc maintenance?

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At least it's not just me! For what it's worth I've contacted Substack, substack.com/support, and tired all their suggestions, nothing works to fix it. It's accross the board all Substack sites. are they under "attack"? Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Some comments are receiving upvotes so I'll try my back up [leter] and let you know.

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