Mass hysteria, national mental disorders have been well documented in history. Charles MacKay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds is a good example

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As having worked in forensic psyciatry more than 30 years teaching about borlerline persnality disorder I alwas had the end words "just look at USA and you will see it clearly"

Yes there is adefinition in DSM and it is more eexplicit in every newer edition

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I think you nailed it, diagnostically.

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Regarding the map of the reorganized America: there are NO liberal states or regions, just urban areas. They would be come (already are) the Hong Kongs of America--only in reverse (communist/socialist/globalist/fascist sheet holes in a capitalist country).

As for this: "Why is it that liberal democracies are neither liberal nor democratic? Why are political parties these days more like factions of one party? Why is it that…." They're "democracies" in words only. What they really are: communist/socialist/globalist/fascist sheet holes--where too much power/money is held by too few "people."

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As always I love the article and I pay attention to your birthday!

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