Another wonderfully observed article.

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Interesting decisions await Turkyie too.

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Add to the dynamic the Pakistani Islamic street.

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Good article but careful what you say about certain entities helping Iran. Unless proven without a shred of doubt with incontrovertible evidence (and even then!) saying things like that is not helpful.

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Thanks. " saying things like that is not helpful." Could you be more explicit as to what you mean? I have sure you have some good reasoning.

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“Imagine a few hundred much more advanced missiles—with the advantage of Russian targeting and guidance systems— launched at Israel and the US fleet in the Red Sea.”


Whether it’s true or not it’s best not to make any conjecture out loud about the type of support. Western media propaganda blames Russia, China, etc. for everything we shouldn’t give them any more ammo.

There is also a difference between Iran giving Houthis/Hezbollah high level military support and Russia doing so.

My point is, even if it is understood, some things should remain in the subtext and not spelled out.

That’s just my humble opinion.

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