If one is familiar with Western game theory (Nash et al), the Russian versions are fascinating. The US military adapted Nash's theories-- but failed to understand him properly -- as was also the case with military strategist John Boyd's theories. The Russians' theories were pragmatic, eclectic and holistic. Most American applications of game theory really just dressed up existing biases and policies.

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It seems to me that Prighozin is playing the part Putin wants him to play. I don't see how he could say such things without the big boss's approval. If you're talking about game theory, you'd have to look at chess from the point of view of Alexandre Douguine (geopolitika.ru). To sum up Douguine's theory, considering this war as a chess game, he considers that on both the Black side (the Americans) and the White side (the Russians), - but let's only look at the White side - there are three parties: that of immediate defeat (the pro-Western liberals); that of deferred defeat - the Russian elite who pledge allegiance to Putin but would like to continue enjoying the delights of the West - and finally the party of victory, which is the vast majority of the Russian people, who accept a head-on confrontation with the West - on the Black side, it's the party of indifference.

Prighozin's words can be read on three levels, depending on the party he's addressing. For the party of immediate defeat, he encourages them to come out of the woodwork, to reveal themselves in broad daylight, the better to defeat them of course. For the party of deferred defeat, those wavering between loyalty and betrayal, he increases their discomfort by heightening their doubts about the SMO's situation. Finally, for the victory party, he says out loud what they want to hear: that victory will only come through general mobilization, even if Prighozin himself doesn't believe in its necessity.

That the West should be so stupid as to delude itself with Prighozin's words is something we've been used to since February 2022. I've just read the response of Dominique Arel, Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Ottawa, on the chances of a successful Ukrainian offensive: "The conditions are at the very least favorable. The Ukrainian army is supplied with armored vehicles and long-range missiles. Its soldiers are pumped up, whereas Russian troops have been failing since the beginning of the invasion. Road conditions are also better during the summer months.

For Western experts, it's the Russian army that's failing.

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I believe he is possibly (also) doing a sort of reverse projection move. Calling out their opponents' mania by proxy. Same as he is the world's proxy for Putin in Western (and aligned) media. Telling all of them to look in the mirror if they dare.

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Good point.

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Really interesting comments and stimulating analysis. Thank you so much for this.

I know Arel. He is an icon of the Canadian Ukrainians diaspora, which arrived in Canada in waves -- after WWII, a large one of Nazis, who feared justice at the hands of the Russians - and other Ukrainians. Freeland is another such person. Arel has a vested interest in pushing this line-- which is the official narrative in the West. However, facts on the battlefield belie this narrative. I agree that Prighozin is playing the part that Putin wants him to play, as you say. But I think that Levebre (Russian Game Theory) is more relevant than the better known Douguine. And there are more than 3 parties in the game.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply.

The specific interest of Dugin's theory is that it comes from Dugin. He is not the ideologue close to Putin portrayed by the pro-American media, but an authentic Russian thinker who lives in the heart of Russia. And it's in no way opposed to the game theory you present - they complement each other.

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Your comments was very interesting. I was aware that Dugin is not what the Western media say. But there is no room in their narrative for facts. I also agree that Dugins' theory of war is not actually opposed to (Russian) game theory as applied to conflict situations.

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I tried to access the link on Lefevre (or however he is spelled...), but unfortunately the link is broken. Could you please check, if possible? Greetings from Switzerland!

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I inserted a new link. Try these links.

The difference between Levebrve's game theory and classical (Western) game theory has to do with the assumptions on which the mathematical models are based. Western models assume primacy of individual selfishness. Levebrve is a Marxist and allows for collectivity. Actual research indicates (I think) that both assumptions are correct -- depending on the situation.



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Not that Prigozhin would know ANYTHING about game theory, LOL.

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Thank you, I will check on that.

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Works now, thank you very much!

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Anglozionists got a red nose, Eastern Orthodoxy is an invincible fortress.

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No red -- bloody....LOL. I don't think that it is Eastern Orthodoxy alone -- since it is one aspect of Russian civilization-- now ascendant. Thanks for the comment BTW

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Good analysis of what Prigozhin is doing with game theory to assuage the bias of the witless west.

This game theory has humour.

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Good article. But why don't you describe the matrix in full face? You describe the matrix in profile. In full face, the matrix looks like this: the Jewish world mafia has occupied the USA, the EU, Canada and Ukraine and is trying to finally occupy Russia. She wants to restore the Khazar Kaganate, which destroyed Rus'

This Kaganate included part of modern Ukraine and part of modern Russia. In this kaganate, the Jews were the elite. They are now the elite of Ukraine and Russia. Now they hold gladiator fights to dispose of combat-ready slaves. Russians and Ukrainians. Who are Russians. Who destroyed the Khazar Kaganate. The Nazis are Israeli special forces consisting of Jews born in Russia and Ukraine. With his help, an armed coup was carried out in Kyiv in 2014.

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Prigozhin is Pravda.

You do not read Prada verbatim, you read what it talks about and what it does not talk about...

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Great piece again.

I additionally would like to suggest the following two goals:

1) Motivating the own troops to form unity and brotherhood. These shock troops have a high casualty rate. Hence they need such a leader who speaks what's on their mind.

2) Letting the Russian publics blood boiling and demanding Ukrainian blood for the upcoming Russian offensive, after the Ukrainian offensive. (No not big arrows).

See my latest article.

Thanks Julian 👍

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Great ideas, Aleks. Both excellent points. I will read your latest artlcle. And link to it on this article or the next one.

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It’s incredible to me that the Western media is taking the bait hook line and sinker. Russia is playing them at their own game.

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Jesus rides dinosaurs. In the West, the Anglosphere particularly, much is taken on faith, as it has been for thousands of years. Willing suspension of disbelief is not just for art.

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I would analyze the Western Media twofold: 1st, you have the (dumb, Pavlov's dog guys) part which acts purely on bait, and sputtering out what they have done for the last three years in excess. 2nd, you have the "creative" part of the media, which is caught in it's own corner and MUST follow their own script, because they have no choice. Otherwise they would show themselves that they are liars. That's why they will keep doing what they are doing until the bitter (for them) end. I'm sure that a lot of smart heads are thinking desperately how to get out of this mess they caused themselves (of course).

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I have worked in the media in one way of another for ...um....50 years. Yeah, I'm THAT old. My father was a journalist. HIs father began as one (he ended as a Supreme Court judge). If you are a salaried journalist, you cannot keep your job if you are actually aware that you are peddling somebody else's thoughts on things. I was never salaried. My ASD makes it hard for me to work within a corporate structure. Here in Japan, however, all "gaijin" aka "outsiders' are ...well....OUTSIDE. Most try to suck up to the Japanese. I have never done that. My value to them is precisely my status as an "outsider". I get to tell the truth. So I am often brought in to "fix" things when there are problems.

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They both use game theory. But they play with different rules.

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Guy feeding a little girl on the picture is not Russian...He lives in Russia...he speaks Russian language...married to a Russian woman...but he is not Russian :)

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Thank you for this sooooooooooo much. The man is Joseph Prigozhin with his daughter Celine. This Prigozhin is a music producer. So I have changed the photo.

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Really? You mean I got the wrong pic? I was told that this was Prigozhin! My bad.

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it was "Prigozhin" the entertainer...same second name

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Yes, thank you once again. I changed the picture, as you will see if you read the article. You guys are the best !

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