Thank you. I have always used proofers and editors for professional work . By "professional", I mean stuff that pays money. Not so much of that anymore. Just let me know when you find something and I will "update" the article. It is REALLY kind of you to offer.

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Just a bit of useless information.. judo was extensively used by British US, and other military forces for hand to hand combat core unarmed combat during ww2. My grandfather 39’-49’ RN then boat section even at 75 still strong and fit could easily and effortlessly subdue myself and bro in-law. Really hit home one Xmas day when a pair of high gangbangers literally drive THROUGH his garage then tried attacking him.. watching two large black power thugs have their fingers broken and arm broken other fingers also broken (think grandad might have enjoyed fingers and possibly had some sadistic thing about them?) along with dislocated shoulder and elbow.. quite a shock witnessing your grandfather inflict such violence. Never having witnessed him ever use any physical harm to anyone.. think I know why after witnessing that..

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Having studied Judo myself, the emphasis is on throws & holds, and using your opponent's strength against him. From what you describe, it sounds like your granddaddy is a master of Jujutsu, a closely related style which differs mainly in its use of joint locks & pain compliance (one trick was to squeeze their fingers laterally around a pen/pencil). Appreciate the anecdote!

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Most people who are unaware of the origins of the Ukraine war believe that this is a David versus Goliath fight, in which Ukraine is David. Little do they suspect that Russia is David facing an adversary, the collective West, 30 times more powerful than Russia in military and economic terms.

Russia was always going to win the military war in Ukraine; however, beating the collective West in the economic war wasn't a given. Thus, your analogy is correct. Putin had to very judiciously time and proportion the SMO in Ukraine and, more importantly, Russia's response to the Western sanctions war. Not acting wasn't an option. He waited as long as he could to time his action so as to use the aggressive force of the adversary against him.

If you face Godzilla 30 times your size in a dark alley way without escape route, you have one move to save your skin. If you fail, you're dead. As dead as Gaddafi, Saddam, Soleimani and so many others. This isn't a game.

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Sep 27, 2023
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The Protocols are a fake created by the Tsarist secrete service Okhrana to use the Jews as a lighting rod for popular discontent with the Tsarist rule. It was later disseminated by Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent, where the Nazis picked it up for their conspiracy theories about the International Jew to perpetrate the most heinous crimes in history.

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The conspiracy of "International Jew[s] to perpetrate the most heinous crimes in history" is a proven fact from the first 'Color Revolution' in Russia in 1917, to the seizure occupation and genocide of Palestine in 1947, to the takeoover of ALL Western governments by AIPAC commencing with the assassination of Kennedy and finally, the forced mass-injection of sterilizing and deadly mRNA toxins beginning in 2020 by ALL JEW pharmaceutical companies in league with the suborned states of the West. Your use of the term 'conspiracy' to stifle debate is the sign of a highly compromised, witting or unwitting, agent of the CIA and the very actual Global Jewish Conspiracy.

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You should either read your essays carefully and catch your typos (which sometimes actually scramble your grammar/syntax), OR you should find a really good proof reader. This would make your essays much better by making them more comprehensible. By the way, take this as constructive criticism, I like your work, - and, oh, I am a proof reader :-)

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Your analysis of Mr Putin is one I agree with.

While the west were in lockdowns and alienating many millions of deep thinkers Putin was quietly planning his next move.

He and his team seem to be always one step ahead,cultivating allies for future conflicts on both the military but most importantly the economic fronts.

My main concern is what comes after Putin if the renewed confidence in Russia is rocked by unworthy partners.

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I would love to be your proofer. I work for free. For you anyway. Great work like yours needs the finishing polish of correct grammar to really shine. Congrats on making Pepe Escobar's TG channel. I saw this there first. ❤

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Outstanding article and assessment, thanks!

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Fascinating, could easily turn the story into a book.

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Ehhhh, Putin is just the guy in charge. It wasn't his strategy that succeeded, it was the Stavka's. Putin does get credit for, pardon the expression, 'pushing the button.' I dislike the commonly applied convention that Putin=Russia. Even Stalin did not equal Russia and he had far far more influence than V.P.

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Another interesting article. Keep them coming!

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Great article Julian the way which you've put this across is excellent. I'll excuse the slight mistake made about Vance's supposed comments. But it's very easy for any of us to become victims of the outright lies certain factions of Western media spew out to is 24/7. These dark forces who control Western media, are obviously trying to sabotage any talks before they even begin. So much so even Peskov asked for clarity on the reports. Getting back to this article which is outstanding. Sadly 99.9% of my own population, haven't got a clue about Putin. They actually believe his approval ratings amongst his own citizens. Are only as high because they're scared to say anything else. They honestly believe modern Russia is the exact same as the Soviet Union. The amount of times I've told them this fact, they find it impossible to seperate the 2. If they had any idea what Putin has achieved for his country & citizens they'd probably collapse. There's a fellow worker where I'm working who is a Czech immigrant. His mother was a Russian. He told me last week his mother & younger brother have went to live back in Russia. He couldn't speak highly enough about how happy they are with thst decision. He said if he hadn't married & had kids to a British lady. He would join them. Says everything when someone who has made the move. Can't praise the country enough, must mean Russia is getting something right.

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Russia has made major progress in education, social services, healthcare, and public safety — and continues to do so.

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Putin's strength does not lie with judo and martial arts philosophy. Nor does his strength have anything to do with warfare strategy and tactics. Such is western filtering. The West is not declining because of warfare but is rotting from within, the exact opposite if what is happening in Russia. Putin is a Russian Orthodox in heart and soul, not martial and not Jewish.

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Julian, did you listen to this strange talk of Helmer on Nima’s ?

Putin a Psycho who admires Israel , and a inadequate rant against Dimitri Orlov leading to nowhere?

What do you think:


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I think when your article attracts NAFO trolls, you are doing something right, as it makes them lash out.

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I missed this one when you first posted it, Julian. Thank you for reposting. It is one of the more exceptional pieces about Putin, and posted at a most appropriate time. I only wish it could find it's way to our lame stream media, where so much disinfo about Putin is disseminated.

One such case is with the writings of Chris Hedges, whom I generally appreciate. Whenever he mentions Putin it's always accompanied by the word "thug." I've never understood why he uses this term to describe Putin, unless it's simply done to avoid the rancid condemnation by the ignorant who view anyone who sees the wisdom of Putin's policies as being a "Putin follower."

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Most of my anderstanding of the human nature was brouht to me from Winnie the Poh*. My collection of Poh litterature just acquired Benjamin Hoff´s " Tao of Winnie",

It strikes me that Putin has a human friend in China named and reicarnated in president Xi

* The only textbook you need in psyciatry + a brain and little fantasy

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