Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin for two hours— presumably one hour and 55 minutes beyond the attention span of the mainstream media—which responded in its usual way-- dismissing both Carlson and Putin with editorial smears and fake facts – what used to be known as "lies" when I was a kid. Examples below.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with conservative US media personality Tucker Carlson has aired.
The interview, which was recorded on Tuesday, was posted on Mr Carlson's website and X, formerly known as Twitter.
The high-profile sit-down marks the first time the Russian leader has agreed to an interview with a Western media outlet since he launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine almost two years ago and comes as fighting in the country has reached a stalemate.
Not a “full-scale invasion”. Most of the fighting was done by the forces of the newly independent republics of Lugansk and Donbas. The Russian contingent was actually relatively small and considerably outnumbered by the NATO equipped forces of the Ukraine.
The fighting has also not reached a “stalemate”. Rather, the UAF is collapsing with Avdeevka surrounded and about to fall and the way open for the Russians to take all of the Kharkov region. In Kiev there is political turmoil, the Two Z’s fighting it out.
And the BBC wants people to pay for propaganda services? LOL
The interview provided little groundbreaking substance that would enlighten American audiences as to what Putin intends to do about Ukraine, which has been devastated by nearly two years of unprovoked Russian bombardment and unlawful occupation.
Putin has an arrest warrant against him issued by the International Criminal Court over an alleged scheme to deport Ukrainian children to Russia. And on Thursday, Human Rights Watch said the Russian president should face a war crimes inquiry for Moscow’s brutal assault on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, which killed thousands of people, destroyed countless buildings and was followed by a widespread campaign of Russification.
Little “substance” – just:
a detailed, historically oriented account of Russia's relationship with Ukraine, as well as of Russia's recognition of the rights of Polish, Rumanian, and Hungarians in the Ukraine
the distinction between "Western Ukraine" – now everything north of Donbas and Lugansk— and what it really is; that is, the neo-Nazi province of Galicia, on the European border. Some analysts interpret this to mean that the Russians might incorporate all of Ukraine as a Russian state — except for Galicia which could be a semi-autonomous buffer state or given it to other countries if they would accept it.
Russian willingness to negotiate. American and Ukrainian intransignence. .
American and NATO bad faith
There has never been “unprovoked Russian bombardment”. That’s what the NeoNazis do.
Russian actions have definitely to her been entirely “lawful” in preventing a genocide in Donbas and Lugansk and supporting those communities’ right to self-determination.
The ICC and the HRW accusations are blatantly orchestrated by the US to brand Putin as a war criminal – making Carlson, I guess, an accomplice. These accusations are without merit –quite unlike the well-substantiated findings of the ICJ finding Israeli – and therefore America – guilty of genocide.
The children taken to Russia had all been separated from their parents or orphaned and were at risk since they faced was constant bombardment by the Ukrainians, which regularly kills women and children in the Donbas and Lugansk.
Putin is not Creepy Joe – known fondling prepubescent girls.
It was Ukrainian occupation of Mariupol which killed thousands of people and resulted in the destruction of infrastructure. The “Russification” that followed consisted of building apartment buildings, hospitals and schools and supplying social services. Mariupol was a Russian city—not a Ukrainian city.
What was the New York Times take on Putin's somewhat scholarly interview? Was it better than the Clueless News Network?
The New York Times
Instead of a ruthless autocrat seeking to conquer territory through the most violent war in Europe since the Nazis fell, Mr. Putin has made himself into something of a like-minded ally of certain right-wing forces in the United States, not least of all Mr. Trump, who praised his aggression as “genius” just before Russian forces stormed across the border into Ukraine in 2022. And Mr. Putin seems to be prevailing in the American capital in a way that would have once been unthinkable, with the help of a party that still pays homage to Ronald Reagan.
The “ruthless autocrat”, with an 80% approval rating, and democratically elected is a Trump Lover—OMIGOD! Unthinkable!
Putin himself says he is neutral although he refuses to say anything insulting about Trump. Then again, he doesn't badmouth Biden either – or any world leader! American news services could learn something about good manners from him.
If you're relying on the "mainstream media" for information about world events or accurate reporting or facts, don't. "Mainstream" is like the middle of the of the river where the current is strongest. That's where the garbage and effluent and shit flows.
If you want to know what was in the interview listen to the real thing. Here.
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Personal note:
If you work in a zoo, someone will inevitably bring in a baby squirrel. Baby flying squirrels are the cutest.
Some people keep them as pets— except that flying squirrels are nocturnal and active at night and don't housetrain very well although their feces are just like a hamster’s.
Squirrels of any kind are wild animals and should only be kept as pets if adopted as babies and therefore unable to fend for themselves in the wild.
They are often very affectionate, love cuddling and kissing, and demand constant attention. They are better for older people who don't go out much.
Strangely enough, they sometimes get along quite well with cats and bond to them.
But I don't know how my cat would react to this!
True diplomats do not insult or smear others with whom they may have to deal with in the future. President Putin and other Russian leaders are true diplomats, willing to resolve disputes with civility and diplomacy. The West/Genocidal Israel has almost no such leaders. The West only has diletantes masquerading as statesmen. Sad times for the West.
The NYT almost told the truth when they called the Ukraine conflict "the most violent war in Europe since the Nazis fell". They just missed the fact that the Nazis are going to fall again