Good article… but I see an error. “Lugansk and Donbas…”Donbas is the region where Lugansk and DONETSK are.

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Thanks so much. The introduction was just as important as the interview I’d say for most. It while take awhile to absorb what was said in the manic rush of our world .

Facts over lies looks so attractive to anyone practical. As in one who works for a living.

120 million dwarfs the interest in MSM for a relevance as to what goes on with people .

MSM considers itself lucky to have 12 mil. I’ve read.

Nothing like a real person to observe over an imagined fearful boogeyman !!!!

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I wonder why Putin left out in his historical timeline when Poland-Lithuania invaded and held Moscow from 1610-1612?

I also think that Putin has one foot still in the Western camp, and laments being kicked out of the club.

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I think he left out the occupation of Moscow – which was an intervention by the Polish and Lithuanians during Russia's Time of Troubles in which the Polish and Lithuanians allied with the Russian boyars. A complex event in history and not something easily explained in just a few minutes. I don't think Putin is in Atlanticist. He's too smart to attach himself to what is now clearly a system on the verge of collapse.

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The excerpts from the BBC, CNN, and the "NY Times" provided by Mr Macfarlane are so slanted and misinforming that these organizations should be prosecuted for not labeling these pieces as opinion or better yet, flights of fancy.

I miss almost all the dreck provided by domestic major news outlets since quitting them in the lead up of Shrub and Cheney's glorious Iraq conquest in 2003. Obviously that was a good decision for my blood pressure and mental well-being, but someone needs to keep watch. Thanks Julian!

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Caitlin Johnstone does it better.

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I live in The Netherlands we have since 1945 been one of the most reliable allies (or should i say Colonies ?) of the US/NATO-Empire.

But this recent typical X-post is showing an astonishing change...

@FrankPeeters4 (GP)

After today, can we conclude the following?

1. President Biden is mentally unfit for a 2nd term as POTUS.

2. President Putin claims he will not invade Poland or any other NATO country, contrary to what politicians and MSM claim here.

3. Tucker Carlson is an example for the MSM by succeeding as a critical and independent journalist in interviewing the Russian president.

4. The mainstream media frames the content of the interview as well as Carlson and Putin in every way possible.

5. The MSM are losing ground and X is the news platform of the future.




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The MSM is a black hole, It sucks in truth and collapse space and time around it. Almost anything could replace it

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The NYT almost told the truth when they called the Ukraine conflict "the most violent war in Europe since the Nazis fell". They just missed the fact that the Nazis are going to fall again

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Indeed, they will fall again. And it is the most violent war in Europe since the Nazis fell because there have been no real wars in Europe since them, unless you count the Yugoslavian conflicts as wars! By contrast with World War II, the SMO is the most civilized war in this century or the last-- as a result of Russian restraint.

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Thanks. You've saved me writing it.

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I find it fascinating at times how the propagandists of the Ministry of Truth-CNN-NYT try to spin what's actually happening in Urkaine and what's behind Putin's motives. And then ol' Tucker Carlson had to come and rain on their parades by actually TALKING with the man himself--how cheeky of him! Thanks for the analysis and the photos of the flying squirrels, too. (I can't see our tomcat cuddling a squirrel, either. I think he'd want to nibble on him first.)

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Quite fun listening to the interview . Wonder how many views?

Putin wondering why the USA was over in the Ukraine as it has so many problems at home ?

Putin can speak from memory about facts , dates, meetings with people like Clinton about 2000x more than all the Congress combined.

Ask so and so in your country about our meeting he says .

Just hilarious.

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I guess I qualify for President of the United States

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I admire Putin's memory since I can barely remember what day it is. And what was my name>

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12 million views during the first 2 hours (Live).

10 Million views on Tucker's YouTube Channel. With subtitles...

The post on X with the video has over 125 million impressions (Whole or partial views)

The announcement video on Tuckers own site had 120 million views before the video was released.


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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Great article again !

Caitlin once wrote:

"Ideas and information are moving faster and faster than they used to, in a way establishment power structures can't really keep up with..."


"Our species is now like a giant planetary brain, in which each of the billions of internet-connected humans is a neuron...

This is going to change EVERYTHING."


We have seen, how the Gaza-Genocide within days spread over the whole planet before the Zionist Media could even react. The 12 Million who were watching the Interview of the Year have already crushed the propaganda of the last 10 years about Ukraine...

We are living in an interesting time...

And we are all PART in it...


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I agree that there is a kind of planetary brain. The trouble is not all brains are created equal. He is the planetary brain like Joe Biden's? Or is it like Putin's? I think it's more like my cat's.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11


The Planetary Brain...

But i think Caitlin was mainly writing about the speed of social exchange of information worldwide.

Since the time of the peddlers, preachers, horsemen camels, sailing ships and covered wagons, information spread with the maximum speed of walking, sailing and later horses. That changed when rulers (the social local authorities) created long distance communication (for themselves) using dedicated courier-systems, to support fast travel of war-news.

The first shock was the invention of writing and later book printing. That sped up the travel of information, as did the creation of institutions that worked with and on information like Universities and Libraries and teaching how to read and write too a growing part of humanity.

Then came the steam-engine: Trains covering continents and large fast ships connecting them. The petrol- and diesel engine increased this and brought that power in reach of individuals.

I don't have to tell about Telephone, Telegram, Low frequency Long-Wave radio, Daily Papers, Radio, which brought us Hitler and TV that brought us Kennedy...

But as Caitlin writes: The speed of interchange of new ideas was limited to universities and book printing and the control of the "Media" was soon as a weapon in hands of the elites. They broke down ideas as "Socialism" to swear words and curses for the common men.

And after the collapse of the USSR as supporter of (at least a form of) Socialism they dropped their support for the 1945 "Social Contract" between Capital and Workforce (to keep the workers from rising trade unions towards revolutions), introduced Neo Liberalism and the "Free" Market and started to create an Elite of Billionaires.


The role of Banks and Corporations in all of this is clear i hope.

Then came Internet, of which i am proud to have had some hands in creating, in the 40 years i worked in the ICT.

Each individual anywhere on our Planet can reach each other individual within seconds.

As Caitlin wrote: "This cannot NOT change us...". 🥴

And look... it DID. While the Regime-Change NAZI-Coup and Civil War in Ukraine went mostly unnoticed in the West (it was long before prepared), the H0l0caust 2.0 created within a week a worldwide gulf of protests... and now ONE Journalist outside of the system, interviewed Putin and broke all records in ratings. within one day 120 million viewers.

This is what is meant by "The Planetary Brain".

The personality it wil have -so to say- will depend upon the way humanity will succeed to keep the Sociopaths from getting their fingers on the controls of the stream of information. And only WE, WE ourselves can do that.



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True diplomats do not insult or smear others with whom they may have to deal with in the future. President Putin and other Russian leaders are true diplomats, willing to resolve disputes with civility and diplomacy. The West/Genocidal Israel has almost no such leaders. The West only has diletantes masquerading as statesmen. Sad times for the West.

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Dilettantes usually stick to the canapes and the champagne and talk about art. Our statesmen are simply crass and boorish.

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Feb 9Liked by Julian Macfarlane

They can smear and spew lies all they want, but they will never get the Genie back in the bottle! Our corrupt, diapered dementia patient couldn't speak coherently for 2 seconds, let alone 2+ hours! Tucker most likely accomplished what the SSM feared most - millions of people are comparing the propaganda they've had shoved down their throats to what they saw and heard unfiltered - and THEY ARE ASKING QUESTIONS! Globalists do not want the peasants doubting their approved narrative; it's how revolutions begin!

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I like the new acronym: SSM = Shit Stream Media! :)

Please mind that link to the interview does not work.

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As ever thank you, thank you I fixed the link. Took me a couple of tries-- I'm not sure why. But finally when I click on it – it connects.

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It does not work for me.

Now that I write on Substack, I know what it could be.

Instead of copying and pasting the link from the address bar in your browser straight on your article in Substack, try this instead:

1) copy the address of the page you want to link from the address bar of your browser,

2) paste it into Notepad

3) copy the address from Notepad

4) paste into your article in Substack.

Yes, I know... it is complex, intricate, but at least it works and avoids broken links!

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Thank you – you're a genius. I tried it it seems to work.

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Yes, now it works for me too. :)

P.S.: I am not a genius. I just noticed that sometimes Substack copies the page title somehow rather than the page address. It must be a glitch in their system.

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URL's cannot have spaces. Titles contain spaces between words.

So there is a way to translate spaces into %20 (which is another notation of a space) and back.

But that apparently did not work good here.

How do you resolve this issue?

I recommend to avoid using spaces in URLs, and instead use hyphens to separate words.

If you are unable to do this, make sure to use "%20" and NOT spaces within a URL, or do the notepad-trick.

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Thank you (?) for the msm snippets. I avoid msm like the plague. Helps to be occasionally reminded why!

"Rather, the UAF is collapsing with Adeevaka surrounded"

Typo: "Avdeevka"

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Quite right. I will correct the typo.

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There are many ways to write names of places in Ukraine.

I myself use: "Avdiivka"... 😉


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> And the BBC wants people to pay for propaganda services?

As a side note, the same thing happened in Austria. Everyone is now forced to pays for his daily dose of state propaganda ...

Otherwise, the media reaction is not unexpected, and can be summed up in:

"Nothing to see here, move on !"

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We are supposed to pay here in Japan for NHK – but nobody does!

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Well, here they come after you like the IRS in the US, if you don't pay taxes.

Up to confiscation from your bank account or government subsidies.

Knowing what I talk about, I can assuredly state that the level of merger between state and corporate power in the EU <at least> equals that of the former Eastern Bloc.

I suppose most people here know what this Mussolini quote refers to ...

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Almost seems Sisyphean to analyze MSM since we know in advance what will exude from it.

Jeffrey Sachs piece is a good companion to the interview, it completely legitimates Russia/Putin while simultaneously de-legitimizing the West:


an excellent overview of the entire quagmire.

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West has already delegitimized itself.

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