As the old people used to say “ sooner or later the truth comes out”

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The "New York Times" and the "Wall Street Journal" must serve the same purpose for me as "Izvestia" and "Pravda" did for Soviet citizens in the death throes of the ossified CCCP. There are marked similarities for those in the Kremlin then with ours in D.C. now.

The spin our two papers are putting out in a lame attempt to rectify the blatant bs propagated on their pages is pathetic. For me, the funniest is the NYT's portrayal of the failure of the sanctions: Those damn Russians stole those businesses! That is their implication and their ability to overlook the capricious nature of asset forfeiture practiced by our D.C. geniuses is simply stunning.

Those two publications need a week of printed apologies along with cleaning house.

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By failing to listen to President Putin in his own words over the past 15+ years (and the consistency of those words), the West's delusional disorder (like Trump derangement syndrome) has grown so acute that Putin is left making his case, not with the US or EU, but to the vast majority of countries and populations. It is increasingly clear that these other peoples see exactly the lies, hypocrisy and stupidity pile up as the delusional continue to live in their make believe reality. (US complicity in the Gaza genocide only reaffirms their disgust.) The West will cry, "We told you so! We told you so!" when the Russians finish of the Kiev regime. But the rest of the world will quietly (and some perhaps not so quietly) rejoice that the slaughter has ended and that the US and its mighty NATO have nothing to show but dismal failure (once again.) Whatever spin Americans and Western Europe succeed in duping their citizens, the rest of world will not be fooled.

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I hate saying "Told you so" when it comes to the US's involvement in Ukraine and the ultimate result, but...but... sigh.

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Following Julian's recommendation to read Polyansky’s thread on Musk media in the trending column there was a link to a collection of posts about the coming civil war movie and proclamations by Ellen Degeneres and Tom Hanks about their leaving should Trump get elected President.

Where are they going? Trump is not the only right winger with strong election potential in the Northern Hemisphere or the collective West.

Sadly, only right wingers seem to do populism these days.

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They could always buy their own island and install HRC as their president. Many said the same thing in 2016 and yet they are still in the USA. I actually left in 2023--living in Ecuador and loving it.

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Great one again...

People with a hammer in their hand, see nails everywhere.

The Ruling elite in the West are using Narratives as tool to reach their goals.

They are called "Neuro Linguistic Programming", or "Perception Manipulation" (In NLP : Perception Management), based on unconscious group-thinking by those who hear them.

Once the person has heard 3 times the same narrative, they start believing it true and after that they are trapped in the open cage called "Cognitive Dissonance"...



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I feel that one main reason as to why these people in top government and military positions have such delusions, is that they're solely driven and obsessed with reaping profits for themselves, via war profiteering.

And so, they sort of compel themselves to be deluded, in order to ensure that the war continues, and that they continue to profit.

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