Well - your article caused some sort of stir on Mastodon. I put up the link to this article - and Mastodon promptly closed down my account. The reason given:

Content violates the following community guidelines

No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies

Posts cited:

The West: guilty of genocide

Doing Goebbels proud #Israel #Palestine https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/the-west-guilty-of-genocide

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And here is my appeal to Mastodon (They let you have only a couple of lines)

NoelWauchope Today at 08:06

The article that I posted was NOT an incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies. Quite the opposite, really. The theme of the article is that humanitarian aid should be returned to the people of Gaza. The writer claims that stopping United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is a breach of the Genocide Convention, quoting this point “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destr ( here’s where I was cut off - it would have continued – physical destruction in whole or in part)

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I hadn't heard of this microblogging service before. So I looked at it and it's supposed to be a more open alternative to Twitter. Shutting down your account rather than not allowing the post sounds rather extreme, if not reactionary. Like Twitter in the bad old days. Thank you for posting outside of Substack. It helps a lot. It will be interesting to see how--or if -- Mastodon replies to your very intelligent appeal

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"A politician has a constituency of one – himself. "

I've recently seen this truism in action. It was at our city council meeting. The majority of the council completely ignored the testimonies given by their Arab American constituents. The council members didn't give a shit about the Ceasefire in Gaza Resolution. Talk about shitty behavior! The revolution can't come soon enough. They'll be the first up the steps to the guillotine.

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As a Canadian I've always written to various members of Parliament about things that need fixing. Back in the old days I would get personal replies, hand signed on paper. You had the sense that they at least listened. The digital age has done away with all that. Since this bunch of WEF-programmed neoliberals have been in power, they have stopped even auto-replying. I guess the bribes from the Israel lobby and our southern overlord have come on condition of silence and looking the other way.

As a NATO "obligation", the Canadian military is 100% hard at work propping up the Waffen SS regime in Latvia, which is conducting a brutal ethnic cleansing of Russians and Jews in that little Baltic enclave that will never escape it's history or geography. This is the same crime that led to the disaster in Ukraine. Rinse and repeat?

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As I a Canadian, I know what you are talking about. The real problem is Canadian media consolidation resulting in control by just a few corporations, which rely on newsfeed and opinions from American controlled media and news services. That results in a certain worldview, without the necessity of actually viewing the world. The government bends to the Israeli lobby in the Ukrainian Nazi lobby and so on which are in essence political cults.

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And worst of all - DaChurches are silent - and we call ourselves Christians because we set our asses in a pew once a week? But we keep on cheerleading the genocide by our 'Israel has a right to defend itself'.

There will be an accounting...........and the judgment just might be "I never knew you!"


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The problem with Christian churches is how few of their members have ever thought about the message of Jesus.

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Just a correction: the total workforce of UNRWA is ~30,000. Hence, the percentage of employees allegedly involved in the 7 October attacks by Hamas is: 9/30,000 = 0.03% not 0.0003%.

0.0003 would be the ratio, not the percentage.

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with your view and analysis.

And tagging the Western response as hypocritical is justified,

especially considering that much of the UN framework was established in order to avoid

that such a Genocide could happen again.

And to see German politicians act in "vorauseilendem Gehorsam" (= anticipatory obedience) to the wishes of the hegemon is particularly hypocritical.

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Any new way of trying to unveil the Truth for those who are blinded, is welcome.

This one hits the core.

Thank You !


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> As a result, there are no real democracies in the Collective West. Not one.

It took me a while, but I came to that conclusion a few years ago, too.

> Accuse the other of that you are guilty. Joseph Goebbels.

> Goebbels must be looking at the Zionists in admiration, happy that he will soon have a lot of company in Hell.

As a side note, I had read relatively reliable sources, stating that Goebbels had been frequently called "Judenbengel" during his childhood. This German term roughly translates to "jewish scoundrel". Go figure ...

> You cannot talk about self-domestication without some understanding of neurobiology and the epigenetics of neoteny ...

> ...

> The Gazan genocide is a civilizational problem. A perversion of nature.

I would think this topic relates to the obsession of the pseudo-elites to decode our consciousness and our brains. And the subsequent idée fixe that we are born as "blank slates" and can be shaped and molded into anything they like. Obviously they are trying very hard for the last decades, and especially the last years.

But false presumptions and false models will never lead to desired outcomes, no matter how hard and often you try - we technicians call this GIGO ...

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Pinker does not think we are a blank slate. Rather that we are Hobbesian creatures – brutal, violent, greedy – if not psychopathic. We need to be controlled – presumably by a Harvard professor who wrote his thesis on an English grammar which never worked.

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I suppose he does ...

By the way, that reminds me of someone - who believed it: Ron Hubbard.

Yes, <that> Ron Hubbard.

Before starting his CIA-controlled cult project, he spent several years in Canadian mental institutions. Only not as patient, but experimenting on them. You might have heard that the US outsourced a lot of "questionable" medical research to their northern neighbor.

And according to this source, Hubbard worked on a project related to exactly this topic.

The site I refer to here was maintained by two ex-Scientology members, not sure it it still exists. They reported about harassment and threats even years ago.

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How can U.S. domestic news organizations say with a straight face that this country has a democracy to preserve? How does an election where you get rewarded with one of three warmongers Biden, Trump, or Haley demonstrate a thriving democracy?

Well the short answer to the same question stated two different ways is this; there is no democracy. Sortition is worth a try.

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Machiavellian favorited sortition – thinking at the best democratic solution.

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Meeting at Davos, the Swiss Foreign Minister assures Lavrov that the Swiss are ready to act as mediators to bring end to the war in Ukraine. Of course, they have piled onto the EU sanctions as they were rolled out; somehow can justify not sanctioning the US for our many international sins; and failed to vote (as a new member of the Security Council) for an independent investigation into the Nordstream destruction. Now just after assuring Lavrov, they have again signed onto the latest sanctions package against Russia and announced their intent to draw closer to NATO. What are they really doing to stop the genocide in Gaza? Their biggest banks have gone from one scandal to another over the past two decades.

All that to say, indeed, there isn't a single real democracy in the West. I used to vacation with some frequency in peaceful, beautiful Switzerland--home of my ancestors. Well, I shall never enter their country again. I chalk them up with the other deplorable "democracies" of Europe.

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Complete and utter nonsense.

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I have not read a single “history” lately that spoke of both the Jewish and Arab “side” in a balanced way. It’s always either the Jewish or the Arab’s “fault”. To me this makes for complete and utter nonsense. And continual anger. Nothing will ever be accomplished this way. Resolutions are necessary for our collective survival. This applies to the Ukraine mess as well!!!

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Indeed. The problem is not so much that no one has behaved well - not the Ottoman Turks, not any of the Arabs, not the Zionists, not the British or French, not the League of Nations, not the United Nations, not the Iranians, not the Russians, not the Chinese, not anyone who has dabbled in the Middle East. Everyone has behaved badly, and everyone has a case why everything that hasn’t gone their way has been (and continues to be) someone else’s fault. The problem of course, since the two main protagonists aren’t willing to come to a modus vivendi, is that both are sufficiently powerful (in asymmetrical ways) that the other cannot impose a solution, and there is no third party that can impose a solution that will ‘hold’ that doesn’t involve large glass parking lots.

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It has nothing to do with the Jews. I don't count the Zionists as Jews. Just fascists.

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The original Zionists were all devout atheists.

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