It's becoming obvious to anyone with any innate ability for evaluation to conclude that Putin's leadership has been extraordinary - and in very difficult circumstances.
However - and before we blind ourselves with binary thinking - Trump’s term ain't over yet. It's barely begun and I also want to add that in many ways it's more challenging than Putin's. Don't think so?
Putin has a populace which is essentially homogeneous and never totally succumbed to their Soviet masters - keeping in mind their own history of Mother Russia and their Orthodox Christian faith.
America - on the other hand - has become a vassal of DaSynagogue of Satan, especially over the last 100 years. Name one institution that is not converged into servitude for DSOS - go ahead - I dare you!
Guaranteed - Trump would not have been re-elected without the approval of DSOS.
Remember JFK.....RFK.....
Let's wait and see....
Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will be recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him - REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE!
If he acts as president of Israel.....MAGA is DOA!
Coincidently today, I'm British by the way I was talking to Czech. Who came to Britain 10 years ago for work. He told me his mother was Russian. He was said his brother has moved to Russia for work. His brother learnt Russian from his Mother. He said he was speaking to his brother last night. His brother was saying how much he is loving life in Russia. His brother was saying Putin has achieved fantastic things for the Russian people. Their standards of living have grown massively over the past decade. While the lad I was talking to was complaining of how much Britain has declined since he arrived. He was saying he couldn't believe how the British citizens are putting up with everything what's going on. He was obviously saying the same stuff to his brother in Russia. His brother said, yes I know how the British & Americans believe they're free to do what they choose. They both found it funny that we think we are free compared to the Russian citizens. The biggest point he made was. The Russian people have spare money to enjoy their freedom a lot more than we can. His brother said they don't know what a real good leader is like. Everyone lives Putin because they feel he is one of them. Which he is in my opinion. Where our rulers especially the likes of Trump are so arrogant. They believe they're saying stuff we want to hear. Because they like to hear these things themselves usualy about themselves. Our quality of life in the West is declining massively. Because we allow ourselves to be ruled over by people who have no concept of our realities.
This is actually my conclusion too -- Putin is one of the "people" -- meaning the majority of Russians. Our leaders are not. I am Canadian. I see no "leaders' can can lead because none are representative. A good example is Justin Trudeau.
That's a good comparison and a great tribute to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In the photo where he was young he looks so serious. Like most Russians he loves cats too!
I saw a couple of videos of VVP. One was about a stop in an isolated town campaigning for president. A little girl missed seeing him and was sorely disappointed and crying. Putin heard about and arranged a visit to the Kremlin for the girl and her parents. He greeted them with beautiful bouquets of flowers. The little girl was beside herself with joy. It was beautiful. The other video was about Vladimir Vladimirovich's visit to his teacher. He knocked on her door holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Liked your article Julian. When you compare them both, Putin had an infinitely harder job of bringing his country from absolute rock bottom. He had to face an extremely powerful oligarchy, western financial interests, open rebellion in parts of the country,complete economic ruin. There is almost none of this in America atleast not to the same extent it was in Russia of the 90s. The main critique I have ha dof Donald Trump is that a man as ignorant as he is could not resurrect a village let alone a country. He has never read a book in his entire life. I guess his father didn't deem it necessary. Because after all why would killers read stuff. That sounds like something a loser would do. You think Trump is an idiot, I think he is just ignorant with no desire to learn. Trump has again started showing his true colours on the gaza issue yet some analysts continue to parrot the same Trump is playing 4D chess narrative. Trump has probably never even played chess in his life because that would involve actual thinking and not just bragging your way ahead.
You must mean the Weimar Republic. Yeah, we're on our way. If we continue as we do we'll end up like the Third Reich. It's logical since we're the Fourth Reich.
Putin came to prominence stopping the degradation of Russia by the U.S. through Yeltsin. He nipped the PNAC plan for RF in the bud, until Obama,, W Bush had his main theme war on Iraq.
The comic book character Batman fights corruption in Gotham City, but he hides his identity from the people he protects. Because he knows if they discover he's wealthy they'll hate him and sympathize with forces of corruption. So Batman is "the hero Gotham needs but doesn't deserve".
The First Nations people I used to live with noticed that when I was in the bush, they would often see a lone wolf watching. Lone wolves are fairly rare. They said "It's you".
It appears that V V Putin and his family were fortunate enough to share their 'kommunalka' (communal flat) with non-Zionist Jews. Putin knows both types well and definitely has a preference for the better ones. I spent some time in a communal flat - they were often hell, but not always. If you want to see a wonderful Russian comedy on the topic I highly recommend The Pokrovsky Gates. You will probably find it easily with good subs on Yandex or YouTube,
I find it passing strange that Jews themselves lend credence to their bugbear, Hitler, who was simply using their rules, in essence, to decide who was a Jew. Or did they rather follow his rules? Hard for me to tell in this hellish goulash of a nightmare. My wife was 'born a jew' (but does that even mean anything?) and found nothing attractive in the religion. It was a dead letter to her. I wonder how many jews have the same experience but are too afraid to 'walk'? When they do walk, many walk to Buddhism or even Sikhism, anything, it appears, to avoid the One they call the Man-on-a-Stick and the Son of a Whore. It takes courage to leave that cult, perhaps more courage than leaving any cult, even Mormons or JWs. Of course the idea that faith comes with blood is as anti-scientific and insane as the belief that Jahweh wants genital mutilation as proof of belonging.
Been following a few wise, intelligent, well informed people like Alex, Big Serge, Simplicius, John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs on war in Ukraine.
You are unique, because you find the truth about people, and war, looking with your heart. Two notes on that,
one, some people do it as their essential, most basic way of understanding the world, they just do not know a different way, or just cannot take a different path, like Kafka's Hungerkuenstler.
two, heart does not lie, heart understands the truth about people long before mind is willing to accept the inevitable, irrefutable, one who is looking with his heart is at the same time vulnerable to pain, violence, aggression of the world, and yet more resistant to self delusion.
I appreciate your answer. The voices on the list made me understand something more about the war, Russia, Putin, Ukraine. But also, in an indirect way, throw some light, enable a somewhat different perspective on relations between Southern Slavs, Serbians and Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins.
Each war is a tragedy, and this tragic aspect gets a bit lost when we speak about hundreds of thousands deaths.
In the name of all those who would have answered, who have answered the call of their homeland/motherland/fatherland, who are dead, and who are alive, I expect a significantly more serious approach to conflict, competition, and war from our leaders.
I am certain than neither one of the listed authors, from Alex, to Big Serge, to Simplicius, to Jeffrey Sachs to John Mearsheimer would have led us blindly and stupidly into the war that has caused over a million deaths.
Even listening to their advice would have helped.
And still, although an approach from the heart helps to never start a war oneself, it is not enough, like a case of Mr Gorbachev shows.
One has to be able to see the reality, but there is long way from realising that you and your opponent/neighbour have different ideas, different interests, to fighting a war. There is a space and time for diplomacy, for great leaders finding a way forward through negotiations before war and destruction and deaths.
Once a war starts one fights for his country.
I am glad wars in former Yugoslavia are over. I am a Croat.
Admittedly I am a life,not Russophile but I do think Putin will be remembered as one of the great statesmen of the last century or so. I’ve had the sense recently that JFK may have been the last chance of the US.
It's truly astonishing how you can see inside Trumps mind and know his only motivation for pardoning 6ers is to give Biden the finger. That's quite the super power!
Of course, I can’t see inside his mind (I’d rather NOT look! Ugh) but it certainly seems that way. I don’t see him as a compassionate person or a person concerned about justice. If he were, he would have pardoned Assange when he had the chance.
It's becoming obvious to anyone with any innate ability for evaluation to conclude that Putin's leadership has been extraordinary - and in very difficult circumstances.
However - and before we blind ourselves with binary thinking - Trump’s term ain't over yet. It's barely begun and I also want to add that in many ways it's more challenging than Putin's. Don't think so?
Putin has a populace which is essentially homogeneous and never totally succumbed to their Soviet masters - keeping in mind their own history of Mother Russia and their Orthodox Christian faith.
America - on the other hand - has become a vassal of DaSynagogue of Satan, especially over the last 100 years. Name one institution that is not converged into servitude for DSOS - go ahead - I dare you!
Guaranteed - Trump would not have been re-elected without the approval of DSOS.
Remember JFK.....RFK.....
Let's wait and see....
Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will be recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him - REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE!
If he acts as president of Israel.....MAGA is DOA!
If Trump sets Putin as a model, he may succeed.
Completely impossible to happen. Trump simply doesn't have the tools to comprehend a man like Putin.
Coincidently today, I'm British by the way I was talking to Czech. Who came to Britain 10 years ago for work. He told me his mother was Russian. He was said his brother has moved to Russia for work. His brother learnt Russian from his Mother. He said he was speaking to his brother last night. His brother was saying how much he is loving life in Russia. His brother was saying Putin has achieved fantastic things for the Russian people. Their standards of living have grown massively over the past decade. While the lad I was talking to was complaining of how much Britain has declined since he arrived. He was saying he couldn't believe how the British citizens are putting up with everything what's going on. He was obviously saying the same stuff to his brother in Russia. His brother said, yes I know how the British & Americans believe they're free to do what they choose. They both found it funny that we think we are free compared to the Russian citizens. The biggest point he made was. The Russian people have spare money to enjoy their freedom a lot more than we can. His brother said they don't know what a real good leader is like. Everyone lives Putin because they feel he is one of them. Which he is in my opinion. Where our rulers especially the likes of Trump are so arrogant. They believe they're saying stuff we want to hear. Because they like to hear these things themselves usualy about themselves. Our quality of life in the West is declining massively. Because we allow ourselves to be ruled over by people who have no concept of our realities.
This is actually my conclusion too -- Putin is one of the "people" -- meaning the majority of Russians. Our leaders are not. I am Canadian. I see no "leaders' can can lead because none are representative. A good example is Justin Trudeau.
That's a good comparison and a great tribute to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In the photo where he was young he looks so serious. Like most Russians he loves cats too!
I saw a couple of videos of VVP. One was about a stop in an isolated town campaigning for president. A little girl missed seeing him and was sorely disappointed and crying. Putin heard about and arranged a visit to the Kremlin for the girl and her parents. He greeted them with beautiful bouquets of flowers. The little girl was beside herself with joy. It was beautiful. The other video was about Vladimir Vladimirovich's visit to his teacher. He knocked on her door holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
If only we had leaders like those of Russia.
A little humanity helps. A certain spirituality.
We need more Soul and less Materialism right now
Nice article. Maybe one of your best!?
Please mind this typo: "ears" instead "years". That made me giggle!
Oh, my.....not AGAIN.... I shall fix it. Thank you Ismaele. And a compliment from you is a compliment indeed.
Liked your article Julian. When you compare them both, Putin had an infinitely harder job of bringing his country from absolute rock bottom. He had to face an extremely powerful oligarchy, western financial interests, open rebellion in parts of the country,complete economic ruin. There is almost none of this in America atleast not to the same extent it was in Russia of the 90s. The main critique I have ha dof Donald Trump is that a man as ignorant as he is could not resurrect a village let alone a country. He has never read a book in his entire life. I guess his father didn't deem it necessary. Because after all why would killers read stuff. That sounds like something a loser would do. You think Trump is an idiot, I think he is just ignorant with no desire to learn. Trump has again started showing his true colours on the gaza issue yet some analysts continue to parrot the same Trump is playing 4D chess narrative. Trump has probably never even played chess in his life because that would involve actual thinking and not just bragging your way ahead.
It is hard to play chess well, or at all, in a gold-plated penthouse with gold-plated hair to match.
Trump will give us peons a taste of life as it existed in the German Democratic Republic only without the concrete material benefits.
You must mean the Weimar Republic. Yeah, we're on our way. If we continue as we do we'll end up like the Third Reich. It's logical since we're the Fourth Reich.
I agree...back to the future ...the Weimar Republic. For Germans, Hitler was an improvement.
Putin came to prominence stopping the degradation of Russia by the U.S. through Yeltsin. He nipped the PNAC plan for RF in the bud, until Obama,, W Bush had his main theme war on Iraq.
Growing up on the mean streets teaches you something about survival and morality. To survive well you need our values intact.
The comic book character Batman fights corruption in Gotham City, but he hides his identity from the people he protects. Because he knows if they discover he's wealthy they'll hate him and sympathize with forces of corruption. So Batman is "the hero Gotham needs but doesn't deserve".
I hadn't thought of that! Great point.
A great article! I have sent it to friends and some selected foes alike, with a note which reads:
"Suffering from Russophobia? Here is a "free, safe and effective" first jab of 'vaccine' for that."
Ichi has been having a salutary effect on your writing, which was good to start with. Is he your spirit animal?
The First Nations people I used to live with noticed that when I was in the bush, they would often see a lone wolf watching. Lone wolves are fairly rare. They said "It's you".
Excellent analysis
It appears that V V Putin and his family were fortunate enough to share their 'kommunalka' (communal flat) with non-Zionist Jews. Putin knows both types well and definitely has a preference for the better ones. I spent some time in a communal flat - they were often hell, but not always. If you want to see a wonderful Russian comedy on the topic I highly recommend The Pokrovsky Gates. You will probably find it easily with good subs on Yandex or YouTube,
Putin's mother was Jewish. Meaning her mother was Jewish. Although her father was not. And she was an Orthodox Christian.
I find it passing strange that Jews themselves lend credence to their bugbear, Hitler, who was simply using their rules, in essence, to decide who was a Jew. Or did they rather follow his rules? Hard for me to tell in this hellish goulash of a nightmare. My wife was 'born a jew' (but does that even mean anything?) and found nothing attractive in the religion. It was a dead letter to her. I wonder how many jews have the same experience but are too afraid to 'walk'? When they do walk, many walk to Buddhism or even Sikhism, anything, it appears, to avoid the One they call the Man-on-a-Stick and the Son of a Whore. It takes courage to leave that cult, perhaps more courage than leaving any cult, even Mormons or JWs. Of course the idea that faith comes with blood is as anti-scientific and insane as the belief that Jahweh wants genital mutilation as proof of belonging.
deeply appreciate your work.
Been following a few wise, intelligent, well informed people like Alex, Big Serge, Simplicius, John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs on war in Ukraine.
You are unique, because you find the truth about people, and war, looking with your heart. Two notes on that,
one, some people do it as their essential, most basic way of understanding the world, they just do not know a different way, or just cannot take a different path, like Kafka's Hungerkuenstler.
two, heart does not lie, heart understands the truth about people long before mind is willing to accept the inevitable, irrefutable, one who is looking with his heart is at the same time vulnerable to pain, violence, aggression of the world, and yet more resistant to self delusion.
Same list as me! Dixie Serb?
I appreciate your answer. The voices on the list made me understand something more about the war, Russia, Putin, Ukraine. But also, in an indirect way, throw some light, enable a somewhat different perspective on relations between Southern Slavs, Serbians and Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins.
Each war is a tragedy, and this tragic aspect gets a bit lost when we speak about hundreds of thousands deaths.
In the name of all those who would have answered, who have answered the call of their homeland/motherland/fatherland, who are dead, and who are alive, I expect a significantly more serious approach to conflict, competition, and war from our leaders.
I am certain than neither one of the listed authors, from Alex, to Big Serge, to Simplicius, to Jeffrey Sachs to John Mearsheimer would have led us blindly and stupidly into the war that has caused over a million deaths.
Even listening to their advice would have helped.
And still, although an approach from the heart helps to never start a war oneself, it is not enough, like a case of Mr Gorbachev shows.
One has to be able to see the reality, but there is long way from realising that you and your opponent/neighbour have different ideas, different interests, to fighting a war. There is a space and time for diplomacy, for great leaders finding a way forward through negotiations before war and destruction and deaths.
Once a war starts one fights for his country.
I am glad wars in former Yugoslavia are over. I am a Croat.
Biden derangement syndrome? Driving While Black ? DWI... Driving While Indian?
Come on. Republicans and maga and Jews in the Wailing Wall White House, you betcha
... Chinese Derangement Syndrome? Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela derangement syndrome?
And now Putin versus Trump? Oh. The next department of education Linda McMahon? She getting the two white ghouls into the WEE wrestling ring?
Admittedly I am a life,not Russophile but I do think Putin will be remembered as one of the great statesmen of the last century or so. I’ve had the sense recently that JFK may have been the last chance of the US.
“In fact, “populism” is a meaningless epithet because all politicians, left or right, good and bad are “populists” in one way or another”
Finally someone saying it. Now I believe you are a lone wolf
It's truly astonishing how you can see inside Trumps mind and know his only motivation for pardoning 6ers is to give Biden the finger. That's quite the super power!
Of course, I can’t see inside his mind (I’d rather NOT look! Ugh) but it certainly seems that way. I don’t see him as a compassionate person or a person concerned about justice. If he were, he would have pardoned Assange when he had the chance.