Trump wouldn't know G. I. Gurdjieff from Tallulah Bankhead 😂 I remember late summer 1979 I drove eight hours from Toronto to New York City for the premier of Meetings With Remarkable Men! He influenced my worldview but I never really got into the meditation - LSD, peyote, mushrooms, and some other shit yes, meditation no.

I don't think Trump had many experiences like that, or read anything by Dostoevsky or Norman Mailer, or read Anything of substance, or sat in front of a Monet at MoMA for than five seconds. But I'm sure he was a big fan of Citizen Kane though! But maybe not the third act.


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My Golden Economics Rule is to make as much money, doing as little work as possible, while not screwing over anybody. The exception is government and the oligarchs who run them, they are always fair game, the only rule being don't get caught.

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Most, if not all politicians and CEOs are highly aggresive narcissists that will not admit that change does not need to be destructive/lethal.

Bucky Fuller (the guy witht the geodetic dome) once said:

Don't waste your energy by fighting current things, build better ones and let the old ones become obsolete ...

Destruction is just good for business and profits for the few !!!

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“Destruction” should probably be understood as “deconstruction” as in “renovation”

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About China - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=China&max-results=20&by-date=true&m=1 - during the ascent of China in the last 40 years - Chinese leaders built the country for the Chinese - America's foreign leaders destroyed America building their own wealth....by removing factories overseas, bringing in millions of un-assimilable foreigners to drive down wages and build a war industry to keep congress under their thumb. And that's just for starters!

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Crush-Limb-Raw indeed !!! 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥

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Whatever your understanding of Mao and the Cultural Revolution may be, your understanding of Trump is cartoonish.

Nowhere is the PMC mentioned: the Professional Managerial Class that significantly comprises the Deep State and the MICIMATT complex.

Equally wrong is the presumption of Trump/Musk as "techno-feudal elites" and "techno-feudal overlords" - WTF do you call Google, Apple, Facebook and their well documented interactions with the Deep State and US Federal government to suppress free speech and dissent?

Nor is there any mention of globalism - and the natural response of the non-PMCs, non-elites to globalism and its effects on their livelihoods.

The most egregious failure in this article is the failure to compare and contrast the purported cultural/bureaucratic/social elites "holding back" the Chinese Communist Revolution with the actual, self appointed cultural/bureaucratic/social elites that attempted to remake America into some weird globalist variant.

Or in more simple terms: Mao wanted his popular revolution to succeed despite reactionary elites while Trump/Musk are pushing back an attempted cultural revolution by liberal elites.

Which is to say, the entire premise of your article is false.

Lose the TDS and maybe you can do a better job of comparing/contrasting the Cultural Revolution vs. what is happening now.

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A very valuable Analysis. Thank you.

And indeed it explains the working of the Phase-Shifts in the Chaos Theory.

Any Order, unstoppable tends to go to a stagnation. It cannot grow/develop any more.

It needs Chaos to throw new Dies and from the Chaos see a higher Order arise.

Exactly what i see Trump and his team do. Destroy the current Order (The Rule Based Order of forever Wars) and try to let grow another Order (hopefully some kind of forever peace-one).

Just saying.


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To really understand chaos theory you need to understand quantum theory, as it applies to phase shifts vs “order”. IMO.

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Absolutely... But who really understands Quantum Theory ? Even Einstein didn't get it.


Solar panels, LED lights, your mobile phone and MRI scanners in hospitals: all of these rely on quantum behavior. It is one of the best-tested theories of physics, and we use it all the time.


The experiments that convinced most physicists that this was a real thing, and worth significant effort, were done in the early 1980's by Alain Aspect and colleagues in France. I will not try to explain that.



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Dear Julian Macfarlane, whatever opinion we can have about President Trump, I believe that your sentence "a pity Trump never had to struggle" is not fair...

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Hopefully I am not misstating Julian, but I read struggle in the sense of having a bout of material deprivation. Trump has not had that. For a few, worn out clothes, no money, and hunger, or a persistent illness can instill a drive to lift themselves and many others to a far better life.

Julian did not claim that Trump had no legal or political challenges.

What I see is a president that talks populism but enacts cronyism. His strife is one of the well-to-do and no one is going to confuse him with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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Yes, I was thinking of material deprivation. Trump’s legal and political challenges were hardly struggles in these terms. The point about populism and cronyism is very apt.

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What I meant was he never suffered material deprivation. Obviously, he had political and legal struggles.

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Maybe Trump's handlers are feeling like they don't have as much money as they used to have...or power...or energy?

The Western countries are struggling to share the space on the podium with China.

The underlying factor is that there are billions more consumers on earth: feeding, clothing and transporting them needs oil, coal and gas. The competition regarding these resources is fierce and it seems the West has been too complacent/wasteful or they thought they might just carry on stealing what they need.

It seems less like a cultural revolution than a last ditch effort to save money or chaos for the sake of chaos in the hope that the billions start living shorter lives.

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Technocrats assume that a lot of people can replaced by technology. AI. In which case, what you say makes complete sense.

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America attracts productive immigrants because they believe American government will influence their lives LESS than their current government, not more. This is the allure of America - Freedom From Government oppression & the Rule of Law.

Those 2 concepts have been destroyed in Washington DC by Democrat regimes. The Federal government has absolutely no credibility anymore. EVERYTHING Washington DC does is done with banana-republic levels of corruption and ineptitude. Thus the popularity of MAGA and the migration of productive people and ex-Democrats to it (Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, etc)

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It’s that “American Dream” thing. The image versus reality,

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On telegram last night. Both Hamas & US Ambassador Boehler believe a deal can be reached. 2 month truce for 10 hostages. Long term rebuild & peace based on Egypt's rebuild proposal.

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I found this on one of the forums this morning:

80 Years ago the US targeted and bombed civilian targets in Tokyo.

'Eerie' sky, charred bodies: 80 years since Tokyo's World War II firestorm

At least 80,000 people died, with the figure likely more than 100,000, according to Japanese and U.S. historians.


Yet today and even decades before this day the Japanese love America. I don't think the people of the US know or understand how much Japan and its people love the US.

It's really a case study as a perfect example of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Perhaps in a generation or two Ukrainians will love Russia as much. Even though Russia has caused nowhere near the civilian casualties nor did they purposely target civilians at these scales with conventional bombs and certainly not nuclear weapons. Perhaps the Stockholm Syndrome can be seen worldwide in a sense as no blame, dismay or hate ever seems to find its way towards the US. On the contrary people defend the US no matter how big the atrocity or the number of events around the world or the amount of civilians who died re: Vietnam / Iraq and scorn anyone who holds up the mirror of history.


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When I spent a week in Japan a decade ago I was impressed by the incredible peace and safety. Better than Europe and much better than USA. We Americans were treated with friendliness, but so were the Chinese in our group. It seems the Japanese have chosen to discard old hatreds. At least they don't show any. Good enough.

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For some reason it's not allowing me to buy you a coffee Julian

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Thank you for trying anyway! :) The link at the very bottom of the article connects fine (I just tested it). Perhaps you are trying to "subscribe". Substack does not allow Paid Subscriptions in my case. So you have to to https://buymeacoffee.com/julicow.

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New oxymoron: "understaffed bureaucracy".

Suppose Trump-Musk are gutting the professional managerial class as it exists in the federalcivil service.

View that way.... it is a bit more palatable

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Statistically speaking almost all areas of the Federal bureaucracy are understaffed and underfunded in the social services -- but there are notable exceptions, USAID, NED, and especially the military. The cuts target social services. USAID and NED are actually being renamed and put under more direct control by the CIA, and NSA as agents of subversion.

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