… all mimsey were the neocons

and the MSM wrathes outgrabe.

“Beware the Gaslighttalk my son!

The lies that bind! The gotchas’ snag!

Beware the Jeanpierre Bird, and shun

Nancy! the ferocious 100-year old bag!...”

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Good article Julian !

In my country there is a saying:

"Whether you get bitten by the cat or the dog, you will still get bitten."

Sayings are mostly much wiser than the people that forgot them...



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G'day Julian,

Thanks for your time repeating the obvious as it is easy to get subsumed by all the noise. Pity the red capped brigade can't see this and lose their fanaticism or denial of reality.

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People like me on the spectrum are in some ways examples of arrested development. We see with a child's eyes. And children "get" the obvious.

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In that perennially relevant story, it was a child who pointed out that the Emperor wore no clothes, when no one else would.

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The Moody Blues

To Our Children's Children's Children (1969)

- In the Eyes of a Child (Subtitled)


From the lyrics:

Now in his life, he never must be lost

No thoughts must deceive him

In life he must trust


No words will go with you

And now what is real?


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Nice details about what your good point is.

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Problem is that you cannot change or kill a hydra by chopping off heads. You have to kill the body.

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FJB vs the orange loud boy. Rodeo clowns having a food fight in the middle skool cafeteria. A show about nothing...a tale told by a CNN bot, signifying nothing.

Camacho for president-AGAIN!!


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Oh, I LIKE that!

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Very curious about why you didn't mention Kennedy. You didn't watch his responses? More than four million of us did.


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RFK's voice drives me crazy. But i don't see him offering a real alternative. He is as genocidal as Biden and Trump in his support of Israel, The difference is that he is not bought off by AIPAC. He is ultimately a Zionist. A pity because otherwise he has some good ideas. IMO,.

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Yes, lots of people see that as the major knock on RFK. But his stance on vax is real.

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The hydra you speak of has one head to rule the others. Its lair is the City of London. It's competency is money, lots of it. From its wellspring all things related to global fascism flow.

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I disagree. The body is the City. The heads are everywhere. :)

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> Presidents like to think they are in control-- but really they are not. They are just one head of the monster. The only one that you can see. You never get to see the body either.

Correct. Correct on everything.

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Nothing of value to interpret from either, I'm afraid. One is a bloviating narcissist, the other a demented criminal.

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Rudey for President!

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