Telling point on Ukraine debt. Ukraine will integrate with Russian federation and avoid debt slavery and recover all the land and industry sold to US & EU corporations/sovereign funds. Bad news for them. Yippee!

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Thinking in Pictures...

The "3D sensorimotor space plus feelings Gestalt" definition of (non-verbal / wordless) "reality"...

Is what Wise Men for Ages call: Being Enlightened... (My hypothesis... and yes my last Guru, Jan van Delden, who has Dyslexia, was a difficult child and for a while was a Hooligan (the Hague) until he met Yoga Guru Wolter Keers -Advaita Vedanta-, who showed him the Light, admitted his thinking in pictures and probable Autism).

For Autistics it is even more meaningful, because thinking in words or better: in Word-Concepts is the cause of our failures and causes Sensory overloads on the Neural Network connections (White Matter) between the older part of the Brain (The Limbic System) and the Neocortex, mainly the Frontal Lobe that runs the "Will", Ego, Language, Social Identity (Your curriculum Vitae narratives and all other Narratives, that together constitute the Virtual Social Reality of our society of social mammals).

You think you are that Narrative and that Ego, but you are just "They Eye that sees but cannot see itself". Which means you are NOT your Ego. That is just a Symbol and NOT a reality.

When thinking in pictures, there is NO Person doing that. When in Hyperfocus (or Flow) there is nobody anywhere and everything goes with the flow.

OK.. just saying...


PS. Thinking in concepts versus thinking in pictures:


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